Daily Tech Digest - October 07, 2024

AI Agents: The Intersection of Tool Calling and Reasoning in Generative AI

Building robust and reliable agents requires overcoming many different challenges. When solving complex problems, an agent often needs to balance multiple tasks at once including planning, interacting with the right tools at the right time, formatting tool calls properly, remembering outputs from previous steps, avoiding repetitive loops, and adhering to guidance to protect the system from jailbreaks/prompt injections/etc. Too many demands can easily overwhelm a single agent, leading to a growing trend where what may appear to an end user as one agent, is behind the scenes a collection of many agents and prompts working together to divide and conquer completing the task. This division allows tasks to be broken down and handled in parallel by different models and agents tailored to solve that particular piece of the puzzle. It’s here that models with excellent tool calling capabilities come into play. While tool-calling is a powerful way to enable productive agents, it comes with its own set of challenges. Agents need to understand the available tools, select the right one from a set of potentially similar options, format the inputs accurately, call tools in the right order, and potentially integrate feedback or instructions from other agents or humans.

Transforming cloud security with real-time visibility

Addressing the visibility problem first, enables security teams to understand real risk and fix misconfigurations across the organization much faster. As an example, we encounter many teams that face the same misconfiguration across hundreds of assets owned by thousands of developers. Without the right visibility into assets’ behavior, organizations have to go through every individual team, explain the risk, check if their workload actually utilizes the misconfiguration, and then configure it accordingly – essentially an impossible task. With runtime insights, security teams immediately understand what specific assets utilize the misconfigurations, which developers own them, and all the relevant risk contexts around them. This takes what could be a 6-month long project involving the whole R&D org into a simple task completed in a day and involving a few individuals. ... One of the top challenges organizations face is maintaining consistent compliance across various cloud environments, especially when those environments are highly dynamic and deployed by multiple stakeholders who don’t necessarily have the right expertise in the space. The solution lies in taking a dual approach.

Patrolling the Micro-Perimeter to Enhance Network Security

As companies move into industrial automation, remote retail sites, remote engineering, etc., the systems and applications used by each company group may need to be sequestered from corporate-wide employee access so that only those users authorized to use a specific system or application can gain access. From a network perspective, segments of the network, which become internal network micro security peripheries, surround these restricted access systems and applications, so they are only available for the users and user devices that are authorized to use them. Multi-factor security protocols are used to strengthen user signons, and network monitoring and observability software polices all activity at each network micro-periphery. The mission of a zero-trust network is to "trust no one," not even company employees, with unlimited access to all network segments, systems, and applications. This is in contrast to older security schemes that limited security checks and monitoring to the external periphery of the entire enterprise network but that didn't apply security protocols to micro-segments within that network. 

CIO intangibles: 6 abilities that set effective IT execs apart

Change leadership is different, and it’s very much a CIO-level skill, she says. “Change leadership is inspiring and motivating you to want to make the change. It’s much more about communication. It’s about navigating the different parts of the organization. It’s co-leading.” It’s one thing, she says, for an IT leader or a change management team to tell users, “This is what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.” It’s at a whole other level to have a business leader say, “Hey team, we’re next. This is what we’re doing. This is why it’s important and here are my expectations of you.” That’s what effective change leadership can accomplish. ... For critical thinking, CIOs need another intangible skill: the ability to ask the right questions. “It’s the whole idea of being more curious,” says Mike Shaklik, partner and global head of CIO advisory at Infosys Consulting. “The folks who can listen well, and synthesize while they listen, ask better questions. They learn to expect better answers from their own people. If you add intentionality to it, that’s a game-changer.” ... “In today’s environment, a lot of technology work does not happen inside of the IT organization,” Struckman says. “Yet leadership expects the CIO to understand how it all makes sense together.”

Building an Internal Developer Platform: 4 Essential Pillars

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the backbone of any modern cloud native platform. It allows platform engineering teams to manage and provision infrastructure (such as compute, storage and networking resources) programmatically using code. IaC ensures that infrastructure definitions are version-controlled, reusable and consistent across different environments. ... Security, governance and compliance are integral to managing modern infrastructure, but manual policy enforcement doesn’t scale well and can create bottlenecks. Policy as Code (PaC) helps solve this challenge by programmatically defining governance, security and operational policies. These policies are automatically enforced across cloud environments, Kubernetes clusters and CI/CD pipelines. Essentially, they “shift down security” into the platform. ... GitOps is an operational model where all system configurations, including application deployments, infrastructure and policies, are managed through Git repositories. By adopting GitOps, platform teams can standardize how changes are made and ensure that the actual system state matches the desired state defined in Git.

