Daily Tech Digest - October 05, 2024

Integrating and Scaling AI Solutions with Modular Architecture

The modular AI ecosystem is a fluid environment comprising various players that contribute to the democratization and commoditization of AI technologies. Foundational model providers (e.g., ChatGPT and Koala) create core capabilities and specialized SLMs. Enterprise AI solution providers (e.g., Kore AI and Haptik) build prepackaged and customized domain and industry-specific solutions. AI service providers (e.g., HuggingFace and Scale AI) offer platforms to build AI models and provide services such as data labeling, prompt engineering, and fine-tuning AI models. Infrastructure players (e.g., AWS and Azure) provide cloud services to host AI models, data storage and management solutions, and high-performance computing resources. This ecosystem facilitates the rapid innovation of AI technologies while broadening their reach. ... Adopting modular AI architectures offers significant opportunities but also presents challenges. While the transition and upfront investment can be costly and demanding, particularly for legacy-laden enterprises, the potential benefits — such as enhanced agility, lower costs, and easier access to specialized AI tools — are interesting.

Why cloud security outranks cost and scalability

As businesses integrate cloud computing, they grapple with escalating complexity and cyberthreats. To remain agile and competitive, they embrace cloud-native design principles, an operational model that allows for independence and scalability through microservices and extensive API usage. However, this does not come without its challenges. ... Complex cloud environments mean that adopting cloud-native designs introduces layers of complexity. Ensuring security across distributed components (microservices and APIs) becomes crucial, as misconfigurations or vulnerabilities can lead to significant risks. I’ve been screaming about this for years, along with others. Although we accept complexity as a means to an end in terms of IT, it needs to be managed in light of its impact on security. Compliance and regulatory pressures mean that many industries face strict regulations regarding data protection and privacy (e.g., GDPR, CCPA). Ensuring compliance requires robust security measures to protect sensitive information in the cloud. Many enterprises are moving to sovereign or local clouds that are local to the laws and regulations they adhere to. Companies view this as reducing risk; even if those clouds are more expensive, the risk reduction is worth it.

Kaspersky confirmed the issue on the company's official forums on Sunday and said that it's currently investigating why its software is no longer available on Google's app store. "The downloads and updates of Kaspersky products are temporarily unavailable on the Google Play store," a Kaspersky employee said. "Kaspersky is currently investigating the circumstances behind the issue and exploring potential solutions to ensure that users of its products can continue downloading and updating their applications from Google Play." While the apps are unavailable, Kaspersky advised users to install them from alternative app stores, including the Galaxy Store, Huawei AppGallery, and Xiaomi GetApps. The company's security apps can also be installed by downloading the .apk installation file from Kaspersky's website. This support page provides more information on how to install and activate Kaspersky's software on Android devices. This comes after Kaspersky told BleepingComputer in July that it would shut down its United States operations after the U.S. government sanctioned the company and 12 executives and banned Kaspersky antivirus software over national security concerns in June.

How to Get Going with CTEM When You Don't Know Where to Start

Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is a strategic framework that helps organizations continuously assess and manage cyber risk. It breaks down the complex task of managing security threats into five distinct stages: Scoping, Discovery, Prioritization, Validation, and Mobilization. Each of these stages plays a crucial role in identifying, addressing, and mitigating vulnerabilities - before they can be exploited by attackers. ... As transformational as CTEM is, many teams see the list above and understandably back off, feeling it's too complex and nuanced of an undertaking. Since the inception of CTEM, some teams have chosen to forgo the benefits, because even with a roadmap, it seems just too cumbersome of a lift for them. The most productive way to make CTEM a very attainable reality is with a unified approach to CTEM that simplifies implementation by integrating all the multiple stages of CTEM into one cohesive platform. ... XM Cyber's unified approach to CTEM simplifies implementation by integrating multiple stages into one cohesive platform. This minimizes the complexity associated with deploying disparate tools and processes. 

Microsoft Sees Devs Embracing a ‘Paradigm Shift’ to GenAIOps

“One of the key differences with GenAI compared to classic machine learning is that in almost all cases, the GenAI model was not built by the developers’ organization; rather it licensed it or accessed it via an API or downloaded it from an open source repository such as Hugging Face,” Patience told The New Stack. “That puts a greater importance on choosing the right models for the task. Contrast that with narrower predictive models using classic machine learning which were usually built and trained using the organization’s own data.” Many LLMs are massive in size and GenAIOps will bring a more orderly process to collecting, curating, cleaning, and creating proper data sets and the proper measured creation of models with specific checkpoints, Andy Thurai, principal analyst at Constellation Research, told The New Stack. “Otherwise, it will lead to chaos for many reasons,” Thurai said. “This can also lead to huge infrastructure costs if the models are not trained properly. So far, many developers use random techniques and procedures to create ML models or even LLMs. These defined processes, technologies, and procedures bring some order to the creation, deployment, and maintenance of those models.”

How Tech Companies Are Readying IT Security For Quantum Computing

When preparing for PQC, a good place to start is to identify all the points of encryption in your organization. Start with sensitive areas including VPN, external server access and remote access. IT leaders should also identify the cryptographic methods you’re currently using and think about how your organization can upgrade to post-quantum standards in the future. Some encryption methods that are currently in use are particularly vulnerable to future quantum computers. For example, a method called RSA (named after Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman, who publicly described the algorithm in 1977) encrypts a large portion of internet traffic. While this method uses prime factors that are difficult for traditional computers to decode, it’s much easier for a quantum computer. Prior to a powerful quantum computer being released, organizations will need to replace RSA. Fortunately, there are many options to do this. One is to double the number of bits current RSA encryption uses from 2048 to 4,096. This number is difficult for even quantum computers to crack. The same goes for other encryption schemes. By increasing the problem size, you can make it much harder to solve.

