Daily Tech Digest - June 07, 2024

Technology, Regulations Can't Save Orgs From Deepfake Harm

Deepfakes have already become a tool for attackers behind business-leader impersonation fraud — in the past referred to as business email compromise (BEC) — where AI-generated audio and video of a corporate executive are used to fool lower-level employees into transferring money or taking other sensitive actions. In an incident disclosed in February, for example, a Hong Kong-based employee of a multinational corporation transferred about $25.5 million after attackers used deepfakes during a conference call to instruct the worker to make the transfers. ... Creating trusted channels of communication should be a priority for all companies, and not just for sensitive processes — such as initiating a payment or transfer — but also for communications to the public, says Deep Instinct's Froggett. "The best companies are already preparing, trying to think of the eventualities. ... You need legal, regulatory, and compliance groups — obviously, marketing and communication — to be able to mobilize to combat any misinformation," he says. 

Juniper Networks brings industry’s first and only AIOps to WAN routing, delivering AI-native insight for exceptional experiences

Juniper is introducing a new security insights Mist dashboard within its Premium Analytics product to provide comprehensive security event visibility and persona-based policy activation and threat responses. This increased visibility provides actionable intelligence to security teams, enabling them to quickly identify incidents and respond to threats in real-time—thereby improving the user experience. The security insights dashboard in Premium Analytics also helps break down siloed network and security management. ... Another innovation announced by Juniper, Routing Assurance, brings the company’s high performance, sustainable and versatile enterprise edge routing platforms under the Mist AI and cloud umbrella. ... In addition, Marvis, the industry’s first and only AI-Native VNA with a conversational interface built on more than seven years of learning, has been expanded to cover enterprise WAN edge routing. With Marvis’ conversational interface, IT teams can use simple language queries to identify and fix routing issues, including knowledge base queries powered by Generative AI.

How Sprinting Slows You Down: A Better Way to Build Software

First, start by killing the deadlines. In our model, engineers determine when a feature is ready to ship. They are thus able to make principled engineering decisions about what to implement now versus later, delivering better code than they would when making decisions driven by a two-week deadline. Second, assign smaller teams to features and give them greater scope. Because the teams are smaller (often just one engineer!), many new features are developed in parallel. These solo programmers or small teams own the entirety of implementation from back to front. There are no daily standups and needless communication is eliminated. And because the engineers control the implementation across the stack, they can make principled engineering decisions about how to build their functionality, rather than decisions constrained by the sliver of the codebase they happen to own, delivering a more cohesive implementation. The common thread between these two ideas is that they institutionally support making principled decisions, because good decisions today lead to better outcomes tomorrow. 

Why is site selection so important for the data center industry?

Climate considerations are paramount, with weather conditions impacting hazard exposure and vulnerability. Mitigating natural hazards such as floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes through engineered solutions is essential. Access to major highways and airports ensures logistical efficiency, particularly during construction and operation. The air quality surrounding a site affects equipment performance and employee health, necessitating measures to mitigate pollution. Historical data on natural disasters informs risk management strategies and facility design. Ground conditions must undergo thorough geotechnical investigation to assess structural stability and suitability for construction. The availability of robust communications infrastructure, particularly fiber-optic networks, is critical for seamless connectivity. Low latency, enabled by proximity to subsea cable landing sites and dense fiber networks, is imperative for high-performance applications. Geopolitical stability, regulatory environments, and taxation policies influence site selection decisions. Electrical power availability and cost significantly impact operational expenses, with renewable resources offering sustainability benefits.

Maximizing SaaS application analytics value with AI

AI analytics tools offer businesses the opportunity to optimize conversion rates, whether through form submissions, purchases, sign-ups or subscriptions. AI-based analytics programs can automate funnel analyses (which identify where in the conversion funnel users drop off), A/B tests (where developers test multiple design elements, features or conversion paths to see which performs better) and call-to-action button optimization to increase conversions. Data insights from AI and ML also help improve product marketing and increase overall app profitability, both vital components to maintaining SaaS applications. Companies can use AI to automate tedious marketing tasks (such as lead generation and ad targeting), maximizing both advertising ROI and conversation rates. And with ML features, developers can track user activity to more accurately segment and sell products to the user base. ... Managing IT infrastructure can be an expensive undertaking, especially for an enterprise running a large network of cloud-native applications. AI and ML features help minimize cloud expenditures by automating SaaS process responsibilities and streamlining workflows.

