What we've lost in the push to agile software development, and how to get it back

Team members and business partners should not have to ask questions such as
"what does that arrow mean?" "Is that a Java application?" or "is that a
monolithic application or a set of microservices," he says. Rather,
discussions should focus on the functions and services being delivered to the
business. "The thing nobody talks about is you have to do design to get
version 1," Brown says. "You have to put some foundations in place to give you
a sufficient starting point to iterate, and evolve on top of. And that's what
we're missing." Many software design teams keep upfront design to a minimum,
assuming details will be fleshed out in an agile process as things move along.
Brown says this is misplaced thinking, and design teams should incorporate
more information into their upfront designs, including the type of technology
and languages that are being proposed. "During my travels, I have been given
every excuse you can possibly imagine for why teams should not do upfront
design," he says. Some of his favorite excuses even include the question, "are
we allowed to do upfront design?" Other responses include "we don't do upfront
design because we do XP [extreme programming]," and "we're agile. It's not
expected in agile."
Those who innovate, lead: the new normal for digital transformation
Even in normal times, IT departments struggled to meet their digital
transformation goals as quickly as required. According to research, 59% of IT
directors reported that they were unable to deliver all of their projects last
year. Much of this is due to IT complexity and the challenges inherent in
trying to integrate various data sources, applications and systems in an agile
way that supports the goals of transformation. All too often, organizations
rely on linking capabilities together with point-to-point integrations, which
are inflexible and unsuited to the dynamism of modern IT environments. As a
result, they find it hard to quickly launch innovative, customer-centric
products and services, as they can’t bring together the capabilities that
drive them in a cost and time-effective manner. At the same time, it’s often
the case that digital transformation is left largely to the IT department. IT
teams – already stretched by their day-to-day maintenance responsibilities –
are increasingly tasked with driving the entire organization forward, with
limited support from other teams in the business. Understandably, this has led
to a widening ‘delivery gap’ between what the business expects, and what IT is
able to achieve.
Fileless worm builds cryptomining, backdoor-planting P2P botnet

A fileless worm dubbed FritzFrog has been found roping Linux-based devices –
corporate servers, routers and IoT devices – with SSH servers into a P2P
botnet whose apparent goal is to mine cryptocurrency. Simultaneously, though,
the malware creates a backdoor on the infected machines, allowing attackers to
access it at a later date even if the SSH password has been changed in the
meantime. “When looking at the amount of code dedicated to the miner, compared
with the P2P and the worm (‘cracker’) modules – we can confidently say that
the attackers are much more interested in obtaining access to breached servers
then making profit through Monero,” Guardicore Labs lead researcher Ophir
Harpaz told Help Net Security. “This access and control over SSH servers can
be worth much more money than spreading a cryptominer. Additionally, it is
possible that FritzFrog is a P2P-infrastructure-as-a-service; since it is
robust enough to run any executable file or script on victim machines, this
botnet can potentially be sold in the darknet and be the genie of its
operators, fulfilling any of its malicious wishes.”
Post-Pandemic Digitalization: Building a Human-Centric Cybersecurity Strategy
As leaders of a global business task force responsible for advising and
providing recommendations on the future of digitalization to G20 Leaders, we
are doubling down on our efforts to build cyber resilience, and we urge
leaders to recognize the importance of cybersecurity resilience as a vital
building block of our global economy. And we must be thoughtful in our future
cyber approach. A human-centric, education-first strategy will protect
organizations where they are most vulnerable and get us closer to the point
where cybersecurity is ingrained in our daily life rather than an
afterthought. Action through collaboration, one of our guiding principles as
the voice of the private sector to the G20, is the only viable option. A
public-private partnership built on cooperation among large corporations,
MSMEs, academic institutions, and international governments is the cornerstone
of a modern and resilient cybersecurity system. A few simple but powerful
actions ingrained in a global cybersecurity strategy will bring our users into
the new age of digital transformation and embed a security mindset into our
day-to-day, making breach attempts significantly less successful.
Event Stream Processing: How Banks Can Overcome SQL and NoSQL Related Obstacles with Apache Kafka

Traditional relational databases which support SQL and NoSQL databases present
obstacles to the real-time data flows needed in financial services, but
ultimately still remain useful to banks. Jackson says that databases are good
at recording the current state and allow banks to join and query that data.
“However, they’re not really designed for storing the events that got you
there. This is where Kafka comes in. If you want to move, create, join,
process and reprocess events you really need event streaming technology. This
is becoming critical in the financial services sector where context is
everything – to customers, this can be anything from sharing alerts to let you
know you’ve been paid or instantly sorting transactions into categories.” He
continues to say that Nationwide are starting to build applications around
events, but in the meantime, technologies such as CDC and Kafka Connect, a
tool that reliably streams data between Apache Kafka and other data systems
are helping to bridge older database technologies into the realm of events.
Data caching technology can also play an important role in providing real-time
data access for performance-critical, distributed applications in financial
services as it is a well-known and tested approach to dealing with spikey,
unpredictable loads in a cost-effective and resilient way.
What is semantic interoperability in IoT and why is it important?