Why MFA alone won’t protect you in the age of adversarial AI

“MFA changed the game for a long time,” said Caulfield. “But what we’ve found over the past 5 years with these recent identity attacks is that MFA can easily be defeated.” One of the greatest threats to MFA is social engineering or more personalized psychological tactics. Because people put so much of themselves online — via social media or LinkedIn — attackers have free reign to research anyone in the world. Thanks to increasingly sophisticated AI tools, stealthy threat actors can craft campaigns “at mass scale,” said Caulfield. They will initially use phishing to access a user’s primary credential, then employ AI-based outreach to trick them into sharing a second credential or take action that allows attackers into their account. Or, attackers will spam the secondary MFA SMS or push notification method causing “MFA fatigue,” when the user eventually gives in and pushes “allow.” Threat actors will also prime victims, making situations seem urgent, or fool them into thinking they’re getting legitimate messages from an IT help desk. With man-in-the-middle attacks, meanwhile, an attacker can intercept a code during transmission between user and provider.

How Functional Programming Can Help You Write Efficient, Elegant Web Applications

Functional programming might seem intimidating and overly academic at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's a game-changer and a lot of fun on top of it! To better understand how functional programming can help us build more maintainable software, let's start from the beginning and understand why a program becomes harder and harder to maintain as it becomes more significant. ... Another advantage of pure functions is that they are easy to test for the above reasons. There is no need to mock objects because every function depends only on its inputs, and there is no need to set up and verify internal states at the end of the tests because they don't have any. Finally, using immutable data and pure functions dramatically simplifies the parallelisation of tasks across multiple CPUs and machines on the network. For this reason, many of the so-called "big data" solutions have adopted functional architectures. However, there are no silver bullets in computer programming. Both the functional approach and the object-oriented approach have tradeoffs. If your application has a very complex mutable state that is primarily local, it may take much work to model in a functional design.

AI has a stupid secret: we’re still not sure how to test for human levels of intelligence

Traditional human IQ tests have long been controversial for failing to capture the multifaceted nature of intelligence, encompassing everything from language to mathematics to empathy to sense of direction. There’s an analagous problem with the tests used on AIs. There are many well established tests covering such tasks as summarising text, understanding it, drawing correct inferences from information, recognising human poses and gestures, and machine vision. Some tests are being retired, usually because the AIs are doing so well at them, but they’re so task-specific as to be very narrow measures of intelligence. For instance, the chess-playing AI Stockfish is way ahead of Magnus Carlsen, the highest scoring human player of all time, on the Elo rating system. Yet Stockfish is incapable of doing other tasks such as understanding language. Clearly it would be wrong to conflate its chess capabilities with broader intelligence. But with AIs now demonstrating broader intelligent behaviour, the challenge is to devise new benchmarks for comparing and measuring their progress. One notable approach has come from French Google engineer François Chollet. He argues that true intelligence lies in the ability to adapt and generalise learning to new, unseen situations.

How CISOs are navigating the “slippery” AI data protection problem

The problem, according to Hudson, is that policing this is “too slippery” and that as soon as businesses say no to their staff, or block access to the platforms, they simply find ways to circumvent these measures. Hudson asked a panel of CISOs at leading financial institutions in the US on how they were navigating this landscape fraught with potential privacy violations. Togai Andrews, CISO at the Bureau of US Engraving and Printing, said he had been working on developing a governance policy to allow the use of generative AI technology in a responsible way but struggled to back up this policy with effective technical controls. Andrews said this failure to enforce the policy was laid bare in a recent internal report on employee use of generative AI in the office, noting that he was virtually powerless to prevent it. “A month ago I got a report that stated about 40% of our users were using [tools like] Copilot, Grammarly, or ChatGPT to make reports and to summarize internal documents, but I had no way of stopping it.” He explained that as a result he has changed his approach to ensuring employees have a better grasp of the data risks associated with using such tools in their day-to-day workflow.

Quote for the day:

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody expects of you. Never excuse yourself." -- Henry Ward Beecher

Daily Tech Digest - October 04, 2024

Over 80% of phishing sites now target mobile devices

M-ishing was highlighted to be the top security challenge plaguing the mobile space, both in the public sector (10%) and the private sector, and more importantly, 76% of phishing sites are now using HTTP, giving users a false sense of communication protocol. “Phishing using HTTPS is not completely new,” Krishna Vishnubhotla, vice President for product strategy at Zimperium. “Last year’s report revealed that, between 2021 and 2022, the percentage of phishing sites targeting mobile devices increased from 75% to 80%. Some of them were already using HTTPS but the focus was converting campaigns to target mobile.” “This year, we are seeing a meteoric rise in this tactic for mobile devices, which is a sign of maturing tactics on mobile, and it makes sense. The mobile form factor is conducive to deceiving the user because we rarely see the URL in the browser or the quick redirects. Moreover, we are conditioned to believe a link is secure if it has a padlock icon next to the URL in our browsers. Especially on mobile, users should look beyond the lock icon and carefully verify the website’s domain name before entering any sensitive information,” Vishnubhotla said.

How GPT-4o defends your identity against AI-generated deepfakes

OpenAI’s latest model, GPT-4o, is designed to identify and stop these growing threats. As an “autoregressive omni model, which accepts as input any combination of text, audio, image and video,” as described on its system card published on Aug. 8. OpenAI writes, “We only allow the model to use certain pre-selected voices and use an output classifier to detect if the model deviates from that.” Identifying potential deepfake multimodal content is one of the benefits of OpenAI’s design decisions that together define GPT-4o. Noteworthy is the amount of red teaming that’s been done on the model, which is among the most extensive of recent-generation AI model releases industry-wide. All models need to constantly be training on and learning from attack data to keep their edge, and that’s especially the case when it comes to keeping up with attackers’ deepfake tradecraft that is becoming indistinguishable from legitimate content. ... GANs most often consist of two neural networks. The first is a generator that produces synthetic data (images, videos or audio) and a discriminator that evaluates its realism. The generator’s goal is to improve the content’s quality to deceive the discriminator. This advanced technique creates deepfakes nearly indistinguishable from real content.