Inside the 'Secure By Design' Revolution

While not legally binding, the pledge encourages those that sign up to show demonstrable progress in each of the seven goals within a year. “One thing that we like, and I think a lot of industry likes, is it allows for flexibility in showing how you meet those goals,” Charley Snyder, head of security policy at Google, tells InformationWeek. If pledge signers are unable to show progress within a year, CISA encourages them to communicate what steps they did take and share what challenges they faced. The agency plans to offer its support throughout the year. “We are going to be working very closely with the pledge signers to help make progress on these pledge goals,” Zabierek explains. “We worked collaboratively with industry to develop the actions, and we're going to maintain that collaboration.” ... Tidelift, a company that partners with open-source maintainers, is not only applying the principles outlined in the pledge to its own software, but it also published an update on the ways it is working to help open-source maintainers achieve the pledge goals.

The next frontier: AI, VR, and the future of educational assessment

One of the most promising applications of AI in assessment is its ability to analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends in student performance, enabling educators to gain valuable insights into student progress and learning outcomes. By harnessing AI-powered analytics, educators can track student achievement over time, identify areas for improvement, and tailor instruction to address individual learning needs more effectively. ... In addition to AI, Virtual Reality (VR) is revolutionising the assessment landscape by offering immersive and interactive experiences that allows students to engage with content in three-dimensional, multisensory environments, providing opportunities for experiential learning and authentic assessment experiences. Furthermore, VR technology enables educators to assess higher-order thinking skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity in ways that are not feasible with traditional assessment methods. Through VR-based scenarios and simulations, students can engage in complex, real-world challenges, make decisions, and experience the consequences of their actions

Cyber insurance isn’t the answer for ransom payments

Contrary to the belief that having cyber insurance increases the likelihood of ransom payments, Veeam’s research indicates otherwise. Despite only a minority of organizations possessing a policy to pay, 81% opted to do so. Interestingly, 65% paid with insurance and another 21% had insurance but chose to pay without making a claim. This implies that in 2023, 86% of organizations had insurance coverage that could have been utilized for a cyber event. The ransoms paid averages to be only 32% of the overall financial impact to an organization post-attack. Moreover, cyber insurance will not cover the entirety of the total costs associated with an attack. Only 62% of the overall impact is in some way reclaimable through insurance or other means, with everything else going against the organization’s bottom-dollar budget. ... Alarmingly, 63% of organizations are at risk of reintroducing infections while recovering from ransomware attacks or significant IT disasters. Pressured to restore IT operations quickly and influenced by executives, many organizations skip vital steps, such as rescanning data in quarantine, causing the likelihood of IT teams to inadvertently restore infected data or malware.

Generative AI agents will revolutionize AI architecture

AI agents possess advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities. They can comprehend, interpret, and generate human language, facilitating easy interaction and communication with users and other systems. These agents also work alongside other AI agents or human operators in collaborative and iterative workflows. Through continuous learning and feedback, they refine their outputs and improve overall performance. On paper, AI agents should be in wide use today. Look at all the pros I’ve listed. The downsides are much more difficult to understand. Even though you need tools to build AI agents, the tools are all over the place regarding what they are and how to use them. Don’t let vendors tell you otherwise. First, these are complex beasties to write and deploy. Architects who can design AI agents and developers who can effectively build AI agents are few and far between. I’ve witnessed teams announce they will use agent-based technology and then build something that falls far short of a solution for the proposed business case. Second, you can’t put much into these AI agents or they are no longer agents. You missed the point if your AI agents are vast clusters of GPUs. 

AI in Healthcare: Bridging the Gap Between Proof and Practice

“We see huge social impacts from AI in healthcare – in the data we’ve collected regionally in Pennsylvania, for example,” Dr. Sadeghian added. “Many rural areas have insufficient access to medical procedures. AI will impact society through both safety and convenience. Everybody has smartphones now; why not have the doctor in your hand? A cultural shift is underway.” AI can give a preliminary screening and keep people out of cities and congested areas, bringing access to more rural areas and saving office visits for people who need them. This also impacts transportation, walkability, and other aspects of civic planning – even pollution mitigation. Inviting the black box of AI into healthcare isn’t some hazy dream. It’s happening today. Younger generations are the most scientifically engaged ever, though, which means consensus-building on tech policy could move faster going forward. Politicians have noticed the social, cultural, and economic value of investing in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. 

Quote for the day:

"If you don't value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents- start charging for it." -- Kim Garst

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