Chaos Engineering: A Science-based Approach to System Reliability
While testing is standard practice in software development, it’s not always
easy to foresee issues that can happen in production. Especially as systems
become increasingly complex to deliver maximum customer value. The adoption of
microservices enables faster release times and more possibilities than we’ve
ever seen before, however they introduce challenges. According to the 2020 IDG
cloud computing survey, 92 percent of organizations’ IT environments are at
least somewhat in the cloud today. In 2020, we saw highly accelerated digital
transformation as organizations had to quickly adjust to the impact of a
global pandemic. With added complexity comes more possible points of failure.
The trouble is that we humans managing these intricate systems cannot possibly
understand or foresee all of the issues because it’s impossible to understand
how each of the individual components of a loosely coupled architecture will
relate to each other. This is where Chaos Engineering steps in to proactively
create resilience. The major caveat of Chaos Engineering is that things are
broken in a very intentional and controlled manner while in production, unlike
regular QA practices, where this is done in safe development environments. It
is methodical and experimental and less ‘chaotic’ than the name implies.
ECLASS presents the Distributed Ledger-based Infrastructure for Industrial Digital Twins
Advancing digitalization, increasing networking and horizontal integration in
the areas of purchasing, logistics and production, as well as in the
engineering, maintenance and operation of machines and products, are creating
new opportunities and business models that were unimaginable before. Classic
value chains are turning more and more into interconnected value networks in
which partners can seamlessly find and exchange the relevant information.
Machines, products and processes receive their Digital Twins, which represent
all relevant aspects of the physical world in the information world. The
combination of physical objects and their Digital Twins creates so-called
Cyber Physical Systems. Over the complete lifecycle, the relevant product
information and production data captured in the Digital Twin must be available
to the partners in the value chain at any time and in any place. The digital
representation of the real world in the information world, in the form of
Digital Twins, is therefore becoming increasingly important. However, the
desired horizontal and vertical integration and cooperation of all
participants in the value network across company boundaries, countries, and
continents can only succeed on the basis of common standards
Data Protection Bill won’t get cleared in its current version

Pande from Omidyar Network India said stakeholders of the data privacy
regulations should consider making the concept of consent more effective and
simple. The National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP)
administered a quiz in 2019 to test how well urban, English speaking college
students understand privacy policies of Flipkart, Google, Paytm, Uber, and
WhatsApp. The students only scored an average of 5.3 out of 10. The privacy
policies were as complex as a Harvard Law Review paper, Pande said. Facebook’s
Claybaugh, however, said that “despite the challenges of communicating with
people about privacy, we do take pretty strong measures both in our data
policy which is interactive, in relatively easy-to-understand language
compared to, kind of, the terms of service we are used to seeing.” Lee, who
earlier worked with Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Commission said
challenges of a (DPA) are “manifold”. She said it must be ensured that the DPA
is “independent” and is given necessary powers especially when it must
regulate the government. The DPA must be staffed with the right people with
knowledge of technical and legal issues involved, she added.
India approves game-changing framework against cyber threats
The office of National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, sources said, noted that
with the increasing use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the risk will
continue to increase manifold and the advent of 5G technology will further
increase the security concerns resulting from telecom networks. Maintaining
the integrity of the supply chain, including electronic components, is also
necessary for ensuring security against malware infections. Telecom is also
the critical underlying infrastructure for all other sectoral information
infrastructure of the country such as power, banking and finance, transport,
governance and the strategic sector. Security breaches resulting in compromise
of confidentiality and integrity of information or in disruption of the
infrastructure can have disastrous consequences. Sources said that in view of
these issues, the NSA office had recommended a framework -- 'National Security
Directive on Telecom Sector', which will address 5G and supply chain concerns.
Under the provisions of the directive, in order to maintain the integrity of
the supply chain security and in order to discourage insecure equipment in the
network, government will declare a list of 'Trusted Sources/Trusted Products'
for the benefit of the Telecom Service Providers (TSPs).
The case for HPC in the enterprise
Essentially, HPC is an incredibly powerful computing infrastructure built
specifically to conduct intensive computational analysis. Examples include
physics experiments that identify and predict black holes. Or modeling
genetic sequencing patterns against disease and patient profiles. In the
past year, the Amaro Lab at UC San Diego performed modeling on the COVID-19
coronavirus to an atomic level using one of the top supercomputers in the
world at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). I hosted a webinar with
folks from UCSD, TACC and Intel discussing their work here. Those types of
compute intensive workloads are still happening. However, enterprises are
also increasing their demand for compute intensive workloads. Enterprises
are processing increasing amounts of data to better understand customers and
business operations. At the same time, edge computing is creating an
explosive number of new data sources. Due to the sheer amount of data,
enterprises are leveraging automation through the form of machine learning
and artificial intelligence to parse the data and gain insights while making
faster and more accurate business decisions. Traditional systems
architectures are simply not able to keep up with the data tsunami.
