July 23, 2012

Applying 'Fail Fast' in development
This is a very good read for all developers and it is about how the 'fail fast' approach can help you produce reliable systems.

The 6 People You Need in Your Corner
Nothing incredible is accomplished alone. You need others to help you, and you need to help others. With the right team, you can form a web of connections to make the seemingly impossible practically inevitable.

The 11 Leadership Secrets You've Never Heard About
The old distinctions between leaders and followers are gone. Great followers follow by leading. Here’s 11 ways to make sure you do just that.

Google Glass controls and Artificial Intelligence detailed
Google’s cautious approach to allowing people to play with Project Glass means the UI of the wearable computer is something of a mystery, but a new patent application could spill some of the secrets.

The art of transparency
In a CGMA survey of CEOs from 21 countries, 87% of respondents said they view transparency as an opportunity. The CEOs sharing more information could help burnish a business’s reputation with customers, improve decision making and lead to greater innovation. Still 13% of CEOs said they view transparency as a threat.

Apple foe Proview finds itself sued by own legal counsel
Grandall Law Firm, which represented the Chinese company in its action over the iPad trademark, sues for its 4 percent of the $60 million settlement.

Multitasking's Real Victims
It's a well-cited observation that juggling two or more things at once depletes our health and harms our productivity. As we clock in more hours on smartphones and social networks, we've ushered in the "provisional conversation": a face-to-face discussion that falls apart as one or more participants default to checking their phones, only to restart as the handsets are put back away.

Rackspace: OpenStack could be the Linux of the cloud
OpenStack has the potential to become to the cloud what the LAMP stack is to servers, Rackspace's chief has said, while blasting VMware and Amazon for not participating in the scheme

Is ‘Big Data’ good or evil? New survey exposes growing debate
Tech experts believe the vast quantities of data — so-called “digital exhaust” — that humans and machines will be creating by the year 2020 could enhance productivity, improve organizational transparency, and expand the frontier of the “knowable future.”

Quote for the day:

"Lead and inspire people. Don't try to manage and manipulate people. Inventories can be managed but people must be lead." —-- Ross Perot


  1. I liked the link labeled ad Applying fail fast in development. It is all about anticipating failures and the developers know it as exception handling. But again expecting or anticipating an exception is something most developers are not good at. So this makes a sense to follow.

    Thanks for the share.

  2. Raymond,

    Very nice to note that the 'Fail Fast' drew your attention. I cannot agree more than what you say on the need for developers to enhance their skills in anticipating failures, so that they are worked around early on.

