5 Reasons Why I Left the AI Industry

For decades, AGI has been the main goal driving AI forward. The world will
change in unimaginable ways when we create AGI. Or should I say if? How close
are we to creating human-level intelligent machines? Some argue that it’ll
happen within decades. Many expect to see AGI within our lifetimes. And then
there are the skeptics. Hubert Dreyfus, one of the leading critics, says that
“computers, who have no body, no childhood and no cultural practice, could not
acquire intelligence at all.” For now, it seems that research in AI isn’t even
going in the right direction to achieve AGI. Yann LeCun, Geoffrey Hinton, and
Yoshua Bengio, winners of the Turing Award — the Nobel Price of AI — in 2018,
say we need to imbue these systems with common sense and we’re not close to that
yet. They say machines need to learn without labels, as kids do, using
self-supervised learning (also called unsupervised learning). That’d be the
first step. However, there’s too much we don’t understand about the brain yet to
try and build AGI. Some say we don’t need to create conscious machines to equal
human intelligence.
The leap of a Cycldek-related threat actor

In the nebula of Chinese-speaking threat actors, it is quite common to see tools
and methodologies being shared. One such example of this is the infamous “DLL
side-loading triad”: a legitimate executable, a malicious DLL to be sideloaded
by it, and an encoded payload, generally dropped from a self-extracting archive.
Initially considered to be the signature of LuckyMouse, we observed other groups
starting to use similar “triads” such as HoneyMyte. While it implies that it is
not possible to attribute attacks based on this technique alone, it also follows
that efficient detection of such triads reveals more and more malicious
activity. ... Taking a step back from the FoundCore malware family, we looked
into the various victims we were able to identify to try to gather information
about the infection process. In the vast majority of the incidents we
discovered, it turned out that FoundCore executions were preceded by the opening
of a malicious RTF documents downloaded from static.phongay[.]com. They all were
generated using RoyalRoad and attempt to exploit CVE-2018-0802.
Your Top .NET Microservices Questions Answered
Autonomy for teams to work with their microservices is a crucial benefit of
architecting cloud-native apps. It is preferred to use independent database
instances to give the teams the flexibility to roll out updates, security
patches, bug fixes in production without breaking other microservices.
Cloud-Native app architecture takes inspiration from the famous 12-factor app
methodologies. One factor, “Backing Services,” states that the Ancillary
resources like the data stores, caches, message brokers should be exposed via an
addressable URL. Cloud providers offer a rich assortment of managed backing
services. Instead of owning and maintaining the database yourself, we recommend
checking out the available database options in the cloud. ... Monolithic apps
can talk with microservices if their endpoints are reachable within the
infrastructure or securely using a public endpoint. Microservices and their data
can either be consumed synchronously via their endpoints or asynchronously
through messaging like the Event Bus. As part of modernizing techniques, we
recommend the strangler pattern, which helps in incrementally migrating a legacy
The First Time Jessica Alba Pitched Her Now-Unicorn Startup, It Failed. Here's How She Pivoted
Failure is part of every entrepreneur’s journey. When you care deeply about an
idea, it can feel hard when you encounter people who don’t share or see your
vision. Here are a few tips to stay the course when things aren’t going your way
at first. ... Alba recruited friends at every step of the way who served as her
sounding board. These people didn’t baby her and give her false hope; they asked
the hard questions that exposed each and every possible weakness. Rely on
trusted friends and confidantes to give you tough love, and your pitch will come
off stronger to those who will have the final say. ... At first, everyone told
Alba she should start with one product, then expand once that was successful.
But this didn’t gel with Alba’s vision of a complete line of baby-safe products;
the founder knew parents who wanted clean products wanted a brand that could
provide multiple solutions. Ultimately, Alba ignored the conventional advice and
launched with 17 products, which many people believed was too many. But because
she didn’t compromise on that, either to venture capitalists or herself, the
launch was a total success.
6 Best Practices for Remote Work by Agile Software Development Teams
The sudden shift to remote working was unexpected, but it was surprisingly well
implemented in most cases. After months of remote working, let’s look at the
progress being made by remote development teams. A recently published report on
50 remote agile development teams showed mixed results: 92% of teams are writing
more code by an average 10%, which sounds good. Unfortunately, 63% of teams
are releasing less frequently, with the total number of releases down by a
worrying 21%; On top of this, the average release size is up by 64%,
increasing risk and time to value. So before the COVID-19 pandemic, we had
frequent, small releases and were very agile. Now we have infrequent, high-risk,
large releases. This is not the ideal situation for agile, newly remote teams.
... First, review your remote team situation. Because we have lost the benefits
of colocation, where constant interaction, easy pairing and water cooler
conversations aid teamwork, we need to address collaboration in other ways. ...
Remote working is a skill that requires time and effort to develop. Video
conferencing is a great way to engage with your team.
To cool datacenter servers, Microsoft turns to boiling liquid

