With the e-commerce market set to reach a predicted market volume of £92 million
by 2025, and the opportunity for cross-border expansion at an all-time high, the
demand for more localised and innovative payment methods will only continue to
grow. More and more customers are now online, looking for products or services
that suit their very specific needs. A shopper might look across borders for
what they want: better-quality products, payment methods accepted, stronger
brand loyalty, and more. But they will quickly abandon the transaction page if
their preferred payment method is not available. Ultimately, payment choice will
play a major role in driving sales in the future, meaning merchants will need a
diverse payment portfolio to ensure transactions are completed and customer
loyalty retained. This will continue to spark increased innovation for payments,
but also the proliferation of niche local payment options across the globe.
However, as digital payments head towards a global tipping point, the need for
greater regulation and security will also continue to grow.
Shifting gears, the future of cars entails self-driving cars. This stubbornness
element in the flatbed truck tale brings up an interesting facet about
self-driving cars and one that few are giving much attention to. First, be aware
that true self-driving cars are driven by an AI-based driving system and not by
a human driver. Thus, in the case of this flatbed truck scenario, if the car had
been a self-driving car, the AI driving system would have been trying to get the
car up that ramp and onto the flatbed. Secondly, there are going to be instances
wherein a human wants a self-driving car to go someplace, but the AI driving
system will “refuse” to do so. I want to clarify that the AI is not somehow
sentient since the type of AI being devised today is not in any manner
whatsoever approaching sentience. Perhaps far away in the future, we will
achieve that kind of AI, but that’s not in the cards right now. This latter
point is important because the AI driving system opting to “refuse” to drive
someplace is not due to the AI being a sentient being, and instead is merely a
programmatic indication that the AI has detected a situation in which it is not
programmed to drive.

The speed is important. The pandemic has been even more of a challenge for a lot
of companies. They had to move to more of a digital experience much faster than
they imagined. So speed has become way more prominent. But that speed creates a
challenge around safety, right? Speed creates two main things. One is that you
have more opportunity to make mistakes. If you ask people to do something very
fast because there’s so much business and consumer pressure, sometimes you cut
corners and make mistakes. Not deliberately. It’s just as software engineers can
never write completely bug-free code. But if you have more bugs in your code
because you are moving very, very fast, it creates a greater challenge. So how
do you create safety around it? By catching these security bugs and issues much
earlier in your software development life cycle (SDLC). If a developer creates a
new API and that API could be exploited by a hacker -- because there is a bug in
that API around security authentication check -- you have to try to find it in
your test cycle and your SDLC. The second way to gain security is by creating a
safety net. Even if you find things earlier in your SDLC, it’s impossible to
catch everything.
The vast majority said it had worked out much better than they expected. They
found people were more, rather than less, productive. It turns out folks
welcomed not having to deal with long commutes, crowded open-plan offices, or
Dilbert-like cubicle farms. Of course, not everyone is happy. Juggling kids and
office work can mean misery. But in a recent Blind professional worker social
network survey of 3,000 staffers 35% said they would quit their jobs if work
from home ends. That's a lot. I'd hate to replace more than a third of my staff
if I insisted everyone return to 1 Corporate Drive. If your people want to work
from home, and they've shown they can deliver, why take a chance on losing them?
Not everyone is on board with the change. As one Microsoft staffer on Blind put
it, "I don’t think the 5-day work in the office will ever be relevant again. You
will have Team A and Team B, working 2 days in the office and 3 days at home.
Social interaction in person is needed." Notice, though, that even here, there's
no assumption of a five-day work week.

Fortunately, not all machine learning applications require expensive servers.
Many models can be compressed to run on user devices. And mobile device
manufacturers are equipping their devices with chips to support local deep
learning inference. But the problem is that Python machine learning is not
supported by default on many user devices. MacOS and most versions of Linux come
with Python preinstalled, but you still have to install machine learning
libraries separately. Windows users must install Python manually. And mobile
operating systems have very poor support for Python interpreters. JavaScript, on
the other hand, is natively supported by all modern mobile and desktop browsers.
This means JavaScript machine learning applications are guaranteed to run on
most desktop and mobile devices. Therefore, if your machine learning model runs
on JavaScript code in the browser, you can rest assured that it will be
accessible to nearly all users. There are already several JavaScript machine
learning libraries. An example is TensorFlow.js, the JavaScript version of
Google’s famous TensorFlow machine learning and deep learning library.

