Why disaster recovery preparation is even more important during a pandemic

From a cyber perspective, disaster recovery during a pandemic raises new
challenges as well. The rapid expansion of remote work introduces new
vulnerabilities. Many organizations have relaxed perimeter security controls
to allow remote connectivity, introducing new threat vectors that threat
actors can exploit to gain access to networks. Lately, many of these attacks
have focused on ransomware and data destruction, which encrypt data and often
corrupt critical backup systems, rendering existing disaster recovery plans
unusable. An "all hands on deck" approach to manual recovery is often the only
response to these conditions. Unfortunately, social distancing protocols and
remote work arrangements can make those manual recovery efforts an
impossibility. ... IT disaster recovery generally falls into one of two
categories: A natural disaster event (earthquake, flood, etc.) or a system
failure (such as failures in hardware, software or electrical). This year,
actual DR responses we have witnessed have included issues with local or
regional power outages, or power infrastructure issues. We have seen this
across multiple industries including financial services with outages during
peak customer windows and prolonged recovery times.
Iranian hacker group developed Android malware to steal 2FA SMS codes

In a report published today, Check Point researchers said they also discovered
a potent Android backdoor developed by the group. The backdoor could steal the
victim's contacts list and SMS messages, silently record the victim via the
microphone, and show phishing pages. But the backdoor also contained routines
that were specifically focused on stealing 2FA codes. Check Point said the
malware would intercept and forward to the attackers any SMS message that
contained the "G-" string, usually employed to prefix 2FA codes for Google
accounts sent to users via SMS. The thinking is that Rampant Kitten operators
would use the Android trojan to show a Google phishing page, capture the
user's account credentials, and then access the victim's account. If the
victim had 2FA enabled, the malware's 2FA SMS-intercepting functionality would
silently send copies of the 2FA SMS code to the attackers, allowing them to
bypass 2FA. But that was not it. Check Point also found evidence that the
malware would also automatically forwarding all incoming SMS messages from
Telegram and other social network apps. These types of messages also contain
2FA codes, and it's very likely that the group was using this functionality to
bypass 2FA on more than Google accounts.
Clean Coders: Why India isn’t on the List

A more vexing element that drives the problem — a majority of the Indian
software companies look at software purely as a business. It’s mostly about
getting the deliverables ready on the quoted time and almost never about
striving for quality results. Consequently, the team treats coding as a task
to be ticked off with numbers rather than a task requiring quality — something
that would actually educate folks to avoid future mistakes. It’s a chain
reaction, really. When the organization itself does not prioritize clean
quality coding when a product is being developed, most coders lose the urge to
be curious about better practices and approaches since they have to direct all
their efforts into meeting deadlines. Even to this day, many skilled
professionals in the industry lack the ability to convey their ideas and pain
points effectively during client meetings or within the team. Organizations
need to establish the fact that coding is only one aspect of the job and that
communication is equally important. Especially in the service sector, when we
are constantly collaborating on large-scale projects, it’s absolutely crucial
for clients and internal teams to be on the same page.
6 big data blunders businesses should avoid
Owing to modern technologies, all trades, irrespective of size, have access to
granular and rich data that is based on their operations and clients. The
major hurdle in this is dealing with a massive quantity of data that are both
challenging to maintain and costly to manage. Despite the presence of
appropriate tools, dealing with such data is a cumbersome activity. Errors are
a frequent presence with the layers of complexity involved in dealing with Big
Data. However, Big Data holds diverse leverages for businesses. ... Thus, Big
Data becomes the defining leverage for innovative enterprises to gain an edge
over their competitors. The usage of these data is sure to exceed 274.3
billion by 2022 globally with each individual generating approximately 1.7
megabytes of information per second. With such leverages in point, can
you really afford to make mistakes with regard to blunders regarding Big Data?
So, here are some big data blunders that businesses need to avoid to harness
its full capabilities and enjoy the leverages that it brings.
Tracking global cybercrime activity and the impact on the digital economy

The EMEA region saw lower overall attack rates in comparison to most other
global regions from January through June 2020. This is due to a high volume of
trusted login transactions across relatively mature mobile apps. The attack
patterns in EMEA were also more benign and had less volatility and fewer
spikes in attack rates. However, there are some notable exceptions. Desktop
transactions conducted from EMEA had a higher attack rate than the global
average and automated bot attack volume grew 45% year over year. The UK
originates the highest volume of human-initiated cyberattacks in EMEA, with
Germany and France second and third in the region. The UK is also the second
largest contributor to global bot attacks behind the U.S. One example of a UK
banking fraud network saw more than $17 million exposed to fraud across 10
financial services organizations. This network alone consisted of 7,800
devices, 5,200 email addresses and 1,000 telephone numbers. The overall
human-initiated attack rate fell through the first half of 2020, showing a 33%
decline year over year. The breakdown by sector shows a 23% decline in
financial services and a 55% decline in e-commerce attack rates.
Load Testing APIs and Websites with Gatling: It’s Never Too Late to Get Started
If it is your first time load testing, whether you already know the target
user behavior or not, you should start with a capacity test. Stress testing is
useful but analyzing the metrics is really tricky under such a load. Since
everything is failing at the same time, it makes the task difficult, even
impossible. Capacity testing offers the luxury to go slowly to failure, which
is more comfortable for the first analysis. To get started, just run a
capacity test that makes your application crash as soon as possible. You only
need to add complexity to the scenario when everything seems to run smoothly.
... If an average can give you a quick overview of what happened in a run, it
will hide under the rug all the things you actually want to look at. This is
where percentiles come in handy. Think of it this way: if the average response
time is some amount of milliseconds, how does the experience feel in the worst
case for 1% of your user base? Better or worse? How does it feel for 0.1% of
your users? And so on, getting closer and closer to zero. The higher the
amount of users and requests, the closer you’ll need to get to zero in order
to study extreme behaviors.
Who Should Own Data Governance?