The 4 Evolutions of Your Observability Journey

Known unknowns can be used to describe the second stage. They fit because we’re looking at things we know we don’t know, but we’re trying to see how well we can develop the understanding of those unknowns, whereas if these were unknown unknowns, we wouldn’t even know where to start. If the first stage is where most of your observability tooling lies, then this is the era of service-level objectives (SLOs); this is also the stage where observability starts being phrased in a “yes, and” manner. … Having developed the ability to figure out that you can ask questions about what happened in a system in the past, you’re probably now primarily concerned with statistical questions and developing more comprehensive correlations. ... Additionally, one of the most interesting developments here is when your incident reports change: They stop becoming concerned about what happened and start becoming concerned with how unusual or surprising it was. You’re seeing first hand this stage of the observability journey in action if you’ve ever read a retrospective that said something like, “We were surprised by the behavior, so we dug in. Even though our alerts were telling us that this other thing was the problem, we investigated the surprising thing first.”

Be the change you want to see: How to show initiative in the workplace

At one point or another, all of us are probably guilty of posing a question without offering a solution. Often we may feel that others are more qualified to address an issue than we are and as long as we bring the matter to someone’s attention, then that’s as far as we need go. While this is well and good – and certainly not every scenario can be dealt with single-handedly – it can be good practice to brainstorm ideas for the problems you identify. It’s important to loop people in and utilise the expertise of others, but you should also have confidence in your ability to tackle an issue. Identifying the problem is half the battle, so why not keep going and see what you come up with? ... Some are born with confidence to spare and some are not, luckily it is a skill that can be learned over time. Working on improving your confidence level, being more vocal and presenting yourself as an expert in your field are crucial to improving your ability to show initiative, as it means you are far more likely to take the reins and lead the way. Taking the initiative or going out on a limb, in many scenarios, can be nerve-wracking and you may doubt that you are the best person for the job. 

What is RPA? A revolution in business process automation

RPA is often touted as a mechanism to bolster ROI or reduce costs, but it can also be used to improve customer experience. For example, enterprises such as airlines employ thousands of customer service agents, yet customers are still waiting in queues to have their calls fielded. A chatbot could help alleviate some of that wait. ... COOs were some of the earliest adopters of RPA. In many cases, they bought RPA and hit a wall during implementation, prompting them to ask for IT’s help (and forgiveness). Now citizen developers without technical expertise are using cloud software to implement RPA in their business units, and often the CIO has to step in and block them. Business leaders must involve IT from the outset to ensure they get the resources they require. ... Many implementations fail because design and change are poorly managed, says Sanjay Srivastava, chief digital officer of Genpact. In the rush to get something deployed, some companies overlook communication exchanges between the various bots, which can break a business process. “Before you implement, you must think about the operating model design,” Srivastava says. “You need to map out how you expect the various bots to work together.” 

Best practices for implementing threat exposure management, reducing cyber risk exposure

Threat exposure management is the evolution of traditional vulnerability management. Several trends are making it a priority for modern security teams. An increase in findings that overwhelm resource-constrained teams As the attack surface expands to cloud and applications, the volume of findings is compounded by more fragmentation. Cloud, on-prem, and AppSec vulnerabilities come from different tools. Identity misconfigurations from other tools. This leads to enormous manual work to centralize, deduplicate, and prioritize findings using a common risk methodology. Finally, all of this is happening while attackers are moving faster than ever, with recent reports showing the median time to exploit a vulnerability is less than one day! Threat exposure management is essential because it continuously identifies and prioritizes risks—such as vulnerabilities and misconfigurations—across all assets, using the risk context applicable to your organization. By integrating with existing security tools, TEM offers a comprehensive view of potential threats, empowering teams to take proactive, automated actions to mitigate risks before they can be exploited. 

Understanding VBS Enclaves, Windows’ new security technology

Microsoft recently extended its virtualization-based security model to what it calls VBS Enclaves. If you’ve looked at implementing confidential computing on Windows Server or in Azure, you’ll be familiar with the concept of enclaves, using Intel’s SGX instruction set to lock down areas of memory, using them as a trusted execution environment. ... So how do you build and use VBS Enclaves? First, you’ll need Windows 11 or Windows Server 2019 or later, with VBS enabled. You can do this from the Windows security tool, via a Group Policy, or with Intune to control it via MDM. It’s part of the Memory Integrity service, so you should really be enabling it on all supported devices to help reduce security risks, even if you don’t plan to use VBS Enclaves in your code. The best way to think of it is as a way of using encrypted storage securely. So, for example, if you’re using a database to store sensitive data, you can use code running in an enclave to process and query that data, passing results to the rest of your application. You’re encapsulating data in a secure environment with only essential access allowed. No other parts of your system have access to the decryption keys, so on-disk data stays secure.

Smart(er) Subsea Cables to Provide Early Warning System

With the U.N. estimating between 150 to 200 cable faults annually, operators need all the help they can get to maintain the global fiber network, which carries about 99% of internet traffic between continents. Additionally, $10 trillion of financial transactions flow over them per day. This growing situation has businesses desperately seeking network resiliency and clamoring for always-on-network services as their data centers and apps demand maximum uptime. The system has been beset this year with large cable outages starting in February in the Red Sea and in the spring along Western Africa, and more. ... Equipping the cable with sensors would enhance research into one of the most under-explored regions of the planet: the vast depths of the Southern Ocean, the study read. The Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica strongly influences other oceans and climates worldwide, according to the NSF. “Equipping the subsea telecommunications cable with sensors would help researchers better understand how deep-sea currents contribute to global climate change and improve understanding of earthquake seismology and related early warning signs for tsunamis in the earthquake-prone South Pacific region.”

