Daily Tech Digest - July 28, 2024

India's tech revolution fuels the rise of the managed services industry

Companies, eager to leverage cloud computing, AI, and improved solutions, are seeking reliable partners to manage the complexity. With a massive talent pool of STEM graduates, dynamic IT infrastructure, and supportive policies, the world is looking towards India to serve as a primary player in this space. India's arduous journey to becoming a global tech giant is the result of decades of investment of time, money, and energy into meticulously planning and taking continuous strides. Companies from around the world are shifting significant parts of their IT and business spend to India to drive cost optimisation. ... The pandemic acted as a catalyst for a revolution in managed IT services. Agility, resilience, and enhanced cybersecurity became critical overnight and the rise in remote work led to a surge in demand for managed services. Cybersecurity concerns also skyrocketed both during and after the pandemic and innovation in data handling was imperative. Consequently, many companies are pivoting towards managed service providers to strengthen their computing power, data analysis, and cybersecurity measures.

5 Innovatinve Cybersecurity Measures App Developers Should Incorporate in the Digital Transformation Race

The impending era of quantum computing will give the expected boost to digital transformation; however, this technological innovation to classic computing poses a significant challenge to traditional encryption methods due to its exceptional computing power that hackers can leverage to launch unprecedented brute force attacks that can decrypt passwords and crack encryptions in seconds or minutes. App developers must integrate post-quantum cryptographic features to withstand the computational power of quantum computers. ... By incorporating ZTNA and multifactor authentication (MFA), app developers can proactively prevent data breaches by thoroughly verifying the trustworthiness of any user or device trying to access the organization's networks. The multifactor authentication feature adds a layer of security to VPN access by requiring multiple verification forms; users’ verification methods can include passwords, unique OTP codes sent to mobile devices, or biometric authentication, such as fingerprint, eye scan, voice recognition, hand geometry, or facial recognition, before granting network access.

How to Use Self-Healing Code to Reduce Technical Debt

The idea of self-healing code with LLMs is exciting, but balancing automation and human oversight is still crucial. Manual reviews are necessary to ensure AI solutions are accurate and meet project goals, with self-healing code drastically reducing manual efforts. Good data housekeeping is vital, and so is ensuring that teams are familiar with best practices to ensure optimal data management for feeding AI technology, including LLMs and other algorithms. This is particularly important for cross-department data sharing, with best practices including conducting assessments, consolidations, and data governance and integration plans to improve projects. None of this could take place without enabling continuous learning across your staff. To encourage teams to use these opportunities, leaders should carve out dedicated time for training workshops that offer direct access to the latest tools. These training sessions could be oriented around certifications like those from Amazon Web Services (AWS), which can significantly incentivize employees to enhance their skills. By doing this, a more efficient and innovative software development environment can be achieved.

Chaos Management in Software: A Guide on How to Conduct it

When too much development occurs too soon, this is one symptom that chaos may be present in an organization. Growth is usually beneficial, but not when it causes chaos and confusion. Companies also exhibit indications of disorder when they overstretch their operational capacity or resources, such as money or people, creating an unstable atmosphere for both employees and consumers. ... In the work environment, we can see how it can negatively and positively affect our output. It is essential to be in a healthy work environment that offers employees the opportunity to succeed and be rewarded for their achievements. The problem with chaos is that it can cause an unhealthy work environment, negatively affecting the worker’s productivity, quality of work, and physical health. Chaos in the workplace also impacts team building because when people are in a chaotic space, they cannot focus on anything other than how they feel at that moment. We have all been there – that one time when we did not get enough sleep, or the project was due tomorrow morning, or we needed to wake up early to get that presentation done before your meeting started. 

CIOs must reassess cloud concentration risk post-Crowdstrike

Cloud concentration risk is now arising when these enterprises rely worryingly on a single cloud service provider (CSP) for all their critical business needs. In effect this has shifted reliance on their own data center to now storing all data, running all applications on a single cloud infrastructure. Cloud concentration risk is then fully realized when any one incident, like the CrowdStrike outage, can disrupt your entire operation. With enterprises increasingly dependent on the same applications and cloud providers, this can be devastating at scale, as we’ve seen with CrowdStrike. Such a scenario extends to security breaches and other events that can have more systemic impact on countries and industries. ... Toavoid the dangers of cloud concentration risk, a multi-cloud strategy,in which business workloads are spread across multiple cloud providers, is vital. With a multi-cloud strategy in place, when one provider has an issue, your operations in the other clouds can keep things running. The alternate is to adopt a hybrid cloudapproach,combiningprivate and public cloud. This gives you more control over proprietary and sensitive data whilst still having all the benefits of public cloud scalability.