Many organizations position data governance under the Chief Financial
Officer (CFO). Other organizations position data governance under the Chief
Risk Officer (CRO) or the Chief Operational Officer (COO). In addition, some
organizations position data governance under the Chief Privacy Officer (CPO)
or the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). These days there are so
many C-levels. Placement of data governance under any one of these C-level
people is never wrong. Data governance must reside somewhere and having a
C-level person as your Executive Sponsor is always a good thing. In fact,
many organizations state that senior leadership’s support, sponsorship and
understanding of data governance is the number one best practice for
starting and sustaining their program. Having a C-level person as your
Executive Sponsor often dictates where data governance will reside in the
organization. Is it better for data governance to be placed in Finance and
report through the CFO than it is to have it reside in Operations and report
through the COO? The answer to that question is, “It depends.” It depends on
the interest and ability of that person and that part of the organization to
provide for the proper level of capacity in terms of resources to
operationalize and engage the organization.
Why Are Some Cybersecurity Professionals Not Finding Jobs?

Simply stated, these good people cannot get hired in a cyber job. Going much
further, they argue that select organizations (who discuss millions of
unfilled jobs) are pushing their own training agendas, certifications
offered, want to boost certain company stock prices or have other reasons to
encourage this “abundance of cyber jobs remain vacant” narrative, even
though it is not true, in their opinion. I want to be clear up front
that, I disagree with this narrative. I do believe that many (perhaps
millions but we can argue the numbers in another blog) global cybersecurity
job vacancies do exist. Nevertheless, I truly sympathize with these people
who disagree, and I want to try and help as many as I can find employment. I
also want hiring managers to set proper expectations. In addition to
my blogs and articles, I have personally mentored and helped dozens of
people find cyber jobs, from high school students to new college graduates
to CISOs and CSOs. (Note: this is not my "day job" but one way I try to give
back to the security community – just like so many others are doing as
well.) I also champion ways that government CISOs struggle in this area, and
how tech leaders can find more cyber talent.
Seven Steps to Realizing the Value of Modern Apps
With organizations running a multitude of environments to meet the demands
of their applications, each with unique technological requirements, finding
the platform isn’t the only challenge. What’s hard is that the development
and management is more complex than ever before, with IT and developers
navigating traditional apps, cloud- native, SaaS, services and on-prem, for
example. Here’s where you need a common ground between IT teams, Lines
of Business and developers – where having a single digital platform is
critical – to remove the potential for silos springing up, enable the better
deployment of resources, and provide a consistent approach to managing
applications, infrastructure and business needs together. It’s about
creating one, common platform to ‘run all the things’. One, software-defined
digital foundation that provides the platform – and choice of where to run
IT – to drive business value, create the best environment for developers and
help IT effectively manage existing and new technology via any cloud for any
application on any device with intrinsic security. One platform that can
deliver all apps, enabling developers to use the latest development
methodologies and container technologies for faster time to
4 measures to counteract risk in financial services
Financial services regulators across jurisdictions have identified
concentration risk as a factor to consider in assessing risk in outsourcing.
That risk has two components (i) micro-risk where reliance on a single
provider for core operations may present an undue risk of operations if
there is a single point of failure and (ii) macro-risk where reliance on
financial firms within the ecosystem are so reliant on a vendor that a
single point of failure risks causing a broad systemic risk to the
operations of the financial services sector. Notably, this risk is not
unique to cloud services and, as the Bank of England commented in its
Consultation Paper on Outsourcing and Third Party Risk Management, “a small
number of third parties have traditionally dominated the provision of
certain functions, products, or services to firms, such as cash machines or
IT mainframes.” In other words, the issue of concentration risk is not net
new but has been a feature within the financial services industry for
decades. While cloud remains relatively nascent compared to entrenched
providers of legacy systems, like the mainframe, its increasing adoption
means that financial institutions must account for, and mitigate against,
micro-risk issues of concentration in use of cloud providers.
Quote for the day:
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” -- Viktor E. Frankl
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