Daily Tech Digest - June 13, 2024

Backup lessons learned from 10 major cloud outages

So, what’s the most critical lesson here? Back up your cloud data! And I don’t just mean relying on your provider’s built-in backup services. As we saw with Carbonite, StorageCraft and OVH, those backups can evaporate along with your primary data if disaster strikes. You need to follow the 3-2-1 rule religiously: keep at least three copies of your data, on two different media, with one copy off-site. And in the context of the cloud, “different media” means not storing everything in the same type of system; use different failure domains. Also, “off-site” means in a completely separate cloud account or, even better, with a third-party backup provider. But it’s not just about having backups; it’s about having the right kind of backups. Take the StorageCraft incident, for example. They lost customer backup metadata during a botched cloud migration, rendering those backups useless. This hammers home the importance of not only backing up your primary data but also maintaining the integrity and recoverability of your backup data itself.

4 Ways to Control Cloud Costs in the Age of Generative AI

First and foremost, prioritize building a cost-conscious culture within your organization. IT professionals are presented with some serious challenges to get spending under control and identify value where they can. Educating teams on cloud cost management strategies and fostering accountability can empower them to make informed decisions that align with business objectives. Organizations are increasingly implementing FinOps frameworks and strategies in their cloud cost optimization efforts as well. This promotes a shared responsibility for cloud costs across IT teams, DevOps, and other cross-functional teams. ... Implementing robust monitoring and optimization tools is essential. By leveraging analytics and automation, your organization can gain real-time insights into cloud usage patterns and identify opportunities for optimization. Whether it's rightsizing resources, implementing cost allocation tags, or leveraging spot instances, proactive optimization measures can yield substantial cost savings without sacrificing performance.

Gen AI can be the answer to your data problems — but not all of them

One use case is particularly well suited for gen AI because it was specifically designed to generate new text. “They’re very powerful for generating synthetic data and test data,” says Noah Johnson, co-founder and CTO at Dasera, a data security firm. “They’re very effective on that. You give them the structure and the general context, and they can generate very realistic-looking synthetic data.” The synthetic data is then used to test the company’s software, he says. ... The most important thing to know is that gen AI won’t solve all of a company’s data problems. “It’s not a silver bullet,” says Daniel Avancini, chief data officer at Indicium, an AI and data consultancy. If a company is just starting on its data journey, getting the basics right is key, including building good data platforms, setting up data governance processes, and using efficient and robust traditional approaches to identifying, classifying, and cleaning data. “Gen AI is definitely something that’s going to help, but there are a lot of traditional best practices that need to be implemented first,” he says. 

Scores of Biometrics Bugs Emerge, Highlighting Authentication Risks

Biometrics generally are regarded as a step above typical authentication mechanisms — that extra James Bond-level of security necessary for the most sensitive devices and the most serious environments. ... The critical nature of the environments in which these systems are so often deployed necessitates that organizations go above and beyond to ensure their integrity. And that job takes much more than just patching newly discovered vulnerabilities. "First, isolate a biometric reader on a separate network segment to limit potential attack vectors," Kiguradze recommends. Then, "implement robust administrator passwords and replace any default credentials. In general, it is advisable to conduct thorough audits of the device’s security settings and change any default configurations, as they are usually easier to exploit in a cyberattack." "There have been recent security breaches — you've probably read about them," acknowledges Rohan Ramesh, director of product marketing at Entrust. But in general, he says, there are ways to protect databases with hardware security modules and other advanced encryption technologies.

Mastering the tabletop: 3 cyberattack scenarios to prime your response

The ransomware CTEP explores aspects of an organization’s operational resiliency and poses key questions aimed at understanding threats to an organization, what information the attacker leverages, and how to conduct risk assessments to identify specific threats and vulnerabilities to critical assets. Given that ransomware attacks focus on data and systems, the scenario asks key questions about the accuracy of inventories and whether there are resources in place dedicated to mitigating known exploited vulnerabilities on internet-facing systems. This includes activities such as not just having backups, but their retention period and an understanding of how long it would take to restore from backups if necessary, in events such as a ransomware attack. Questions asked during the tabletop also include a focus on assessing zero-trust architecture implementation or lack thereof. This is critical, given that zero trust emphasizes least-permissive access control and network segmentation, practices that can limit the lateral movement of an attack and potentially keep it from accessing sensitive data, files, and systems.