Semantic interoperability can today be enabled by declarative models and logic
statements (semantic models) encoded in a formal vocabulary of some sort. The
fundamental idea is that by providing these structured semantic models about a
subsystem, other subsystems can with the same mechanisms get an unambiguous
understanding of the subsystem. This unambiguous understanding is the
cornerstone for other subsystems to confidently interact with (in other words,
understand information from, as well send commands to) the given subsystem to
achieve some desired effect. It's important to note that interoperability is
beyond data exchange formats or even explicit translation of information
models between a producer and a consumer. It’s about the mechanisms to enable
this to happen automatically, without specific programming. There should be no
need for an integrator to review thick manuals in order to understand what is
really meant with a particular piece of data. It should be fully machine
processable. Today, industry standards exist that greatly improve
interoperability with significantly reduced effort. They do so by
standardizing vocabularies and concepts.
GPT-3, Bloviator: OpenAI’s language generator has no idea what it’s talking about

At first glance, GPT-3 seems to have an impressive ability to produce
human-like text. And we don’t doubt that it can used to produce entertaining
surrealist fiction; other commercial applications may emerge as well. But
accuracy is not its strong point. If you dig deeper, you discover that
something’s amiss: although its output is grammatical, and even impressively
idiomatic, its comprehension of the world is often seriously off, which means
you can never really trust what it says. Below are some illustrations of its
lack of comprehension—all, as we will see later, prefigured in an earlier
critique that one of us wrote about GPT-3’s predecessor. Before proceeding,
it’s also worth noting that OpenAI has thus far not allowed us research access
to GPT-3, despite both the company’s name and the nonprofit status of its
oversight organization. Instead, OpenAI put us off indefinitely despite
repeated requests—even as it made access widely available to the media.
Fortunately, our colleague Douglas Summers-Stay, who had access, generously
offered to run the experiments for us. OpenAI’s striking lack of openness
seems to us to be a serious breach of scientific ethics, and a distortion of
the goals of the associated nonprofit.
A Google Drive 'Feature' Could Let Attackers Trick You Into Installing Malware
An unpatched security weakness in Google Drive could be exploited by malware
attackers to distribute malicious files disguised as legitimate documents or
images, enabling bad actors to perform spear-phishing attacks comparatively
with a high success rate. The latest security issue—of which Google is aware
but, unfortunately, left unpatched—resides in the "manage versions"
functionality offered by Google Drive that allows users to upload and manage
different versions of a file, as well as in the way its interface provides a
new version of the files to the users. ... According to A. Nikoci, a system
administrator by profession who reported the flaw to Google and later
disclosed it to The Hacker News, the affected functionally allows users to
upload a new version with any file extension for any existing file on the
cloud storage, even with a malicious executable. As shown in the demo
videos—which Nikoci shared exclusively with The Hacker News—in doing so, a
legitimate version of the file that's already been shared among a group of
users can be replaced by a malicious file, which when previewed online doesn't
indicate newly made changes or raise any alarm, but when downloaded can be
employed to infect targeted systems.
What is Microsoft's MeTAOS?
MeTAOS/Taos is not an OS in the way we currently think of Windows or Linux.
It's more of a layer that Microsoft wants to evolve to harness the user data
in the substrate to make user experiences and user-facing apps smarter and
more proactive. A job description for a Principal Engineering
Manager for Taos mentions the foundational layer: "We aspire to create a
platform on top of that foundation - one oriented around people and the work
they want to do rather than our devices, apps, and technologies. This vision
has the potential to define the future of Microsoft 365 and make a dramatic
impact on the entire industry." A related SharePoint/MeTA job description adds
some additional context: "We are excited about transforming our customers into
'AI natives,' where technology augments their ability to achieve more with the
files, web pages, news, and other content that people need to get their task
done efficiently by providing them timely and actionable notifications that
understands their intents, context and adapts to their work habits." In short,
MeTAOS/Taos could be the next step along the Office 365 substrate path.
Microsoft officials haven't said a lot publicly about the substrate, but it's
basically a set of storage and other services at the heart of Office
What Organizations Need to Know About IoT Supply Chain Risk
When it comes to IoT, IT, and OT devices, there is no software bill of
materials (SBOM), though there have been some industry calls for one. That
means the manufacturer has no obligation to disclose to you what components
make up a device. When a typical device or software vulnerability is
disclosed, an organization can fairly easily use tools such as device
visibility and asset management to find and patch vulnerable devices on its
network. However, without a standard requirement to disclose what components
are under the hood, it can be extremely difficult to even identify what
manufacturers or devices may be affected by a supply chain vulnerability like
Ripple20 unless the vendor confirms it. For organizations, this challenge
means pressing manufacturers for information on components when making
purchasing decisions. While it is not realistic to solely base every
purchasing decision based on security, the nature of these supply chain
challenges demand at least gaining information in order to make the best risk
calculus. What makes supply chain risk unique is that one vulnerability can
affect many types of devices.
Quote for the day:
"Learning is a lifetime process, but there comes a time when we must stop adding and start updating." -- Robert Braul
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