Security Needs to Be Simple and Secure By Default: Google

"Google engineers are working to secure AI and to bring AI to security practitioners," said Steph Hay, senior director of Gemini + UX for cloud security at Google. "Gen AI represents the inflection point of security. It is going to transform security workflows and give the defender the advantage." ... Google also advocates for the convergence of security products and embedding AI into the entire security ecosystem. Through Mandiant, VirusTotal and the Google Cloud Platform, Google aims to drive this convergence, along with safe browsing. Google is making this convergence possible by taking a platform-centric approach through its Security Command Center, or SCC. Hemrajani shared that SCC aims to unify security categories such as cloud security posture management, Kubernetes security posture management, entitlement management and threat intelligence. Security information and event management and security orchestration, automation and response also need to converge. "SCC is bringing all of these together to be able to model the risk that you are exposed to in a holistic manner," he said. "We also realize that there is a power of convergence between cloud risk management and security operations. We need to converge them even further and bring them together to truly benefit."

The AI Revolution: How Machine Learning Changed the World in Two Years

The future of AI in business will involve continued collaboration between governments, businesses, and individuals to address challenges and maximize opportunities presented by this transformative technology. AI is likely to become increasingly integrated into software and hardware, making it easier for businesses to adopt and utilize its capabilities. Success will depend on how it is leveraged to augment human capabilities rather than replacing them, creating a future where humans and AI work together in a complementary way. Beyond automating individual tasks, AI is driving a paradigm shift towards unprecedented efficiency across entire business operations. By automating repetitive tasks, AI allows employees to focus on more strategic and creative work, leading to increased productivity and innovation. A recent McKinsey study found AI could potentially automate 45% of the activities currently performed by workers. As well as automating processes, it can also streamline operations, and minimize errors, leading to significant cost savings for businesses. For example, automating customer service with AI can reduce the need for human agents, leading to lower labor costs.

Quote for the day:

"Intelligence is the ability to change your mind when presented with accurate information that contradicts your beliefs" -- Vala Afshar

Daily Tech Digest - October 03, 2024

Why Staging Is a Bottleneck for Microservice Testing

Multiple teams often wait for their turn to test features in staging. This creates bottlenecks. The pressure on teams to share resources can severely delay releases, as they fight for access to the staging environment. Developers who attempt to spin up the entire stack on their local machines for testing run into similar issues. As distributed systems engineer Cindy Sridharan notes, “I now believe trying to spin up the full stack on developer laptops is fundamentally the wrong mindset to begin with, be it at startups or at bigger companies.” The complexities of microservices make it impractical to replicate entire environments locally, just as it’s difficult to maintain shared staging environments at scale. ... From a release process perspective, the delays caused by a fragile staging environment lead to slower shipping of features and patches. When teams spend more time fixing staging issues than building new features, product development slows down. In fast-moving industries, this can be a major competitive disadvantage. If your release process is painful, you ship less often, and the cost of mistakes in production is higher. 

Misconfiguration Madness: Thwarting Common Vulnerabilities in the Financial Sector

Financial institutions require legions of skilled security personnel in order to overcome the many challenges facing their industry. Developers are an especially important part of that elite cadre of defenders for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, security-aware developers can write secure code for new applications, which can thwart attackers by denying them a foothold in the first place. If there are no vulnerabilities to exploit, an attacker won't be able to operate, at least not very easily. Developers with the right training can also help to support both modern and legacy applications by examining the existing code that makes up some of the primary vectors used to attack financial institutions. That includes cloud misconfigurations, lax API security, and the many legacy bugs found in applications written in COBOL and other aging computer languages. However, the task of nurturing and maintaining security-aware developers in the financial sector won’t happen on its own. It requires precise, immersive training programs that are highly customizable and matched to the specific complex environment that a financial services institution is using.

3 things to get right with data management for gen AI projects

The first is a series of processes — collecting, filtering, and categorizing data — that may take several months for KM or RAG models. Structured data is relatively easy, but the unstructured data, while much more difficult to categorize, is the most valuable. “You need to know what the data is, because it’s only after you define it and put it in a taxonomy that you can do anything with it,” says Shannon. ...  “We started with generic AI usage guidelines, just to make sure we had some guardrails around our experiments,” she says. “We’ve been doing data governance for a long time, but when you start talking about automated data pipelines, it quickly becomes clear you need to rethink the older models of data governance that were built more around structured data.” Compliance is another important area of focus. As a global enterprise thinking about scaling some of their AI projects, Harvard keeps an eye on evolving regulatory environments in different parts of the world. It has an active working group dedicated to following and understanding the EU AI Act, and before their use cases go into production, they run through a process to make sure all compliance obligations are satisfied.

Fundamentals of Data Preparation

Data preparation is intended to improve the quality of the information that ML and other information systems use as the foundation of their analyses and predictions. Higher-quality data leads to greater accuracy in the analyses the systems generate in support of business decision-makers. This is the textbook explanation of the link between data preparation and business outcomes, but in practice, the connection is less linear. ... Careful data preparation adds value to the data itself, as well as to the information systems that rely on the data. It goes beyond checking for accuracy and relevance and removing errors and extraneous elements. The data-prep stage gives organizations the opportunity to supplement the information by adding geolocation, sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and other aspects. Building an effective data preparation pipeline begins long before any data has been collected. As with most projects, the preparation starts at the end: identifying the organization’s goals and objectives, and determining the data and tools required to achieve those goals. ... Appropriate data preparation is the key to the successful development and implementation of AI systems in large part because AI amplifies existing data quality problems. 