10 Years of Kubernetes: Past, Present, and Future

There is little risk (nor reason) that Wasm will in some way displace containers. WebAssembly’s virtues — fast startup time, small binary sizes, and fast execution — lend strongly toward serverless workloads where there is no long-running server process. But none of these things makes WebAssembly an obviously better technology for long-running server process that are typically encapsulated in containers. In fact, the opposite is true: Right now, few servers can be compiled to WebAssembly without substantial changes to the code. When it comes to serverless functions, though, WebAssembly’s sub-millisecond cold start, near-native execution speed, and beefy security sandbox make it an ideal compute layer. If WebAssembly will not displace containers, then our design goal should be to complement containers. And running WebAssembly inside of Kubernetes should involve the deepest possible integration with existing Kubernetes features. That’s where SpinKube comes in. Packaging a group of open source tools created by Microsoft, Fermyon, Liquid Reply, SUSE, and others, SpinKube plumbs WebAssembly support directly into Kubernetes. A WebAssembly application can use secrets, config maps, volume mounts, services, sidecars, meshes, and so on. 

Cultivating a High Performance Environment

At the organizational level, how is a culture that supports high performers put in place and how does it remain in place? The simple answer is that cultural leaders must set the foundation. A great example is Gary Vaynerchuk. As CEO of his organization, he embodies many high performing qualities we’ve identified as power skills. He is the primary champion (Sponsor) for this culture, hires leaders (resources) who make up a group of champions, and these leaders hire others (teams) who expand the group of champions. Tools, tactics, and processes are put in place by all champions at all levels to support, build, and maintain the culture. Those who don’t resonate with high performance are supported as best and as long as possible. If they decide not to support the culture, they are facilitated to leave in a supportive manner. As organizations change and embrace true high performance (power skills), authentic high performers will proliferate. Organizations don’t really have a choice about whether to move to the new paradigm. This is the way now and of the future. Steve Jobs said it well: “We don’t hire experts to tell them what to do. We hire experts to tell us what to do.” 

Top 10 Use Cases for Blockchain

Smart contracts on the blockchain can also automate derivate contract execution based on pre-defined rules while automating dividend payments. Perhaps most notable, is its ability to tokenise traditional assets such as stocks and bonds into digital securities – paving the way for fractional ownership. ... Blockchain can also power CBDCs – a digital form of central bank money that offers unique advantages for central banks at retail and wholesale levels, from enhanced financial access for individuals to greater infrastructural efficiency for intermediate settlements. With distributed ledger transactions (DLT), CBDCs can be issued, recorded and validated in a decentralised way. ... Blockchain technology is becoming vital in the cybersecurity space too. When it comes to digital identities, blockchain enables the concept of self-sovereign identity (SSI), where individuals have complete control and ownership over their digital identities and personal data. Rather than relying on centralised authorities like companies or governments to issue and manage identities, blockchain enables users to create and manage their own.

Encryption as a Cloud-to-Cloud Network Security Strategy

Like upper management, there are network analysts and IT leaders who resist using data encryption. They view encryption as overkill—in technology and in the budget. Second, they may not have much first-hand experience with data encryption. Encryption uses black-box arithmetic algorithms that few IT professionals understand or care about. Next, if you opt to use encryption, you have to make the right choice out of many different types of encryption options. In some cases, an industry regulation may dictate the choice of encryption, which simplifies the choice. This can actually be a benefit on the budget side because you don't have to fight for new budget dollars when the driver is regulatory compliance. However, even if you don't have a regulatory requirement for the encryption of data in transit, security risks are growing if you run without it. Unencrypted data in transit can be intercepted by malicious actors for purposes of identity theft, intellectual property theft, data tampering, and ransomware. The more companies move into a hybrid computing environment that operates on-premises and in multiple clouds, the greater their risk since more data that is potentially unprotected is moving from point to point over this extended outside network.

Automated Testing in DevOps: Integrating Testing into Continuous Delivery

Automated testing skilfully diverts ownership responsibilities to the engineering team. They can prepare test plans or assist with the procedure alongside regular roadmap feature development and then complete the execution using continuous integration tools. With the help of an efficient automation testing company, you can reduce the QA team size and let quality analysts focus more on vital and sensitive features. ... The major goal of continuous delivery is to deliver new code releases to customers as fast as possible. Suppose there is any manual or time-consuming step within the delivery process. In that case, automating delivery to users becomes challenging rather than impossible. Continuous development can be an effective part of a greater deployment pipeline. It is a successor to and also relies on continuous integration. Continuous integration is entirely responsible for running automated tests against new code changes and verifying whether new changes are breaking new features or introducing new bugs. Continuous delivery takes place once the CI step passes the automated test plan.

Quote for the day:

"If you really want the key to success, start by doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing." -- Brad Szollose

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