Daily Tech Digest - July 13, 2024

Work in the Wake of AI: Adapting to Algorithmic Management and Generative Technologies

Current legal frameworks are struggling to keep pace with the issues arising from algorithmic management. Traditional employment laws, such as those concerning unfair dismissal, often do not extend protections to “workers” as a distinct category. Furthermore, discrimination laws require proof that the discriminatory behaviour was due or related to the protected characteristic, which is difficult to ascertain and prove with algorithmic systems. To mitigate these issues, the researchers recommend a series of measures. These include ensuring algorithmic systems respect workers’ rights, granting workers the right to opt out of automated decisions such as job termination, banning excessive data monitoring and establishing the right to a human explanation for decisions made by algorithms. ... Despite the rapid deployment of GenAI and the introduction of policies around its use, concerns about misuse are still prevalent among nearly 40% of tech leaders. While recognising AI’s potential, 55% of tech leaders have yet to identify clear business applications for GenAI beyond personal productivity enhancements, and budget constraints remain a hurdle for some.

The rise of sustainable data centers: Innovations driving change

Data centers contribute significantly to global carbon emissions, making it essential to adopt measures that reduce their carbon footprint. Carbon usage effectiveness (CUE) is a metric used to assess a data center's carbon emissions relative to its energy consumption. By minimizing CUE, data centers can significantly lower their environmental impact. ... Cooling is one of the largest energy expenses for data centers. Traditional air cooling systems are often inefficient, prompting the need for more advanced solutions. Free cooling, which leverages outside air, is a cost-effective method for data centers in cooler climates. Liquid cooling, on the other hand, uses water or other coolants to transfer heat away from servers more efficiently than air. ... Building and retrofitting data centers sustainably involves adhering to green building certifications like Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM). These certifications ensure that buildings meet high environmental performance standards.

How AIOps Is Poised To Reshape IT Operations

A meaningfully different, as yet underutilized, high-value data set can be derived from the rich, complex interactions of information sources and users on the network, promising to triangulate and correlate with the other data sets available, elevating their combined value to the use case at hand. The challenge in leveraging this source is that the raw traffic data is impossibly massive and too complex for direct ingestion. Further, even compressed into metadata, without transformation, it becomes a disparate stream of rigid, high-cardinality data sets due to its inherent diversity and complexity. A new breed of AIOps solutions is poised to overcome this data deficiency and transform this still raw data stream into refined collections of organized data streams that are augmented and edited through intelligent feature extraction. These solutions use an adaptive AI model and a multi-step transformation sequence to work as an active member of a larger AIOps ecosystem by harmonizing data feeds with the workflows running on the target platform, making it more relevant and less noisy.

Addressing Financial Organizations’ Digital Demands While Avoiding Cyberthreats

The financial industry faces a difficult balancing act, with multiple conflicting priorities at the forefront. Organizations must continually strengthen security around their evolving solutions to keep up in an increasingly competitive and fast-moving landscape. But while strong security is a requirement, it cannot impact usability for customers or employees in an industry where accessibility, agility and the overall user experience are key differentiators. One of the best options to balancing these priorities is the utilization of secure access service edge (SASE) solutions. This model integrates several different security features such as secure web gateway (SWG), zero-trust network access (ZTNA), next-generation firewall (NGFW), cloud access security broker (CASB), data loss prevention (DLP) and network management functions, such as SD-WAN, into a single offering delivered via the cloud. Cloud-based delivery enables financial organizations to easily roll out SASE services and consistent policies to their entire network infrastructure, including thousands of remote workers scattered across various locations, or multiple branch offices to protect private data and users, as well as deployed IoT devices.

Three Signs You Might Need a Data Fabric

One of the most significant challenges organizations face is data silos and fragmentation. As businesses grow and adopt new technologies, they often accumulate disparate data sources across different departments and platforms. These silos make it tougher to have a holistic view of your organization's data, resulting in inefficiencies and missed opportunities. ... You understand that real-time analytics is crucial to your organization’s success. You need to respond quickly to changing market conditions, customer behavior, and operational events. Traditional data integration methods, which often rely on batch processing, can be too slow to meet these demands. You need real-time analytics to:Manage the customer experience. If enhancing a customer’s experience through personalized and timely interactions is a priority, real-time analytics is essential. Operate efficiently. Real-time monitoring and analytics can help optimize operations, reduce downtime, and improve overall efficiency. Handle competitive pressure. Staying ahead of competitors requires quick adaptation to market trends and consumer demands, which is facilitated by real-time insights.