With ‘Digital Twins,’ The Doctor Will See You Now

Doctors who use the system can not only measure the usual stuff, like pulse and blood pressure, but also spy on the blood’s behavior inside the vessel. This lets them observe swirls in the bloodstream called vortices and the stresses felt by vessel walls — both of which are linked to heart disease. ... We drew a lot from the way they were already optimizing graphics for these computers: The 3D mesh file that we create of the arteries is really similar to what they make for animated characters. The way you move a character’s arm and deform that mesh is the same way you would put in a virtual stent. And the predictions are not just a single number that you want to get back. There’s a quantity called “wall shear stress,” which is just a frictional force on the wall. We’ve shown that when doctors can visualize that wall shear stress at different parts of the artery, they may actually change the length of the stent that they choose. It really informs their decisions. We’ve also shown that, in borderline cases, vorticity is associated with long-term adverse effects. So doctors can see where there’s high vorticity. It could help doctors decide what type of intervention is needed, like a stent or a drug.

What Are the Five Pillars of Data Resilience?

The first is the most basic one: Do you have data backed up in the right way? That seems very straightforward, but you’d be shocked by how many companies don’t have the right backup strategy in place. And that’s vital because our research tells us that 93% of ransomware attackers go for the backups first. ... So, the second pillar is, can you recover quickly from a breach? What’s your recovery strategy, and can you get to your recovery time objective and recovery point objective? Third is data freedom, which is not often talked about. There are many instances where you’ll just need to change your tech stack. You may see a better tech solution, or companies may just change their posture. No matter what choice you make, you need your data to travel with you with minimal fuss. ecurity is fourth. Do you have the right malware protection? Are you able to detect changing patterns, even of your own employees to mitigate insider threats? And there’s obviously table stakes, like multifactor authentication, end-to-end security, etc. And then the last pillar we look at is data intelligence.

Navigating the Future with Cloud-Ready, Customer-Centric Innovations

One of CFOS’s most transformative aspects is its cloud-based infrastructure. SCC realised that the traditional on-premises servers were becoming a bottleneck, limiting scalability and flexibility. By moving to the cloud, SCC gained the ability to dynamically scale resources according to demand, reducing upfront costs and minimising maintenance challenges. This shift optimised resource utilisation and provided a more agile platform for future growth and technological advancements. “Transitioning from on-premises servers to a cloud solution significantly enhanced SCC’s operational strategy,” Lee revealed. “Previously, managing and scaling physical servers posed challenges, particularly in cost and availability of relevant skill-sets, solutions and resources.” The cloud integration resolved these challenges by enabling SCC to scale resources as needed. This approach enhanced cost efficiency and allowed the organisation to quickly adapt to changing demands. By transitioning to the cloud, SCC was able to manage resources dynamically, accommodating peak loads and supporting future growth without the limitations of physical infrastructure.

The Ultimate Roadmap to Modernizing Legacy Applications

First, organizations should conduct an assessment of their application portfolios to determine which apps are eligible for modernization, whether that be containerization, cloud migration, refactoring or another route. This can help government IT leaders prioritize which apps to upgrade. It also gives teams a comprehensive picture of the entire application portfolio: performance, health, average age, security gaps, container construction and more. “Having an inventory of all of your applications can help you avoid duplicative investments and paint a clearer picture of how that application fits into your organization’s long-term strategy,” says Greg Peters, founder of strategic application modernization assessment (SAMA) at CDW. ... The next critical step is to map dependencies before beginning the actual modernization. “Even a minor change to the functionality of a core system can have major downstream effects, and failing to account for any dependencies on legacy apps slated for modernization can lead to system outages and business interruptions,” Hitachi Solutions notes.

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) with silicon photonics – the future of secure computing

FHE requires specialist hardware and considerable amounts of processing power, leading to high energy consumption and increased costs. However, FHE enabled by silicon photonics — using light to transmit data — offers a solution that could make FHE more scalable and efficient. Current electronic hardware solutions systems are reaching their limits, struggling to handle the large volumes of data and meet the demands of FHE. However, silicon photonics can significantly enhance data processing speed and efficiency, reduce energy consumption and lead to large-scale implementation of FHE. This can unlock numerous possibilities for data privacy across various sectors, including healthcare, finance and government, in areas such as AI, data collaboration and blockchain. This could potentially lead to significant progress in medical research, fraud detection and enable large scale collaboration across industries and geographies. ... FHE is set to transform the future of secure computing and data security. By enabling computations on encrypted data, FHE offers new levels of protection for sensitive information, addressing critical challenges in privacy, cloud security, regulatory compliance, and data sharing. 

Quote for the day:

“The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.” -- Colin R. Davis

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