How to Rein in Cybersecurity Tool Sprawl

Security tool sprawl happens for many different reasons. Adding new tools and new vendors as new problems arise without evaluating the tools already in place is often how sprawl starts. The sheer glut of tools available in the market can make it easy for security teams to embrace the latest and greatest solutions. “[CISOs] look for the newest, the latest and the greatest. They're the first adopter type,” says Reiter. A lack of communication between departments and teams in an enterprise can also contribute. “There's the challenge of teams not necessarily knowing their day-to-day functions of other team,” says Mar-Tang. Security leaders can start to wrap their heads around the problem of sprawl by running an audit of the security tools in place. Which teams use which tools? How often are the tools used? How many vendors supply those tools? What are the lengths of the vendor contracts? Breaking down communication barriers within an enterprise will be a necessary part of answering questions like these. “Talk to the … security and IT risk side of your house, the people who clean up the mess. You have an advocate and a partner to be able to find out where you have holes and where you have sprawl,” Kris Bondi, CEO and co-founder at endpoint security company Mimoto, recommends.

The Promise and Perils of Generative AI in Software Testing

The journey from human automation tester to AI test automation engineer is transformative. Traditionally, transitioning to test automation required significant time and resources, including learning to code and understanding automation frameworks. AI removes these barriers and accelerates development cycles, dramatically reducing time-to-market and improving accuracy, all while decreasing the level of admin tasks for software testers. AI-powered tools can interpret test scenarios written in plain language, automatically generate the necessary code for test automation, and execute tests across various platforms and languages. This dramatically reduces the enablement time, allowing QA professionals to focus on strategic tasks instead of coding complexities. ... As GenAI becomes increasingly integrated into software development life cycles, understanding its capabilities and limitations is paramount. By effectively managing these dynamics, development teams can leverage GenAI’s potential to enhance their testing practices while ensuring the integrity of their software products.

Near-'perfctl' Fileless Malware Targets Millions of Linux Servers

The malware looks for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations to exploit in order to gain initial access. To date, Aqua Nautilus reports, the malware has likely targeted millions of Linux servers, and compromised thousands. Any Linux server connected to the Internet is in its sights, so any server that hasn't already encountered perfctl is at risk. ... By tracking its infections, researchers identified three Web servers belonging to the threat actor: two that were previously compromised in prior attacks, and a third likely set up and owned by the threat actor. One of the compromised servers was used as the primary base for malware deployment. ... To further hide its presence and malicious activities from security software and researcher scrutiny, it deploys a few Linux utilities repurposed into user-level rootkits, as well as one kernel-level rootkit. The kernel rootkit is especially powerful, hooking into various system functions to modify their functionality, effectively manipulating network traffic, undermining Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM), establishing persistence even after primary payloads are detected and removed, or stealthily exfiltrating data. 

Three hard truths hindering cloud-native detection and response

Most SOC teams either lack the proper tooling or have so many cloud security point tools that the management burden is untenable. Cloud attacks happen way too fast for SOC teams to flip from one dashboard to another to determine if an application anomaly has implications at the infrastructure level. Given the interconnectedness of cloud environments and the accelerated pace at which cloud attacks unfold, if SOC teams can’t see everything in one place, they’ll never be able to connect the dots in time to respond. More importantly, because everything in the cloud happens at warp speed, we humans need to act faster, which can be nerve wracking and increase the chance of accidentally breaking something. While the latter is a legitimate concern, if we want to stay ahead of our adversaries, we need to get comfortable with the accelerated pace of the cloud. While there are no quick fixes to these problems, the situation is far from hopeless. Cloud security teams are getting smarter and more experienced, and cloud security toolsets are maturing in lockstep with cloud adoption. And I, like many in the security community, am optimistic that AI can help deal with some of these challenges.

How to Fight ‘Technostress’ at Work

Digital stressors don’t occur in isolation, according to the researchers, which necessitates a multifaceted approach. “To address the problem, you can’t just address the overload and invasion,” Thatcher said. “You have to be more strategic.” “Let’s say I’m a manager, and I implement a policy that says no email on weekends because everybody’s stressed out,” Thatcher said. “But everyone stays stressed out. That’s because I may have gotten rid of techno-invasion—that feeling that work is intruding on my life—but on Monday, when I open my email, I still feel really overloaded because there are 400 emails.” It’s crucial for managers to assess the various digital stressors affecting their employees and then target them as a combination, according to the researchers. That means to address the above problem, Thatcher said, “you can’t just address invasion. You can’t just address overload. You have to address them together,” he said. ... Another tool for managers is empowering employees, according to the study. “As a manager, it may feel really dangerous to say, ‘You can structure when and where and how you do work.’ 

Fix for BGP routing insecurity ‘plagued by software vulnerabilities’ of its own, researchers find

Under BGP, there is no way to authenticate routing changes. The arrival of RPIK just over a decade ago was intended to fix that, using a digital record called a Route Origin Authorization (ROA) that identifies an ISP as having authority over specific IP infrastructure. Route origin validation (ROV) is the process a router undergoes to check that an advertised route is authorized by the correct ROA certificate. In principle, this makes it impossible for a rogue router to maliciously claim a route it does not have any right to. RPKI is the public key infrastructure that glues this all together, security-wise. The catch is that, for this system to work, RPIK needs a lot more ISPs to adopt it, something which until recently has happened only very slowly. ... “Since all popular RPKI software implementations are open source and accept code contributions by the community, the threat of intentional backdoors is substantial in the context of RPKI,” they explained. A software supply chain that creates such vital software enabling internet routing should be subject to a greater degree of testing and validation, they argue.

Quote for the day:

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." -- Margaret Thatcher

Daily Tech Digest - October 02, 2024

Breaking through AI data bottlenecks

One of the most significant bottlenecks in training specialized AI models is the scarcity of high-quality, domain-specific data. Building enterprise-grade AI requires increasing amounts of diverse, highly contextualized data, of which there are limited supplies. This scarcity, sometimes known as the “cold start” problem, is only growing as companies license their data and further segment the internet. For startups and leading AI teams building state-of-the-art generative AI products for specialized use cases, public data sets also offer capped value, due to their lack of specificity and timeliness. ... Synthesizing data not only increases the volume of training data but also enhances its diversity and relevance to specific problems. For instance, financial services companies are already using synthetic data to rapidly augment and diversify real-world training sets for more robust fraud detection — an effort that is supported by financial regulators like the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority. By using synthetic data, these companies can generate simulations of never-before-seen scenarios and gain safe access to proprietary data via digital sandboxes.

