Daily Tech Digest - July 04, 2024

Understanding collective defense as a route to better cybersecurity

Organizations invoking collective defense to protect their IT and data assets will usually focus on sharing threat intelligence and coordinating threat response actions to counter malicious threat actors. Success depends on defining and implementing a collaborative cybersecurity strategy where organizations, both internally and externally, work together across industries to defend against targeted cyber threats. ... Putting this into practice requires organizations to commit to coordinating their cybersecurity strategies to identify, mitigate and recover from threats and breaches. This should begin with a process that defines the stakeholders who will participate in the collective defense initiative. These can include anything from private companies and government agencies to non-profits and Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs), among others. The approach will only work if it is based on mutual trust, so there is an important role for the use of mechanisms such as non-disclosure agreements, clearly defined roles and responsibilities and a commitment to operational transparency. 

Meaningful Ways to Reward Your IT Team and Its Achievements

With technology rapidly advancing, it's more important than ever to invest in personalized IT team skill development and employee well-being programs, which are a win-win for employees and the companies they work for, says Carrie Rasmussen, CIO at human resources software provider Dayforce, in an email interview. ... Synchronize rewards to project workflows, Felker recommends. If it's a particularly difficult time for the team -- tight deadlines, major changes, and other pressing issues -- he suggests scheduling rewards prior to the work's completion to boost motivation. "Having the team get a boost mid-stream on a project is likely to create an additional reservoir of mental energy they can draw from as the project continues," Felker says. ... It's also important to celebrate success whenever possible and to acknowledge that the outcome was the direct result of great teamwork. "Five minutes of recognition from the CEO in a company update or other forum motivates not only the IT team but the rest of the organization to strive for recognition," Nguyen says. He also advises promoting significant team achievements on LinkedIn and other major social platforms. "This will aid recruiting and retention efforts."

Deepfake research is growing and so is investment in companies that fight it

Manipulating human likeness, such as creating deepfake images, video and audio of people, has become the most common tactic for misusing generative AI, a new study from Google reveals. The most common reason to misuse the technology is to influence public opinion – including swaying political opinion – but it is also finding its way in scams, frauds or other means of generating profit. ... Impersonations of celebrities or public figures, for instance, are often used in investment scams while AI-generated media can also be generated to bypass identity verification and conduct blackmail, sextortion and phishing scams. As the primary data is media reports, the researchers warn that the perception of AI-generated misuse may be skewed to the ones that attract headlines. But despite concerns that sophisticated or state-sponsored actors will use generative AI, many of the cases of misuse were found to rely on popular tools that require minimal technical skills. ... With the threat of deepfakes becoming widespread, some companies are coming up with novel solutions that protect images online.

Building Finance Apps: Best Practices and Unique Challenges

By making compliance a central focus from day one of the development process, you maximize your ability to meet compliance needs, while also avoiding the inefficient process of retrofitting compliance features into the app later. For example, implementing transaction reporting after the rest of the app has been built is likely to be a much heavier lift than designing the app from the start to support that feature. ... The tech stack (meaning the set of frameworks and tools you use to build and run your app) can have major implications for how easy it is to build the app, how secure and reliable it is, and how well it integrates with other systems or platforms. For that reason, you'll want to consider your stack carefully, and avoid the temptation to go with whichever frameworks or tools you know best or like the most. ... Given the plethora of finance apps available today, it can be tempting to want to build fancy interfaces or extravagant features in a bid to set your app apart. In general, however, it's better to adopt a minimalist approach. Build the features your users actually want — no more, no less. Otherwise, you waste time and development resources, while also potentially exposing your app to more security risks.

OVHcloud blames record-breaking DDoS attack on MikroTik botnet

Earlier this year, OVHcloud had to mitigate a massive packet rate attack that reached 840 Mpps, surpassing the previous record holder, an 809 Mpps DDoS attack targeting a European bank, which Akamai mitigated in June 2020. ... OVHcloud says many of the high packet rate attacks it recorded, including the record-breaking attack from April, originate from compromised MirkoTik Cloud Core Router (CCR) devices designed for high-performance networking. The firm identified, specifically, compromised models CCR1036-8G-2S+ and CCR1072-1G-8S+, which are used as small—to medium-sized network cores. Many of these devices exposed their interface online, running outdated firmware and making them susceptible to attacks leveraging exploits for known vulnerabilities. The cloud firm hypothesizes that attackers might use MikroTik's RouterOS's "Bandwidth Test" feature, designed for network throughput stress testing, to generate high packet rates. OVHcloud found nearly 100,000 Mikrotik devices that are reachable/exploitable over the internet, making up for many potential targets for DDoS actors.

