Outbound Email Errors Cause 93% Increase in Breaches
Egress CEO Tony Pepper said the problem is only going to get worse with
increased remote working and higher email volumes, which create prime
conditions for outbound email data breaches of a type that traditional DLP
tools simply cannot handle. “Instead, organizations need intelligent
technologies, like machine learning, to create a contextual understanding of
individual users that spots errors such as wrong recipients, incorrect file
attachments or responses to phishing emails, and alerts the user before they
make a mistake,” he said. The most common breach types were replying to
spear-phishing emails (80%), emails sent to the wrong recipients (80%) and
sending the incorrect file attachment (80%). Speaking to Infosecurity, Egress
VP of corporate marketing Dan Hoy, said businesses reported an increase in
outbound emails since lockdown, “and more emails mean more risk.” He called
this a numbers game which has increased risk as remote workers are more
susceptible and likely to make mistakes the more they are removed from
security and IT teams. According to the research, 76% of breaches were caused
by “intentional exfiltration.” Hoy confirmed this is a combination of
employees innocently trying to do their job and not cause harm by sending
files to webmail accounts, but this does increase risk “and you cannot ignore
the malicious intent.”
‘The demand for cloud computing & cybersecurity professionals is on the rise’
The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly has disrupted the normalcy of every company
across every sector. At Clumio, our primary focus continues to be the health
and well-being of our people. While tackling the situation, we also need to
keep pace with our professional duties. We made the transition to remote work
immediately and are in constant touch with our employees to ensure they don’t
feel isolated and remain focused on their work. We are encouraging employees
to follow the best practices of remote work and motivating them to spend time
on their emotional, mental and physical wellbeing during this time. We conduct
Zoom happy hours frequently to stay connected and have fun. As part of the
session, we also celebrated a virtual babyshower of one of our colleagues
recently. We had our annual summer picnic and created wonderful memories while
maintaining social distance, but staying together. During this time, we
have also launched the India Research and Development center in Bangalore. Our
India Center will drive front-end innovation and research to build cloud
solutions. India has a huge talent pool in technology, and it is only growing.
We have also started virtual hiring and onboarding during the pandemic.
AI investment to increase but challenges remain around delivering ROI

ROI on AI is still a work in progress that requires a focus on strategic
change. As companies progress in AI use, they often shift their focus from
automating internal employee and customer processes to delivering on
strategic goals. For example, 31% of AI leaders report increased revenue,
22% greater market share, 22% new products and services, 21% faster
time-to-market, 21% global expansion, 19% creation of new business models,
and 14% higher shareholder value. In fact, the AI-enabled functions showing
the highest returns are all fundamental to rethinking business strategies
for a digital-first world: strategic planning, supply chain management,
product development, and distribution and logistics. The study found that
automakers are at the forefront of AI excellence, as they accelerate AI
adoption to deliver on every part of their business strategy, from upgrading
production processes and improving safety features to developing
self-driving cars. Of the 12 industries benchmarked in the study, automotive
employs the largest AI teams. With the government actively supporting AI
under its Society 5.0 program, Japanese companies lead the pack in AI
The future of .NET Standard
.NET 5 and all future versions will always support .NET Standard 2.1 and
earlier. The only reason to retarget from .NET Standard to .NET 5 is to gain
access to more runtime features, language features, or APIs. So, you can
think of .NET 5 as .NET Standard vNext. What about new code? Should you
still start with .NET Standard 2.0 or should you go straight to .NET 5? It
depends. App components: If you’re using libraries to break down your
application into several components, my recommendation is to use netX.Y
where X.Y is the lowest number of .NET that your application (or
applications) are targeting. For simplicity, you probably want all projects
that make up your application to be on the same version of .NET because it
means you can assume the same BCL features everywhere. Reusable libraries:
If you’re building reusable libraries that you plan on shipping on NuGet,
you’ll want to consider the trade-off between reach and available feature
set. .NET Standard 2.0 is the highest version of .NET Standard that is
supported by .NET Framework, so it will give you the most reach, while also
giving you a fairly large feature set to work with. We’d generally recommend
against targeting .NET Standard 1.x as it’s not worth the hassle
Fintech sector faces "existential crisis" says McKinsey

After growing more than 25% a year since 2014, investment into the sector
dropped by 11% globally and 30% in Europe in the first half of 2020, says
McKinsey, citing figures from Dealroom. In July 2020, after months of
Covid-19-related lockdowns in most European countries, the drop was even
steeper, 18% globally and 44% in Europe, versus the previous year. "This
constitutes a significant challenge for fintechs, many of which are still
not profitable and have a continuous need for capital as they complete their
innovation cycle: attracting new customers, refining propositions and
ultimately monetizing their scale to turn a profit," states the McKinsey
paper. "The Covid-19 crisis has in effect shortened the runway for many
fintechs, posing an existential threat to the sector." Analyzing fundraising
data for the last three years from Dealroom, the conulstancy found that as
much as €5.7 billion will be needed to sustain the EU fintech sector through
the second half of 2021 — a point at which some sort of economic normalcy
might begin to emerge. It is not clear where these funds will come from,
however. Fintechs are largely unable to access loan bailout schemes due to
their pre-profit status.
Artificial Intuition: A New Generation of AI

