Daily Tech Digest - July 24, 2024

AI generated deepfake fraud drives public appetite for biometrics: FIDO Alliance

“People don’t need to be tech-savvy, the tools are easily accessible online. Deepfakes are as easy as self-service, and this accessibility introduces a significant risk to organizations. How can financial institutions protect themselves against, well, themselves?” The answer, he says, is reliable biometric detection capable of running digital video against biometrically captured data to weed out digital replicas. “Protecting against deepfakes includes layering your processes with multiple checks and balances, all designed to make it increasingly complicated for fraudsters to pull off a successful scam.” For user identity and accessibility checks, he says it is essential to offer “seamless biometric identity verification systems that don’t feel intrusive but do offer increased trust.” “Companies need a strict onboarding process that asks for both biometric and physical proof of identity; that way, security systems can immediately verify someone’s identity. This includes the use of liveness detection and deepfake detection – ensuring a real person is at the end of the camera – and ensuring secure and accurate information authentication and encryption.”

The State of DevOps in the Enterprise

Unfortunately, few if any sites have fully automated DevOps solutions that can keep pace with Agile, no-code and low-code application development -- although everyone has a vision of one day achieving improved infrastructure automation for their applications and systems. ... Infrastructure as code is a method that enables IT to pre-define IT infrastructure for certain types of applications that are likely to be created. By predefining and standardizing the underlying infrastructure components for running new applications on Linux, for instance, you can ensure repeatability and predictability of performance of any application deployed on Linux, which will speed deployments. ... If you’re moving to more operational automation and methods like DevOps and IaC that serve as back-ends to applications in Agile, no code and low code, cross-disciplinary teams of end users, application developers, QA, system programmers, database specialists and network specialists must team together in an iterative approach to application development, deployment and maintenance.

A Blueprint for the Future: Automated Workflow Design

Given the multitude of processes organizations manage, the ability to edit existing workflows or start not from scratch but from a best practice template, assisted by generative AI, holds good potential. I believe this represents another significant step toward enterprise autonomy. This is apt as Blueprint nicely fits into Pega’s messaging that is centred on the concept of the autonomous enterprise. ... In the future, we could see Process Intelligence (PI) integrated with templates and generative AI, pushing the automation of the design process even further. PI identifies which workflows need improving and where. By feeding these insights into an intelligent workflow design tool like Blueprint, we could eventually see workflows being automatically updated to resolve the identified issues. Over time, we might even reach a point where a continuous automated process improvement cycle can be established. This cycle would start with PI capturing insights and feeding them into a Blueprint-like tool to generate updated and improved workflows. These would then be fed into an automated test and deployment platform to complete the improvement, overseen by a supervising AI or human. 

Considerations for AI factories

The new way of thinking is that the “rack is the new server” enables data center operators to create a scalable solution by thinking at the rack level. Within a rack, an entire solution for AI training can be self-contained, with expansion for higher needs for performance readily available. A single rack can contain up to eight servers, each with eight interconnected GPUs. Then, each GPU can communicate with many other GPUs located in the rack, as the switches can be contained in the rack. The same communication can be set up between racks for scaling beyond a single rack, enabling a single application to use thousands of GPUs. Within an AI factory, different GPUs can be used. Not all applications or their agreed-upon SLAs require the fastest GPUs on the market today. Less powerful GPUs may be entirely adequate for many environments and will typically consume less electricity. In addition, these very dense servers with GPUs require liquid cooling, which is optimal if the coolant distribution unit (CDU) is also located within the rack, which reduces the hose lengths.

5 Agile Techniques To Help Avoid a CrowdStrike-Like Issue

Agile is exceptionally good at giving a safe playpen to look around a project, for issues the team may not have focused on initially. It channels people’s interest in areas without losing track of resources. By definition, no one in an organization will spend time considering the possible outcome of things that they have no experience of. However, by pushing on the boundaries of a project, even if based only on hunches or experience, insights arrive. Even if the initial form of a problem cannot be foreseen, the secondary problems can often be. ... The timebox correctly assumes that if a solution requires jumping down a deep rabbit hole, then the solution may not be applicable in the time constraints of the project. This is a good way to understand how no software is an “ultimate solution,” but simply the right way to do things for now, given the resources available. ... Having one member of a team question another member is healthy, but can also create friction. Sometimes the result is just an additional item on a checklist, but sometimes it can trigger a major rethink of the project as a whole.