The Tension Between The CDO & The CISO: The Balancing Act Of Data Exploitation Versus Protection

While data delivers a significant competitive advantage to companies when used appropriately, without the right data security measures in place it can be misused. This not only erodes customers’ trust but also puts the company at risk of having to pay penalties and fines for non-compliance with data security regulations. As data teams aim to extract and exploit data for the benefit of the organisation, it is important to note that not all data is equal. As such a risk-based approach must be in place to limit access to sensitive data across the organisation. In doing this the IT system will have access to the full spectrum of data to join and process the information, run through models and identify patterns, but employees rarely need access to all this detail. ... To overcome the conflict of data exploitation versus security and deliver a customer experience that meets customer expectations, data teams and security teams need to work together to achieve a common purpose and align on the culture. To achieve this each team needs to listen to and understand their respective needs and then identify solutions that work towards helping to make the other team successful.

Content Warfare: Combating Generative AI Influence Operations

Moderating such enormous amounts of content by human beings is impossible. That is why tech companies now employ artificial intelligence (AI) to moderate content. However, AI content moderation is not perfect, so tech companies add a layer of human moderation for quality checks to the AI content moderation processes. These human moderators, contracted by tech companies, review user-generated content after it is published on a website or social media platform to ensure it complies with the “community guidelines” of the platform. However, generative AI has forced companies to change their approach to content moderation. ... Countering such content warfare requires collaboration across generative AI companies, social media platforms, academia, trust and safety vendors, and governments. AI developers should build models with detectable and fact-sensitive outputs. Academics should research the mechanisms of foreign and domestic influence operations emanating from the use of generative AI. Governments should impose restrictions on data collection for generative AI, impose controls on AI hardware, and provide whistleblower protection to staff working in the generative AI companies. 

OpenAI reportedly nears breakthrough with “reasoning” AI, reveals progress framework

OpenAI isn't alone in attempting to quantify levels of AI capabilities. As Bloomberg notes, OpenAI's system feels similar to levels of autonomous driving mapped out by automakers. And in November 2023, researchers at Google DeepMind proposed their own five-level framework for assessing AI advancement, showing that other AI labs have also been trying to figure out how to rank things that don't yet exist. OpenAI's classification system also somewhat resembles Anthropic's "AI Safety Levels" (ASLs) first published by the maker of the Claude AI assistant in September 2023. Both systems aim to categorize AI capabilities, though they focus on different aspects. Anthropic's ASLs are more explicitly focused on safety and catastrophic risks (such as ASL-2, which refers to "systems that show early signs of dangerous capabilities"), while OpenAI's levels track general capabilities. However, any AI classification system raises questions about whether it's possible to meaningfully quantify AI progress and what constitutes an advancement. The tech industry so far has a history of overpromising AI capabilities, and linear progression models like OpenAI's potentially risk fueling unrealistic expectations.

White House Calls for Defending Critical Infrastructure

The memo encourages federal agencies "to consult with regulated entities to establish baseline cybersecurity requirements that can be applied across critical infrastructures" while maintaining agility and adaptability to mature with the evolving cyberthreat landscape. ONCD and OMB also urged agencies and federal departments to study open-source software initiatives and the benefits that can be gained by establishing a governance function for open-source projects modeled after the private sector. Budget submissions should identify existing departments and roles designed to investigate, disrupt and dismantle cybercrimes, according to the memo, including interagency task forces focused on combating ransomware infrastructure and the abuse of virtual currency. Meanwhile, the administration is continuing its push for agencies to only use software provided by developers who can attest their compliance with minimum secure software development practices. The national cyber strategy - as well as the joint memo - directs agencies to "utilize grant, loan and other federal government funding mechanisms to ensure minimum security and resilience requirements" are incorporated into critical infrastructure projects.

Unifying Analytics in an Era of Advanced Tech and Fragmented Data Estates

“Data analytics has a last-mile problem,” according to Alex Gnibus, technical product marketing manager, architecture at Alteryx. “In shipping and transportation, you often think of the last-mile problem as that final stage of getting the passenger or the delivery to its final destination. And it’s often the most expensive and time-consuming part.” For data, there is a similar problem; when putting together a data stack, enabling the business at large to derive value from the data is a key enabler—and challenge—of a modern enterprise. Achieving business value from data is the last mile, which is made difficult by complex, numerous technologies that are inaccessible to the final business user. Gnibus explained that Alteryx solves this problem by acting as the “truck” that delivers tangible business value from proprietary data, offering data discovery, use case identification, preparation and analysis, insight-sharing, and AI-powered capabilities. Acting as the easy-to-use interface for a business’ data infrastructure, Alteryx is the AI platform for large-scale enterprise analytics that offers no-code, drag-and-drop functionality that works with your unique data framework configuration as it evolves.

Quote for the day:

“Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.” -- Coco Chanel

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