Five Common Misconceptions About Event-Driven Architecture

Event sourcing is an approach to persisting data within a service. Instead of writing the current state to the database, and updating that stored data when the state changes, you store an event for every state change. The state can then be restored by replaying the events. Event-driven architecture is about communication between services. A service publishes any changes in its subdomain it deems potentially interesting for others, and other services subscribe to these updates. These events are carriers of state and triggers of actions on the subscriber side. While these two patterns complement each other well, you can have either without the other. ... Just as you can use Kafka without being event-driven, you can build an event-driven architecture without Kafka. And I’m not only talking about “Kafka replacements”, i.e. other log-based message brokers. I don’t know why you’d want to, but you could use a store-and-forward message queue (like ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ) for your eventing. You could even do it without any messaging infrastructure at all, e.g. by implementing HTTP feeds. Just because you could, doesn’t mean you should! A log-based message broker is most likely the best approach for you, too, if you want an event-driven architecture.

Mostly AI’s synthetic text tool can unlock enterprise emails and conversations for AI training

Mostly AI provides enterprises with a platform to train their own AI generators that can produce synthetic data on the fly. The company started off by enabling the generation of structured tabular datasets, capturing nuances of transaction records, patient journeys and customer relationship management (CRM) databases. Now, as the next step, it is expanding to text data. While proprietary text datasets – like emails, chatbot conversations and support transcriptions – are collected on a large scale, they are difficult to use because of the inclusion of PII (like customer information), diversity gaps and structured data to some level. With the new synthetic text functionality on the Mostly AI platform, users can train an AI generator using any proprietary text they have and then deploy it to produce a cleansed synthetic version of the original data, free from PII or diversity gaps. ... The new feature, and its ability to unlock value from proprietary text without privacy concerns, makes it a lucrative offering for enterprises looking to strengthen their AI training efforts. The company claims training a text classifier on its platform’s synthetic text resulted in 35% performance enhancement as compared to data generated by prompting GPT-4o-mini.

Not Maintaining Data Quality Today Would Mean Garbage In, Disasters Out

Enterprises are increasingly data-driven and rely heavily on the collected data to make decisions, says Choudhary. Also, a decade ago, a single application stored all its data in a relational database for weekly reporting. Today, data is scattered across various sources including relational databases, third-party data stores, cloud environments, on-premise systems, and hybrid models, says Choudhary. This shift has made data management much more complex, as all of these sources need to be harmonized in one place. However, in the world of AI, both structured and unstructured data need to be of high quality. Choudhary states that not maintaining data quality in the AI age would lead to garbage in, disasters out. Highlighting the relationship between AI and data observability in enterprise settings, he says that given the role of both structured and unstructured data in enterprises, data observability will become more critical. ... However, AI also requires the unstructured business context, such as documents from wikis, emails, design documents, and business requirement documents (BRDs). He stresses that this unstructured data adds context to the factual information on which business models are built.

Three Evolving Cybersecurity Attack Strategies in OT Environments

Attackers are increasingly targeting supply chains, capitalizing on the trust between vendors and users to breach OT systems. This method offers a high return on investment, as compromising a single supplier can result in widespread breaches. The Dragonfly attacks, where attackers penetrated hundreds of OT systems by replacing legitimate software with Trojanized versions, exemplify this threat. ... Attack strategies are shifting from immediate exploitation to establishing persistent footholds within OT environments. Attackers now prefer to lie dormant, waiting for an opportune moment to strike, such as during economic instability or geopolitical events. This approach allows them to exploit unknown or unpatched vulnerabilities, as demonstrated by the Log4j and Pipedream attacks. ... Attackers are increasingly focused on collecting and storing encrypted data from OT environments for future exploitation, particularly with the impending advent of post-quantum computing. This poses a significant risk to current encryption methods, potentially allowing attackers to decrypt previously secure data. Manufacturers must implement additional protective layers and consider future-proofing their encryption strategies to safeguard data against these emerging threats.

Mitigating Cybersecurity Risk in Open-Source Software

Unsurprisingly, open-source software's lineage is complex. Whereas commercial software is typically designed, built and supported by one corporate entity, open-source code could be written by a developer, a well-resourced open-sourced community or a teenage whiz kid. Libraries containing all of this open-source code, procedures and scripts are extensive. They can contain libraries within libraries, each with its own family tree. A single open-source project may have thousands of lines of code from hundreds of authors which can make line-by-line code analysis impractical and may result in vulnerabilities slipping through the cracks. These challenges are further exacerbated by the fact that many libraries are stored on public repositories such as GitHub, which may be compromised by bad actors injecting malicious code into a component. Vulnerabilities can also be accidentally introduced by developers. Synopsys' OSSRA report found that 74% of the audited code bases had high-risk vulnerabilities. And don't forget patching, updates and security notifications that are standard practices from commercial suppliers but likely lacking (or far slower) in the world of open-source software. 

Will AI Middle Managers Be the Next Big Disruption?

Trust remains a critical barrier, with many companies double-checking AI outputs, especially in sensitive areas such as compliance. But as the use of explainable AI grows, offering transparent decision-making, companies may begin to relax their guard and fully integrate AI as a trusted part of the workforce. But despite its vast potential and transformative abilities, autonomous AI is unlikely to work without human supervision. AI lacks the emotional intelligence needed to navigate complex human relationships, and companies are often skeptical of assigning decision-making to AI tools. ... "One thing that won't change is that work is still centered around humans, so that people can bring their creativity, which is such an important human trait," said Fiona Cicconi, chief people officer, Google. Accenture's report highlights just that. Technology alone will not drive AI-driven growth. ... Having said that, managers will have to roll up their sleeves, upskill and adapt to AI and emerging technologies that benefit their teams and align with organizational objectives. To fully realize the potential of AI, businesses will need to prioritize human-AI collaboration.