How to review code effectively: A GitHub staff engineer’s philosophy

Code reviews are impactful because they help exchange knowledge and increase shipping velocity. They are nice, linkable artifacts that peers and managers can use to show how helpful and knowledgeable you are. They can highlight good communication skills, particularly if there’s a complex or controversial change needed. So, making your case well in a code review can not only guide the product’s future and help stave off incidents, it can be good for your career. ... As a reviewer, clarity in communication is key. You’ll want to make clear which of your comments are personal preference and which are blockers for approval. Provide an example of the approach you’re suggesting to elevate your code review and make your meaning even clearer. If you can provide an example from the same repository as the pull request, even better—that further supports your suggestion by encouraging consistent implementations. By contrast, poor code reviews lack clarity. For example, a blanket approval or rejection without any comments can leave the pull request author wondering if the review was thorough. 

Goodbye? Attackers Can Bypass 'Windows Hello' Strong Authentication

Smirnov says his discovery does not indicate that WHfB is insecure. "The insecure part here is not regarding the protocol itself, but rather how the organization forces or does not force strong authentication," he says. "Because what's the point of phishing-resistant authentication if you can just downgrade it to something that is not phishing-resistant?" Smirnov maintains that because of how the WHfB protocol is designed, the entire architecture is phishing resistant. "But since Microsoft, back at the time, had no way to allow organizations to enforce sign-in using this phishing-resistant authentication method, you could always downgrade to a lesser secure authentication method like password and SMS-OTP," Smirnov says. When a user initially registers Windows Hello on their device, the WHiB's authentication mechanism creates a private key credential stored in the computer's TPM. The private key is inaccessible to an attacker because it is sandboxed on the TPM, therefore requiring an authentication challenge using a Windows Hello-compatible biometric key or PIN as a sign-in challenge.

Cybersecurity ROI: Top metrics and KPIs

The overall security posture of an organization can be quantified by tracking the number and severity of vulnerabilities before and after implementing security measures. A key indicator is the reduction in remediation activities while maintaining or improving the security posture. This can be measured in terms of work hours or effort saved. Traditional metrics for this measurement include the number of detected incidents, Mean Time to Detect (MTTD), Mean Time to Respond (MTTR), and patch management (average time to deploy fixes). Awareness training and measuring phishing success rates are also crucial. ... Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies is paramount. This includes comparing the costs of various security measures against the potential losses from security incidents and tying that figure back to patch management, paired up against the number of vulnerabilities remediated. With modern programs, enterprises are empowered to remediate what matters most from a risk perspective. All in all, a remediation cost is a better measure of an organization’s overall security posture than the cost of an incident.

Agentic AI drives enterprises away from public clouds

Decoupled and distributed systems running AI agents require hundreds of lower-powered processors that need to run independently. Cloud computing is typically not a good fit for this. However, it can still be a node within these distributed AI agents that run on heterogeneous and complex deployments outside public cloud solutions. The ongoing maturation of agentic AI will further incentivize the move away from the public cloud. Enterprises will increasingly invest in dedicated hardware tailored to specific AI tasks, from intelligent Internet of Things devices to sophisticated on-premises servers. This transition will necessitate robust integration frameworks to ensure seamless interaction between diverse systems, optimizing AI operations across the board. ... Integrating agentic AI marks a significant pivot in enterprise strategy, driving companies away from public cloud solutions. By adopting non-public cloud technologies and investing in adaptable, secure, and cost-efficient infrastructure, enterprises can fully leverage the potential of agentic AI. 

Learn About Data Privacy and How to Navigate the Information Security Regulatory 

LandscapeRegulators have made it clear that they are actively monitoring compliance with new state privacy laws. Even if the scope of exposure is relatively low due to partial exemptions, documenting compliance can be key. While companies are struggling to keep up with the expanding patchwork, regulators are also struggling to find the manpower to investigate the huge scope of companies coming under their jurisdiction. ... With the continual rise in cyber threats and a constantly evolving regulatory landscape for data privacy and information security, staying on top of and complying with such obligations and ensuring robust measures to protect sensitive information remain critical priorities. ... Numerous international data protection laws also impact the timeshare industry, but these are the primary laws affecting American resorts. Additionally, the timeshare industry is subject to other sector-related regulations, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which sets requirements for securing payment card information for any business that processes credit card transactions. 

Quote for the day:

“When we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel.” --Eloise Ristad

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