Set Goals and Measure Progress for Effective AI Deployment

Combining human expertise and AI capabilities to augment decision-making is an essential tenet in responsible AI principles. The current age of AI adoption should be considered a “coming together of humans and technology.” Humans will continue to be the custodians and stewards of data, which ties into Key Factor 2 about the need for high-quality data, as humans can help curate the relevant data sets to train an LLM. This is critical, and the “human-in-the-loop” facet should be embedded in all AI implementations to avoid completely autonomous implementations. Apart from data curation, this allows humans to take more meaningful actions when equipped with relevant insights, thus achieving better business outcomes. ... Addressing bias, privacy, and transparency in AI development and deployment is the pivotal metric in measuring its success. Like any technology, laying out guardrails and rules of engagement are core to this factor. Enterprises such as Accenture implement measures to detect and prevent bias in their AI recruitment tools, helping to ensure fair hiring practices. 

Site Reliability Engineering State of the Union for 2024

Automation remains at the core of SRE, with tools for container orchestration and infrastructure management playing a critical role. The adoption of containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes has facilitated more efficient deployment and scaling of applications. In 2024, we can expect further advancements in automation tools that streamline the orchestration of complex microservices architectures, thereby reducing the operational burden on SRE teams. Infrastructure automation and orchestration are pivotal in the realm of SRE, enabling teams to manage complex systems with enhanced efficiency and reliability. The evolution of these technologies, particularly with the advent of containerization and microservices, has significantly transformed how applications are deployed, managed and scaled. ... With the increasing prevalence of cyberthreats and the tightening of regulatory requirements, security and compliance have become integral aspects of SRE. Automated tools for compliance monitoring and enforcement will become indispensable, enabling organizations to adhere to industry standards while minimizing the risk of data breaches and other security incidents.

5 Steps to Refocus Your Digital Transformation Strategy for Strategic Advancement

A strategy built around customer value provides measurable outcomes and drives deeper engagement and loyalty. The digital landscape is riddled with risks and opportunities due to rapid technological advancements, especially in data-centric AI. Businesses must stay agile, continually evaluating the risks and rewards of new technologies while maintaining a sharp focus on how these enhancements serve their customer base. ... Organizations with a customer advisory board should leverage it to gain insights directly from those who use their services or products. Engaging customers from the early stages of planning ensures that their feedback and needs directly influence the transformation strategy, leading to more accurate and beneficial implementations. ... One significant mistake IT leaders make is prioritizing technology over customer needs. While technology is a crucial enabler, it should not dictate the strategy. Instead, it should support and enhance the strategy’s core aim — serving the customer. IT leaders must ensure that digital initiatives align with broader business objectives and directly contribute to customer satisfaction and business efficiency.

OpenSSH Vulnerability “regreSSHion” Grants RCE Access Without User Interaction, Most Dangerous Bug in Two Decades

The good news about the OpenSSH vulnerability is that exploitation attempts have not yet been spotted in the wild. Successfully taking advantage of the exploit required about 10,000 tries to win a race condition using 100 concurrent connections under the researcher’s test conditions, or about six to eight hours to RCE due to obfuscation of ASLR glibc’s address. The attack will thus likely be limited to those wielding botnets when it is uncovered by threat actors. Given the large amount of simultaneous connections needed to induce the race condition, the RCE is also very open to being detected and blocked by firewalls and networking monitoring tools. Qualys’ immediate advice for mitigation also includes updating network-based access controls and segmenting networks where possible. ... “While there is currently no proof of concept demonstrating this vulnerability, and it has only been shown to be exploitable under controlled lab conditions, it is plausible that a public exploit for this vulnerability could emerge in the near future. Hence it’s strongly advised to patch this vulnerability before this becomes the case”.

New paper: AI agents that matter

So are AI agents all hype? It’s too early to tell. We think there are research challenges to be solved before we can expect agents such as the ones above to work well enough to be widely adopted. The only way to find out is through more research, so we do think research on AI agents is worthwhile. One major research challenge is reliability — LLMs are already capable enough to do many tasks that people want an assistant to handle, but not reliable enough that they can be successful products. To appreciate why, think of a flight-booking agent that needs to make dozens of calls to LLMs. If each of those went wrong independently with a probability of, say, just 2%, the overall system would be so unreliable as to be completely useless (this partly explains some of the product failures we’ve seen). ... Right now, however, research is itself contributing to hype and overoptimism because evaluation practices are not rigorous enough, much like the early days of machine learning research before the common task method took hold. That brings us to our paper.

Quote for the day:

"You can’t fall if you don’t climb. But there’s no joy in living your whole life on the ground." -- Unknown

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