Managing Risk: Is Your Data Center Insurance up to the Test?

E&O policies generally protect against liability to third parties for losses arising from the insured’s errors and omissions in performing “professional services.” ... Cyber coverage typically protects against a broad range of first-party losses and liability claims arising from various causes, including data breaches and other disclosures of non-public information. A data center that processes data owned by third parties plainly has liability exposure to such parties if their non-public information is disclosed as a result of the data center’s operations. But even if a data center is processing only its own company’s data, it still has liability exposure, including for disclosure of non-public information belonging to its customers and employees. Given the often-substantial costs of defending data breach claims, data center operators would be well-advised to (1) review their cyber policies carefully for exclusions or limitations that potentially could apply to their liability coverage under circumstances particular to their operations and (2) purchase cyber liability limits commensurate with the amount and sensitivity of non-public data in their possession.

Attribution as the foundation of developer trust

With the need for more trust in AI-generated content, it is critical to credit the author/subject matter expert and the larger community who created and curated the content shared by an LLM. This also ensures LLMs use the most relevant and up-to-date information and content, ultimately presenting the Rosetta Stone needed by a model to build trust in sources and resulting decisions. All of our OverflowAPI partners have enabled attribution through retrieval augmented generation (RAG). For those who may not be familiar with it, retrieval augmented generation is an AI framework that combines generative large language models (LLMs) with traditional information retrieval systems to update answers with the latest knowledge in real time (without requiring re-training models). This is because generative AI technologies are powerful but limited by what they “know” or “the data they have been trained on.” RAG helps solve this by pairing information retrieval with carefully designed system prompts that enable LLMs to provide relevant, contextual, and up-to-date information from an external source. In instances involving domain-specific knowledge, RAG can drastically improve the accuracy of an LLM's responses.

Measurement Challenges in AI Catastrophic Risk Governance and Safety Frameworks

The current definition of catastrophic events, focusing on "large-scale devastation... directly caused by an AI model," overlooks a critical aspect: indirect causation and salient contributing causes. Indirect causation refers to cases where AI plays a pivotal but not immediately apparent role. For instance, the development and deployment of advanced AI models could trigger an international AI arms race, becoming a salient contributor to increased geopolitical instability or conflict. A concrete example might be AI-enhanced cyber warfare capabilities leading to critical infrastructure failures across multiple countries. AI systems might also amplify existing systemic risks or introduce new vulnerabilities that become salient contributing causes to a catastrophic event. The current narrow scope of AI catastrophic events may lead to underestimating the full range of potential catastrophic outcomes associated with advanced AI models, particularly those arising from complex interactions between AI and other sociotechnical systems. This could include scenarios where AI exacerbates climate change through increased energy consumption or where AI-powered misinformation campaigns gradually lead to the breakdown of trust in democratic institutions and social order.

Quote for the day:

"Facing difficult circumstances does not determine who you are. They simply bring to light who you already were." -- Chris Rollins

Daily Tech Digest - October 01, 2024

9 types of phishing attacks and how to identify them

Different victims, different paydays. A phishing attack specifically targeting an enterprise’s top executives is called whaling, as the victim is considered to be high-value, and the stolen information will be more valuable than what a regular employee may offer. The account credentials belonging to a CEO will open more doors than an entry-level employee. The goal is to steal data, employee information, and cash. ... Clone phishing requires the attacker to create a nearly identical replica of a legitimate message to trick the victim into thinking it is real. The email is sent from an address resembling the legitimate sender, and the body of the message looks the same as a previous message. The only difference is that the attachment or the link in the message has been swapped out with a malicious one. ... Snowshoeing, or “hit-and-run” spam, requires attackers to push out messages via multiple domains and IP addresses. Each IP address sends out a low volume of messages, so reputation- or volume-based spam filtering technologies can’t recognize and block malicious messages right away. Some of the messages make it to the email inboxes before the filters learn to block them.

The End Of The SaaS Era: Rethinking Software’s Role In Business

While the traditional SaaS model may be losing its luster, software itself remains a critical component of modern business operations. The key shift is in how companies think about and utilize software. Rather than viewing it as a standalone business model, forward-thinking entrepreneurs and executives are beginning to see software as a powerful tool for creating value in other business contexts. ... Consider a hypothetical scenario where a tech company develops an AI-powered inventory management system that dramatically improves efficiency for retail businesses. Instead of simply selling this system as a SaaS product, the company could use it as leverage to acquire successful retail operations. By implementing their proprietary software, they could significantly boost the profitability of these businesses, creating value far beyond what they might have captured through traditional software licensing. ... Proponents of this new approach argue that while others will eventually catch up in terms of software capabilities, the first-movers will have already used their technological edge to acquire valuable real-world assets. 

How Agentless Security Can Prevent Major Ops Outages

An agentless security model is a modern way to secure cloud environments without installing agents on each workload. It uses cloud providers’ native tools and APIs to monitor and protect assets like virtual machines, containers and serverless functions. Here’s how it works: Data is collected through API calls, providing real-time insights into vulnerabilities. A secure proxy ensures seamless communication without affecting performance. This model continuously scans workloads, offering 100% visibility and detecting issues without disruption. ... Instead of picking between agent-based and agentless security, you can use both together. Agent-based security works best for stable, less-changing systems. It offers deep, ongoing monitoring when things stay the same. On the other hand, agentless security is great for fast-paced cloud setups where new workloads come and go often. It gives real-time insights without needing to install anything, making it flexible for larger cloud systems. A hybrid approach gives you stronger protection and keeps up with changing threats, making sure your defenses are ready for whatever comes next.

