October 29, 2013

Stop chasing the rats, and protect the cheese
From our perspective we've seen many different threats to data, many different factors to it. I think the one that is being skipped over and over again is the insider, because it usually comes down to a question of trust. But it's not so much trust of the individual, but trust of the architecture that you have built. Do you trust how your users interact with your data, how they manage the data, and can those become compromised and used against you?

Taming Unrestrained Data Growth in the Big Data Era
Many organizations today are fully aware going in that the volume, variety, and velocity of data continue to grow at a nearly unprecedented rate. And yet they often attempt to handle this rising tide of data without a plan. Moreover, legacy, manual methods of discovering, governing, and correcting data are no longer practical for this tremendous growth of big data.

You Can’t Be a Wimp—Make the Tough Calls
Good executives don’t let concerns about the consequences make them indecisive, however. One midwestern CEO was outperforming by a mile in the late 1990s, when the top brass at Home Depot said they wanted his company to supply theirs. Volume would obviously go up, but selling to the retail powerhouse would have several negative consequences for the brand in the long run. The CEO didn’t think it was the right thing for his company and said so.

How to more easily upgrade your network to 40/100G Ethernet
“You see a lot more in-rack virtual switching, VM-based switching that is very application specific,” Walsh says. “New line cards in new backplane architectures mean different levels of oversubscription. There’ll be generational tweaks, configuration ‘worrying’ that has to occur. The biggest thing (testers) are running into is making sure you get the 40G you are paying for (with regard to) latency issues, hops, and congestion visibility.”

Enterprises Encourage Open Source Culture
Open source culture is ultimately collaborative, and expertise-driven. Developing a successful open source culture inside an organisation also means developing the skills and abilities of technical employees, so that they can produce high-value, reusable work, rather than be constrained to simple operational tasks. Ideally, organisations want IT administrators to automate tasks and control them via policy, rather than requiring manual intervention for every activity.

Smartphones: Business Risk or Opportunity?
Smartphones and tablets are the most popular and pervasive devices used by business professionals today. Their simplicity, flexibility and convenience make them as compelling for executives working on the road as they are for consumers playing and socializing at home. But now that the smartphone genie is out of the bottle, business owners, CIOs and IT leaders must work together to harness the efficiencies these powerful tools afford, while defusing the security threats they pose.

JSIL: Challenges Met Compiling CIL into JavaScript
One of the major challenges involved is actually somewhat counter-intuitive - generating good JavaScript from IL not only requires decompiling the IL, but reversing some optimizations performed by the compiler and then applying new optimizations of my own. Doing this correctly without manual guidance from a developer requires a very, very robust knowledge of static analysis and other related topics, as without that you cannot implement optimizations without introducing significant bugs into user code.

Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Fuzzy Cloud Demarcation
Public, private, or community attributes specify how widely the cloud service is shared; a sharing dimension. Internal or external denote the consumer’s view of the Cloud’s service interface. The view is associated with a consumer’s responsibility for service development, operations, and management; a responsibility dimension. A third dimension, on-premise or outsourced, describes where the service assets are located; a location dimension. Many architects conflate the three dimensions.

Promote Your HR Leader, Reap Profits?
“We think what that says, based on this analysis and some other studies we’ve done, is that a chief human resources officer can drive an agenda within the executive board about aligning people to goals, and they can insure that performance appraisals are done,” says Karie Willyerd, vice president of learning and social adoption for SuccessFactors.

Exclusive Documents: State Department Lacks Basic Cybersecurity
These newly obtained documents add to the picture, revealing that the department lacks even a basic monitoring system to determine unauthorized access or modification of files. Security on the unclassified systems appears problematic, as there is potential access to classified information, even inadvertently, and back-door access to servers.

Quote for the day:

"All adventures, especially into new territory, are scary." -- Sally Ride

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