Daily Tech Digest - July 16, 2024

Learning cloud cost management the hard way

The rapid adoption of cloud technologies has outpaced the development of requisite skills within many organizations, leading to inefficiencies in provisioning, managing, and optimizing cloud resources. The No. 1 excuse that I hear from those overspending on cloud computing is that they can’t find the help they need to maximize cloud resources. They are kicking years of cloud-powered technical debt down the road, hoping that someone or some tool will come along to fix everything. ... Automation tools powered by AI can play a crucial role in ensuring that resources are only provisioned when needed and decommissioned when not in use, thus preventing idle resources from unnecessarily accruing costs. Moreover, a robust cost governance framework is essential for cloud cost management. This framework should include policies for resource provisioning, usage monitoring, and cost optimization. ... It’s frustrating that we’ve yet to learn how to do this correctly. 2020 wants their cloud spending problems back. This is not the only survey I’ve seen that reveals cost inefficacies on a massive scale. I see this myself.

The Interplay Of IoT And Critical Infrastructure Security

The vast number of interconnected devices in an IoT-driven infrastructure creates a massive attack surface. These objects often have limited processing power and may miss out on robust security features, which potentially makes them easy targets. ... The silver lining is that such heterogeneous cabling architectures can be glued together to deliver fiber-grade connectivity without the need to build new high-cost networks from scratch. An illustration of this tactic is Actelis’ hybrid-fiber technology harnessing high-performance managed Ethernet access switches and extenders to make the most of existing network infrastructures and provide gigabit speeds via virtually any wireline media. Actelis’ hybrid-fiber networking concept includes sections of fiber (for the easy-to-reach-with-fiber locations) and copper/coax that can be upgraded with Actelis’ technology to run fiber-grade communication. The company does both and provides management, security, and end-to-end integration for such entire networks, including fiber parts. This is important, as it represents a significant part of the market, selling both fiber and non-fiber networking.

MIT Researchers Introduce Generative AI for Databases

The researchers noticed that SQL didn’t provide an effective way to incorporate probabilistic AI models, but at the same time, approaches that use probabilistic models to make inferences didn’t support complex database queries. They built GenSQL to fill this gap, enabling someone to query both a dataset and a probabilistic model using a straightforward yet powerful formal programming language. A GenSQL user uploads their data and probabilistic model, which the system automatically integrates. Then, she can run queries on data that also get input from the probabilistic model running behind the scenes. This not only enables more complex queries but can also provide more accurate answers. For instance, a query in GenSQL might be something like, “How likely is it that a developer from Seattle knows the programming language Rust?” ... Incorporating a probabilistic model can capture more complex interactions. Plus, the probabilistic models GenSQL utilizes are auditable, so people can see which data the model uses for decision-making. In addition, these models provide measures of calibrated uncertainty along with each answer.

Securing Applications in an Evolving API Security Landscape

Adding further fuel to the fire, threat actors constantly innovate, developing new techniques to target APIs. This includes exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities, leveraging stolen credentials through phishing attacks, or even using bots to automate brute-force attacks against API endpoints. Traditionally, API security focused on reactive measures, patching vulnerabilities and detecting attacks after they happened. However, GenAI allows attackers to automate tasks, churning out mass phishing campaigns or crafting malicious code specifically designed to exploit API weaknesses. These attacks, known for their speed and volume, easily overwhelm traditional security solutions designed for static environments. ... APIs are crucial for modern business operations, driving innovation and customer interactions. However, without proper security measures, APIs can be vulnerable to attacks that can put sensitive data at risk, disrupt operations, and damage customer trust. ... This underscores the real-world impact of inadequate API security, including delayed innovation, frustrated customers, and lost revenue. 

Fundamentals of Descriptive Analytics

Descriptive analytics helps to describe and present data in a format that can be easily understood by a wide variety of business readers. Descriptive analytics rarely attempts to investigate or establish cause-and-effect relationships. As this form of analytics doesn’t usually probes beyond surface analysis, the validity of results is more easily implemented. Some common methods employed in descriptive analytics are observations, case studies, and surveys. ... The main disadvantage of descriptive analytics is that it only reports what has happened in the past or what is happening now without explaining the root causes behind the observed behaviors or without predicting what is about to happen in the future. The analysis is generally limited to few variables and their relationships. However, descriptive analytics becomes a powerful business resource when it is combined with other types of analytics for assessing business performance. While descriptive analytics focuses on reporting past or current events, the other types of analytics explore the root causes behind observed trends and can also predict future outcomes based on historical data analysis.