The inner workings of a Conversational AI

The initial stage of interaction between a user and an AI system involves input processing. When a user submits a prompt, the system undergoes a series of preprocessing steps to transform raw text into a structured format suitable for machine comprehension. Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques are employed to break down the text into individual words or tokens, a process known as tokenization. ... Once the system has a firm grasp of the user’s intent through input processing, it embarks on the crucial phase of knowledge retrieval. This involves sifting through vast repositories of information to extract relevant data. Traditional information retrieval techniques like BM25 or TF-IDF are employed to match the processed query with indexed documents. An inverted index, a data structure mapping words to the documents containing them, accelerates this search process. ... With relevant information gathered, the system transitions to the final phase: response generation. This involves constructing a coherent and informative text that directly addresses the user’s query. Natural Language Generation (NLG) techniques are employed to transform structured data into human-readable language.

Can We Ever Trust AI Agents?

The consequences of misplaced trust in AI agents could be dire. Imagine an AI-powered financial advisor that inadvertently crashes markets due to a misinterpreted data point, or a healthcare AI that recommends incorrect treatments based on biased training data. The potential for harm is not limited to individual sectors; as AI agents become more integrated into our daily lives, their influence grows exponentially. A misstep could ripple through society, affecting everything from personal privacy to global economics. At the heart of this trust deficit lies a fundamental issue: centralization. The development and deployment of AI models have largely been the purview of a handful of tech giants. ... The tools for building trust in AI agents already exist. Blockchains can enable verifiable computation, ensuring that AI actions are auditable and traceable. Every decision an AI agent makes could be recorded on a public ledger, allowing for unprecedented transparency. Concurrently, advanced cryptographic techniques like trusted execution environment machine learning (TeeML) can protect sensitive data and maintain model integrity, achieving both transparency and privacy.

Reducing credential complexity with identity federation

One potential challenge organizations may encounter when implementing federated identity management in cross-organization collaborations is ensuring a seamless trust relationship between multiple identity providers and service providers. If the trust isn’t well established or managed, it can lead to security vulnerabilities or authentication issues. Additionally, the complexity of managing multiple identity providers can become problematic if there is a need to merge user identities across systems. For example, ensuring that all identity providers fulfill their roles without conflicting or creating duplicate identities can be challenging. Finally, while federated identity management improves convenience, it can come at the cost of time-consuming engineering and IT work to set up and maintain these IdP-SP connections. Traditional in-house implementation may also mean these connections are 1:1 and hard-coded, which will make ongoing modifications even tougher. Organizations need to balance the benefits of federated identity management against the time and cost investment needed, whether they do it in-house or with a third-party solution.

AI: Maximizing innovation for good

Businesses need to understand that AI technology will be here to stay. Strong AI strategies consider the purpose and objectives of considering AI, explaining the processes for businesses to prove value and absorb the rapid pace of change, considering the technology itself. Implementation needs to ensure that solutions mesh effectively with IT infrastructure that’s already in place. Digitalization, digital transformation, and upgrading legacy systems, as overarching initiatives, require planning and understanding of how they will impact wider business functions. That’s not to say it needs to be slow or cumbersome, however – one of the joys on AI is the ease with which it can put powerful new capabilities in the hands of teams. When due diligence is conducted effectively, AI integration can become the lynchpin to elevate business practices – boosting productivity, efficiency, and lowering costs. The opportunities for improvements cannot be understated, especially when looking at wider settings outside of just industrial or financial sectors. Ultimately, overreaching when implementing AI, can create a situation where integrated tools muddy the water and dilute the effectiveness of their intended use.

The Path of Least Resistance to Privileged Access Management

While PAM allows organizations to segment accounts, providing a barrier between the user’s standard access and needed privileged access and restricting access to information that is not needed, it also adds a layer of internal and organizational complexity. This is because of the impression it removes user’s access to files and accounts that they have typically had the right to use, and they do not always understand why. It can bring changes to their established processes. They don’t see the security benefit and often resist the approach, seeing it as an obstacle to doing their jobs and causing frustration amongst teams. As such, PAM is perceived to be difficult to introduce because of this friction. ... A significant gap in the PAM implementation process lies in the lack of comprehensive awareness among administrators. They often do not have a complete inventory of all accounts, the associated access levels, their purposes, ownership, or the extent of the security issues they face. Although PAM solutions possess the capability for scanning and discovering privileged accounts, these solutions are limited by the scope of the instructions they receive, thus providing only partial visibility into system access and usage.

Microsoft researchers propose framework for building data-augmented LLM applications

“Data augmented LLM applications is not a one-size-fits-all solution,” the researchers write. “The real-world demands, particularly in expert domains, are highly complex and can vary significantly in their relationship with given data and the reasoning difficulties they require.” To address this complexity, the researchers propose a four-level categorization of user queries based on the type of external data required and the cognitive processing involved in generating accurate and relevant responses: – Explicit facts: Queries that require retrieving explicitly stated facts from the data. – Implicit facts: Queries that require inferring information not explicitly stated in the data, often involving basic reasoning or common sense. – Interpretable rationales: Queries that require understanding and applying domain-specific rationales or rules that are explicitly provided in external resources. – Hidden rationales: Queries that require uncovering and leveraging implicit domain-specific reasoning methods or strategies that are not explicitly described in the data. Each level of query presents unique challenges and requires specific solutions to effectively address them.

Unleashing the Power Of Business Application Integration

In many cases, businesses are replacing their legacy software solutions with a modular selection of applications hosted within a public cloud environment. Given the increasing maturity of this market, there is now a range of application stores and marketplaces from the likes of AWS, Microsoft and Google. These have made it much easier for IT teams to identify, purchase and integrate proven applications as part of a bespoke, enterprise-wide ERP strategy. ... once IT teams have selected and integrated the right business applications within their environment, the next step is to focus on data strategy. The main objective here should be to ensure that data is of the highest quality and can be used to address a diverse range of key business objectives, from driving profit, efficiency and innovation to improving customer service. This process can be complex and challenging, but there are a number of steps organisations can take to fully exploit their data assets. These include optimising the performance and availability of an existing data environment and prioritising data systems migration.

Quote for the day:

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself." -- Mark Caine