Microsoft investigated liquid immersion as a cooling solution for
high-performance computing applications such as AI. Among other things, the
investigation revealed that two-phase immersion cooling reduced power
consumption for any given server by 5% to 15%. The findings motivated the
Microsoft team to work with Wiwynn, a datacenter IT system manufacturer and
designer, to develop a two-phase immersion cooling solution. The first solution
is now running at Microsoft’s datacenter in Quincy. That couch-shaped tank is
filled with an engineered fluid from 3M. 3M’s liquid cooling fluids have
dielectric properties that make them effective insulators, allowing the servers
to operate normally while fully immersed in the fluid. This shift to two-phase
liquid immersion cooling enables increased flexibility for the efficient
management of cloud resources, according to Marcus Fontoura, a technical fellow
and corporate vice president at Microsoft who is the chief architect of Azure
compute. For example, software that manages cloud resources can allocate sudden
spikes in datacenter compute demand to the servers in the liquid cooled
Generalists Vs. Tech Leaders : AI Adoption At Any Stage

When asked to identify intended users for their AI tools and technologies, over
half of respondents identified clinicians as target users with healthcare
providers as a close second. This is a big leap from AI being used primarily by
data scientists and IT professionals, as was common in years past. This
trickle-down effect of users persists even further when you consider the
customers of mature organizations’ AI tools. ... As advances and applications of
AI technologies grow, so do their intended user bases, so it’s important for all
organizations to consider who they’re tailoring usability to. A patient who is
interacting with a chatbot to schedule an appointment is a lot different than a
radiologist using NLP to analyze the results of an X-Ray—and those are
considerations that need to be evaluated when imagining the user experience. All
organizations should be taking this into account, whether they’ve been deploying
solutions for years now or are just getting started. As AI becomes more
commercialized, newer players will take the lead from more mature companies that
have had to evolve their customer base over the years.
Email overload? These new 'right to disconnect' rules could be the answer

Employees in Ireland are already protected by a number of labor laws. For
example, they are not allowed to work more than 48 hours per week on average,
except in very limited circumstances. The right to disconnect established in the
new code, however, does not constitute a legal obligation: although the code's
recommendations will be admitted as evidence in a court proceeding, failure to
abide by the rules will not constitute an offence. Rather, the code of practice
should be seen as a guide for both employers and employees, to come up together
with appropriate working arrangements. This does not mean that all employees
should start inflexibly working a nine-to-five schedule. The code of practice
encourages employers to develop a "Right to Disconnect Policy" that informs
workers of the normal working hours that will be reasonably expected from them,
but also makes room for the occasional emergency that requires contacting staff
outside of their workday, for example to fill in at short notice for a sick
colleague. Any new policy should also acknowledge that some roles come with
unconventional hours, such as those working across different time zones or
requiring international travel.
The best of both worlds: Making the most of your Hybrid IT strategy
The move towards greater use of the cloud has followed growing concerns on the
management and protection of data. Cyber threats are continuing to evolve and
accelerate, and the skills required to defend against are becoming more complex.
Regulations such as the GDPR bring additional rights and safeguards for
individuals, but the move towards cloud IT could expose a compliance gap –
especially for organisations that handle personal data. Organisations that host
their data on-premise in local storage systems should be in a position to
identify the location of most, hopefully all, of their data, quite quickly and
those that host data elsewhere could have concerns over not knowing where the
data is stored. However, one of the challenges with public cloud adoption are
the skills required to build and maintain it. Do organisations have the skills
to ensure that data that is stored on-premise is secure and compliant? For many
organisations, meeting compliance and regulatory requirements can be easier to
achieve using private clouds. Just because organisations have outsourced their
data storage, it doesn’t mean they can outsource responsibility for compliance,
Handcuffs Over AI: Solving Security Challenges With Law Enforcement
In cities like Chicago, the citizens of crime-ravaged communities fear the
criminals more than they trust the police. The relationships between these
communities and law enforcement are so strained that citizens do not provide
evidence or testimony that will be used to successfully prosecute the criminals
and guarantee deterrence. The same outcome, born of different history, creates a
lack of coordination between law enforcement and private organizations being
targeted by cybercriminals. The logs and data in systems owned and maintained by
these organizations contain critical information that would enable successful
prosecution of cybercrime to become the norm, which would deliver deterrence.
Building SecOps on the incorrect outcomes of service and data availability have
left the craft unprepared to align with law enforcement outcomes. The tools,
workflows, and data provide little value to investigators and prosecutors. When
an organization does report a crime to law enforcement, the responding agency
must comb through a mess of disparate data locations and formats that is more
complicated to process than a murder crime scene.
Quote for the day:
"Even the most honest human in authority
often does not have the power to undo the damages that bad people do" --
Auliq Ice
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