5 reasons IT should consider client virtualization
First is the compatibility to run different operating systems or different
versions of the same operating system. For example, many enterprise workers
are increasingly running applications that are cross-platform such as Linux
applications for developers, Android for healthcare or finance, and Windows
for productivity. Second is the potential to isolate workloads for better
security. Note that different types of virtualization models co-exist to
support the diverse needs of customers (and applications in general are
getting virtualized for better cloud and client compatibility). The focus of
this article is full client virtualization that enables businesses to take
complete advantage of the capabilities of rich commercial clients including
improved performance, security and resilience. Virtualization in the client is
different from virtualization in servers. It’s not just about CPU
virtualization, but also about creating a good end-user experience with, for
example, better graphics, responsiveness of I/O, network, optimized battery
life of mobile devices and more. A decade ago, the goal of client
virtualization was to use a virtual machine for a one-off scenario or
The top 6 use cases for a data fabric architecture
A data fabric architecture promises a way to deal with many of the security
and governance issues being raised by new privacy regulations and the rise
in security breach incidents. "By far the largest positive impact of a data
fabric for organizations is the focus on enterprise-wide data security and
governance as part of the deployment, establishing it as a fundamental,
ongoing process," said Wim Stoop, director of product marketing at Cloudera.
Data governance is often seen in isolation, tied to a use case like tackling
regulatory compliance needs or departmental requirements in isolation. With
a data fabric, organizations are required to take a step back and consider
data management holistically. This delivers the self-service access to data
and analytics businesses demand to experiment and quickly drive value from
data. Such a degree of management, governance and security of data then also
makes proving compliance -- both industry and regulatory -- more or less a
side effect of having implemented the fabric itself. Although this is not a
full solution, it greatly reduces the effort associated with adhering to
compliance requirements. Platz cautioned that there is a wide gulf between a
vision for a perfect data fabric and what is practical today. "In practice,
many first versions of data fabric architectures look more like just another
data lake," Platz said.
Malicious Browser Extensions for Social Media Infect Millions of Systems
"This could be used to gather credentials and other sensitive corporate data
from the websites visited by the victim," he says. "We are preparing a
technical blog post with more technical information and IoCs, but for now, we
can share the ... malicious domains." The malicious extensions are the latest
attempt by cybercriminals to hide code in add-ons for popular browsers. In
February, independent researcher Jamila Kaya and Duo Security announced they
had discovered more than 500 Chrome extensions that infected millions of
users' browsers to steal data. In June, Awake Security reported more than 70
extensions in the Google Chrome Web store were downloaded more than 32 million
times and which collected browsing data and credentials for internal
websites. In its latest research, Avast found the third-party extensions
would collect information about users whenever they clicked on a link,
offering attackers the option to send users to an attacker-controlled URL
before forwarding them to their destinations. The extensions also collect the
users' birthdates, e-mail addresses, and information about the local system,
including name of the device, its operating system, and IP addresses.
How to use Agile swarming techniques to get features done

Teams that concentrate on individual skills and tasks end up with some
members far ahead and others grinding away at unfinished work. For example,
a back-end developer is still working on a feature, while the front-end
developer for that feature has finished coding. The front-end developer then
starts coding the next feature. The team can design hooks into the code to
let the front-end developers validate their work. However, a feature is not
done until a team completes the whole thing, fully integrates it and tests
it. Letting developers move asynchronously through the project might result
in good velocity metrics, but those measures don't always translate to the
team delivering the feature on time. If testers discover issues in a
delivered feature, the entire team must return to already completed tasks.
Let this scenario play out in a real software organization, and you end up
with partially completed work on many disparate tasks, and nothing finished.
The goal of Agile development is not to ensure the team is 100% busy, with
each person grabbing new product backlog items as soon as they complete
their prior task. This approach to development results in extensive
multitasking and ultimately slows the flow of completed items.
Application Level Encryption for Software Architects
Unless well-defined, the task for application-level encryption is frequently
underestimated, poorly implemented, and results in haphazard architectural
compromises when developers find out that integrating a cryptographic library
or service is just the tip of the iceberg. Whoever is formally assigned with
the job of implementing encryption-based data protection, faces thousands of
pages of documentation on how to implement things better, but very little on
how to design things correctly. Design exercises turn out to be a bumpy ride
every time you don’t expect the need for design and have a sequence of ad-hoc
decisions because you anticipated getting things done quickly: First, you face
key model and cryptosystem choice challenges, which hide under “which
library/tool should I use for this?” Hopefully, you chose a tool that fits
your use-case security-wise, not the one with the most stars on GitHub.
Hopefully, it contains only secure and modern cryptographic decisions.
Hopefully, it will be compatible with other team’s choices when the encryption
has to span several applications/platforms. Then you face key storage and
access challenges: where to store the encryption keys, how to separate them
from data, what are integration points where the components and data meet for
encryption/decryption, what is the trust/risk level toward these
Quote for the day:
"Public opinion is no more than this: What people think that other people think." -- Alfred Austin
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