Chief risk storyteller: How CISOs are developing yet another skill

Creating a compelling narrative is also important to bolster the case for investment in the cybersecurity program, when it comes to restructuring or starting a new program it becomes very important. Hughes estimates the base set of requirements in the Center for Internet Security Controls Framework is a $2 to $3 million expense. “That’s a massive expense, so that storytelling and dialogue between you and the rest of the company to create that new, forward expense is significant,” he says. However, just as some stories have their skeptics, CISOs also need to be able to defend their risk story, particularly when there’s big dollars attached to it. De Lude has found it can be helpful to stress test the story or presentation with challenge sessions. “I might invite different people to a run through and explain the concept and ask for potential objections to test and develop a robust narrative,” she says. De Lude has found that drawing on internal expertise of people with strong communications skills can help learn how to project a story in a way that’s compelling. “Having someone lend support who wasn’t a cyber expert but knew how to really convey a strong message in all sorts of different ways was a gamer change,” she says.

The Disruptive Potential of On-Device Large Language Models

On-device personal AI assistants transform each device into a powerful companion that mimics human interaction and executes complex tasks. These AI assistants can understand context and learn about their owner's preferences, allowing them to perform a wide range of activities — from scheduling appointments to creative writing — even when offline. By operating directly on the user's device, these AI assistants ensure privacy and fast response times, making them indispensable for managing both routine and sophisticated tasks with ease and intelligence. ... Voice control for devices is set to become significantly more powerful and mainstream, especially with advancements in on-device large language models. Companies like FlowVoice are already paving the way, enabling near-silent voice typing on computers. ... On-device AI therapists have the potential to become mainstream due to their ability to offer users both privacy and responsive, engaging conversations. By operating directly on the user's device, these AI therapists ensure that sensitive data remains private and secure, minimizing the risk of breaches associated with cloud-based services.

Why cloud computing is losing favour

There are various reasons behind this trend. “In the early days, cloud repatriations were often a response to unsuccessful migrations; now they more often reflect changes in market pricing,” says Adrian Bradley, head of cloud transformation at KPMG UK. “The inflation of labour costs, energy prices and the cost of the hardware underpinning AI are all driving up data centre fees. For some organisations, repatriation changes the balance in the relative cost and value of on-premise or hybrid architectures compared to public clouds.” ... There are risks that can come with cloud repatriation. James Hollins, Azure presales solution architect at Advania, highlights the potential to disrupt key services. “Building from scratch on-premises could be complex and risky, especially for organisations that have been heavily invested in cloud-based solutions,” he says. “Organisations accustomed to cloud-first environments may need to acquire or retrain staff to manage on-premises infrastructure, as they will have spent the last few years maintaining and operating in a cloud-first world with a specific skillset.” Repatriation can lead to higher licensing costs for third-party software that many businesses do not anticipate or budget for, he adds. 

Proactive Approaches to Securing Linux Systems and Engineering Applications

With AI taking the world by storm, it is more important than ever for you, as an IT professional, to be vigilant and proactive about security vulnerabilities. The rapid advancement of AI technologies introduces new attack vectors and sophisticated threats, as malicious actors can leverage AI to automate and scale their attacks, potentially exploiting vulnerabilities at an unprecedented rate and complexity, making traditional security measures increasingly challenging to maintain. Your role in implementing these measures is crucial and valued. ... Diligent patch management is critical for maintaining the security and stability of Linux systems and applications. Administrators play a vital role in this process, ensuring that patches are applied promptly and correctly. ... Automation tools and centralized patch management systems are invaluable for streamlining the patch deployment process and reducing human error. These tools ensure that patches are applied consistently across all endpoints, enhancing overall security and operational efficiency. Administrators can patch the system and applications using configuration management tools like Ansible and Puppet. 

The Role of Architects in Managing Non-Functional Requirements

One of the strongest arguments for architects owning NFRs is that non-functional aspects are deeply integrated into the system architecture. For example, performance metrics, scalability, and security protocols are all shaped by architectural decisions such as choice of technology stack, data flow design, and resource allocation. Since architects are responsible for making these design choices, it makes sense that they should also ensure the system meets the NFRs. When architects own NFRs, they can prioritise these elements throughout the design phase, reducing the risk of conflicts or last-minute adjustments that could compromise the system’s stability. This ownership ensures that non-functional aspects are not seen as afterthoughts but rather integral parts of the design process. ... Architects typically have a high-level, end-to-end view of the system, enabling them to understand how various components interact. This holistic perspective allows them to evaluate trade-offs and balance functional and non-functional needs without compromising the integrity of the system. For example, an architect can optimise performance without sacrificing security or usability by making informed decisions that consider all NFRs. 

Quote for the day:

"Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work." -- Booker T. Washington

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