Artificial intuition is a simple term to misjudge in light of the fact that
it seems like artificial emotion and artificial empathy. Nonetheless, it
varies fundamentally. Experts are taking a shot at artificial emotions so
machines can mirror human behavior all the more precisely. Artificial
empathy aims to distinguish a human’s perspective in real-time. Along these
lines, for instance, chatbots, virtual assistants and care robots can react
to people all the more properly in context. Artificial intuition is more
similar to human impulse since it can quickly survey the entirety of a
circumstance, including extremely inconspicuous markers of explicit
movement. The fourth era of AI is artificial intuition, which empowers
computers to discover threats and opportunities without being determined
what to search for, similarly as human instinct permits us to settle on
choices without explicitly being told on how to do so. It’s like a seasoned
detective who can enter a wrongdoing scene and know immediately that
something doesn’t appear to be correct or an experienced investor who can
spot a coming pattern before any other person.
Attacked by ransomware? Five steps to recovery

Arguably the most challenging step for recovering from a ransomware attack
is the initial awareness that something is wrong. It’s also one of the most
crucial. The sooner you can detect the ransomware attack, the less data may
be affected. This directly impacts how much time it will take to recover
your environment. Ransomware is designed to be very hard to detect. When you
see the ransom note, it may have already inflicted damage across the entire
environment. Having a cybersecurity solution that can identify unusual
behavior, such as abnormal file sharing, can help quickly isolate a
ransomware infection and stop it before it spreads further. Abnormal file
behavior detection is one of the most effective means of detecting a
ransomware attack and presents with the fewest false positives when compared
to signature based or network traffic-based detection. One additional method
to detect a ransomware attack is to use a “signature-based” approach. The
issue with this method, is it requires the ransomware to be known. If the
code is available, software can be trained to look for that code. This is
not recommended, however, because sophisticated attacks are using new,
previously unknown forms of ransomware.
Struggling to Secure Remote IT? 3 Lessons from the Office
To prepare for the arrival of CCPA, business leaders told us they spent an
average of $81.9 million on compliance during the last 12 months. Yet
despite making investments in hiring (93%), workforce training (89%), and
purchasing new software or services to ensure compliance (95%), 40% still
felt unprepared for the evolving regulatory landscape. Why? Because the root
causes were not addressed. Perhaps their IT operations and security teams
worked in silos, creating complexity and narrowing their visibility into
their IT estates. Maybe their teams were completely unaware that other
departments introduced their own software into the environment. Or more
commonly, the organization used legacy tooling that wasn't plugged into the
endpoint management or security systems of the IT teams. These are just some
of the root causes that keep organizations in the dark and prone to
exploits. While the transition to remote work was swift, it has presented
businesses with an opportunity to face these issues head-on. As workforces
continue to work remotely, CISOs and CIOs now have the chance to evaluate
how they effectively manage risk in the long term, which includes running
continuous risk assessments and investing in solutions that deliver rapid
incident response and improved decision-making.
CTO challenges around the return to the workplace

Every CTO tells us that the digital transformation and change management
programmes designed to address the relentless regulatory, competitor,
innovation and customer challenges must go ahead as planned, regardless of the
pandemic. You may be tackling automating end-to-end electronic trading
workflows or creating mobile framework applications. Whatever the focus,
hampering the journey towards electronification, firms stumble over the
limitations of legacy systems; trading desks still depend on quotes, orders
and trades are processed from a multitude of external trading platforms, and
inconsistency, lag and gaps all result in costly errors, which are missed
opportunities at best, and regulatory reporting breaches and huge fines at
worst. In the quest for efficiencies, mitigation of risk, and achieving
seamless and future-proofed IT architecture, firms must automate to meet their
regulatory obligations and deliver client, management and regulatory
transparency. And this hasn’t even touched on achieving an ambition to create
end-to-end, freely flowing models of perfectly clean, ordered and
well-governed data. Every CTO needs to apply extraction and visualisation
layers, and mine the data for valuable insights that can be fed further
The Case for Explainable AI (XAI)

Despite the numerous benefits to developing XAI, many formidable challenges
persist. A significant hurdle, particularly for those attempting to establish
standards and regulations, is the fact that different users will require
different levels of explainability in different contexts. Models that are
deployed to effectuate decisions that directly impact human life, such as those
in hospitals or military environments, will produce different needs and
constraints than ones utilized in low-risk situations There are also nuances
within the performance-explainability trade-off. Infrastructure and systems
designers are constantly balancing the demands of competing interests. ... There
are also a number of risks associated with explainable AI. Systems that produce
seemingly-credible but actually-incorrect results would be difficult to detect
for most consumers. Trust in AI systems can enable deception by way of those
very AI systems, especially when stakeholders provide features that purport to
offer explainability where they actually do not. Engineers also worry that
explainability could give rise to vaster opportunities for exploitation by
malicious actors. Simply put, if it is easier to understand how a model converts
input into output, it is likely also easier to craft adversarial inputs that are
designed to achieve specific outputs.
Quote for the day:
"Great leaders go forward without stopping, remain firm without tiring and remain enthusiastic while growing" -- Reed Markham
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