Strategies for creating seamless and personalised customer journeys

One cannot overlook the fact that CX in financial services is crucial since it influences customer satisfaction levels. In turn, this depends on providing seamless experiences across all touchpoints, beginning with the initial contact, right up to the final delivery and the consumption of financial products or services. Significantly, CX in financial services goes beyond merely offering excellent customer service. Instead, it involves ensuring frictionless, personalised experiences that surpass expectations across every stage of the customer’s journey. Be it banking, insurance or investment services, the ongoing digital transformation has substantially enhanced the expectations of customers. Today, speed, convenience and personalisation are taken for granted. As a result, financial entities that provide superior CX enjoy a clear competitive advantage in both attracting and retaining their customers, leading to increased profitability. ... Navigating complex regulatory environments ensures financial integrity. Regulations uphold standards, protecting consumers. Compliant firms earn trust, enhancing reputation alongside prioritizing customer experience for competitiveness in the market.

Cultivating Continuous Learning: Transforming L&D for the Hybrid Future and Beyond

Adapting L&D for the Digital Age requires strategic initiatives that cater to evolving demands in today's dynamic landscape. This entails embracing technology-driven learning platforms and tools that facilitate remote access, personalised learning paths, and real-time analytics. By leveraging these innovations, organisations can ensure that learning experiences are agile, responsive, and tailored to individual needs. Integrating digital collaboration tools fosters a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing across geographies, enhancing organisational agility and competitiveness in a digital-first world. Future-proofing L&D involves identifying and developing critical skills that will drive success in tomorrow's workplace. This proactive approach requires foresight into emerging trends and industry shifts, preparing employees with skills such as adaptability, digital literacy, creativity, and emotional intelligence. Implementing forward-thinking training programs and certifications ensures that employees remain adept and resilient in the face of technological advancements and market disruptions.

Cybersecurity Can Be a Businesses Enabler

Cybersecurity controls and protective mechanisms can protect an organization's assets - its data, people, technology equipment, etc. By actively protecting assets and preventing data breaches, an organization can avoid potential negative business impact, financial or otherwise. And because the organization does not have to worry about that potential damage, it can operate in a safe and focused fashion. ... Suffering a negative security event indicates some gap or deficiency in an organization's security posture. All organizations have security gaps, but some never report a negative security event - probably because they have invested more resources in differentiating themselves from their competitors. Implementing strong protective measures shows customers that an organization takes security seriously, which makes it a more appealing business partner. ... Customers and partners are becoming more aware of cyber risks, and they prioritize cybersecurity when they consider engaging in business. By implementing effective cybersecurity measures, a company can improve the confidence that potential customers and partners have in it. Over time, this will lead to increased loyalty and trust.

What is transformational leadership? A model for motivating innovation

The most important thing you can do as a transformational leader is to lead by example. Employees will look to you as a role model for behavior in all areas of the workplace. If you lead with authenticity, employees will pick up on that behavior and feel inspired to maintain that high standard for performance. It’s not about manipulating employees into working hard, it’s about leading by example and positively influencing others through a commitment to trust, transparency, and respect. ... To help create change, it’s important to challenge long-standing beliefs in the company and push the status quo by encouraging innovation, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Transformative leaders should help employees feel comfortable exploring new ideas and opportunities that can inject innovation into the organization. ... As a transformational leader, you will need to encourage your team to feel attached and committed to the vision of the organization. You want to ensure employees feel as committed to these goals as you do as a leader by giving employees a strong sense purpose, rather than attempting to motivate them through fear.

How Post-Quantum Cryptography Can Ensure Resilience

Quantum computing represents a major threat to data security, as it can make attacks against cryptography much more efficient. There are two ways bad actors could use this technology. One is the “Store now, decrypt later” method, in which cybercriminals steal sensitive data and wait until quantum computers have the ability to break its encryption. This is particularly important for you to know if your organization retains data with a long confidentiality span. The other method is to break the data’s digital signatures. A bad actor could “compute” credentials based on publicly available information, then impersonate someone with the authority to sign documents or approve requests. As with the above message, criminals can do this retroactively if older signatures are not updated. Today’s encryption methods cannot stand against the capabilities of tomorrow’s quantum computers. When large-scale quantum computers are built, they will have the computing ability to decrypt many of the current public key cryptography systems. 

Quote for the day:

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." -- Frank D Roosevelt

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