The caliber of code is fundamental to the quality of your product. Through
frequent reviews you can assess the health of your software, thus detecting
unreliable code and defects in the building blocks of your project. Identifying
flaws is going to help you throughout the dev process and well into the future.
Good quality code will allow you to reduce the risks of defects and avoid
application and website crashes. Today, much of this process can be automated,
avoiding human error and diverting resources toward other tasks. But, there are
a number of code quality analytics you can focus on. ... Flagging issues in the
working process can draw attention to inefficiencies, allowing the opportunity
to implement project management solutions. Once flaws are established, there’s a
whole host of management software for small businesses and large businesses
alike to improve efficiency. Automation can also help you through the testing
process. According to PractiTest, 78% of organizations currently use test
automation for functional or regression tests. This automation will ultimately
save time and money, eliminating human error and allowing resources to be
redirected elsewhere in the dev process.

IoT devices introduce a host of vulnerabilities into organizations’ networks
and are often difficult to patch. With more than 30 billion active IoT device
connections estimated by 2025, it is imperative information-security
professionals find an efficient framework to better monitor and protect IoT
devices from being leveraged for distributed denial or service (DDoS),
ransomware or even data exfiltration. When the convenience of a doorbell
camera, robot vacuum cleaner or cellphone-activated thermostat could
potentially wreak financial havoc or threaten physical harm, the security of
these devices cannot be taken lightly. We must refocus our cyber-hygiene
mindset to view these devices as potential threats to our sensitive data.
There are too many examples of threat actors gaining access to a supposedly
insignificant IoT device, like the HVAC control system for a global retail
chain, only to pivot to other unsecured devices on the same network before
reaching valuable sensitive information. While phishing remains the most
popular attack vector, reinforcing the need for humans to be an integral part
of strong security program, IoT devices now offer another avenue for
cybercriminals to access accounts and networks to steal data, conduct
reconnaissance and further deploy malware.

In order to achieve high-quality human reviews, it is important to set up a
well-defined training process for the human agents who will be responsible for
reviewing items manually. A well-thought-out training plan and a regular
feedback loop for the human agents will help maintain the high-quality bar of
the manually reviewed items over time. This rigorous training and feedback
loop help minimize human error in addition to helping maintain SLA
requirements for per item decisions. Another strategy that is slightly more
expensive is to use a best-of-3 approach for each item that is manually
reviewed, i.e., use 3 agents to review the same item and take the majority
vote from the 3 agents to decide the final outcome. In addition, log the
disagreements between the agents so that the teams can retrospect on these
disagreements to refine their judging policies. Best practices applicable to
microservices apply here as well. This includes appropriate monitoring of the
following: End-to-end latency of an item from the time it was received in
the system to the time a decision was made on it; Overall health of the
agent pool; Volume of items sent for human review; and Hourly
statistics on the classification of items.

One of the key challenges of applied machine learning is gathering and
organizing the data needed to train models. This is in contrast to scientific
research where training data is usually available and the goal is to create
the right machine learning model. “When creating AI in the real world, the
data used to train the model is far more important than the model itself,”
Rochwerger and Pang write in Real World AI. “This is a reversal of the typical
paradigm represented by academia, where data science PhDs spend most of their
focus and effort on creating new models. But the data used to train models in
academia are only meant to prove the functionality of the model, not solve
real problems. Out in the real world, high-quality and accurate data that can
be used to train a working model is incredibly tricky to collect.” In many
applied machine learning applications, public datasets are not useful for
training models. You need to either gather your own data or buy them from a
third party. Both options have their own set of challenges. For instance, in
the herbicide surveillance scenario mentioned earlier, the organization will
need to capture a lot of images of crops and weeds.

In the connected device market, she sees a large attack surface and small
security investment. "There are so many devices out there that don't have any
of these mechanisms in place," she explains. "Even for those that do have
security mechanisms, not all of them are built to the kind of resilience
that's appropriate for the threats they're up against." It's a big problem
with multiple reasons. Some organizations have small engineering teams and few
resources to build resilience into their products. Some have large teams but
don't prioritize security because they're in a closed-system manufacturing
operation, for example, and the machines don't have network access. Many
connected devices are in the field for long periods of time and it's hard to
deliver updates, so manufacturers don't ship them unless they have to.
"There's this combination of both security need and then additionally this
requirement for an update mechanism that is reliable," Snyder continues.
Oftentimes manufacturers lack confidence in how updates are deployed and don't
trust the mechanism will deliver medium- or high-severity security updates on
a regular basis.
Quote for the day:
"Authority without wisdom is like a
heavy ax without an edge -- fitter to bruise than polish." --
Anne Bradstreet
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