Daily Tech Digest - April 22, 2023

What CIOs need to become better enablers of sustainability

Key to this is a greater understanding of business operations and their production of CO2, or use of unsustainable practices and resources. As with most business challenges, data is instrumental. “Like anything, the hard work is the initial assessment,” says CGI director of business consulting and CIO advisor Sean Sadler. “From a technology perspective, you need to look at the infrastructure, where it’s applied, how much energy it draws, and then how it fits into the overall sustainability scheme.” CIOs who create data cultures across organizations enable not only sustainable business processes but also reduce reliance on consultancies, according to IDC. “Organizations with the most mature environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies are increasingly turning to software platforms to meet their data management and reporting needs,” says Amy Cravens, IDC research manager, ESG Reporting and Management Technologies. 

How to implement observability in your IT architecture

Although it has grown out of the APM market, observability is more than just APM with a new name and marketing approach. The most crucial factor differentiating observability from APM is that observability includes three distinct monitoring approaches—tracing, metrics, and logs—while APM provides tracing alone. By collecting and aggregating these various types of data from multiple sources, observability offers a much broader view of the overall system and application health and performance, with the ability to gain much deeper insights into potential performance issues. Another important distinction is that open source tools are the foundation of observability, but not APM. While some APM vendors have recently open-sourced the client side of their stack, the server side of all the popular commercial APM solutions is still proprietary. These distinctions do not mean that observability and APM are unconnected. Application performance management can still be an important component of an observability implementation.

How Conversational Programming Will Democratize Computing

The scope of a conversation must mirror a human “mental stack”, not that of a computer. When I use a conventional Windows interface on my laptop, I am confronted with the computer’s file system which is presented as folders and files. That effort is reversed in conversational programming — the LLM system has to work with my limited human cognition facilities. This means creating things in response to requests, and reporting outcomes at the same level that I asked for them. Returning arcane error codes in response to requests will immediately break the conversation. We have already seen ChatGPT reflect on its errors, which means a conversation should retain its value for the user. ... The industrialization of LLMs is the only thing we can be reasonably sure about, because the investment has already been made. However, the rapid advancement of GPT systems will likely run aground in the same areas that other large-scale projects have in the past. The lack of collaboration between large competitors has eroded countless good ideas that depended on interoperability.

Dark Side of DevOps - the Price of Shifting Left and Ways to Make it Affordable

On the one hand, not having a gatekeeper feels great. Developers don’t have to wait for somebody’s approval - they can iterate faster and write better code because their feedback loop is shorter, and it is easier to catch and fix bugs. On the other hand, the added cognitive load is measurable - all the tools and techniques that developers have to learn now require time and mental effort. Some developers don’t want that - they just want to concentrate on writing their own code, on solving business problems. ... However, as companies grow, so does the complexity of their IT infrastructure. Maintaining dozens of interconnected services is not a trivial task anymore. Even locating their respective owners is not so easy. At this point, companies face a choice - either reintroducing the gatekeeping practices that negatively affect productivity, or to provide a paved path - a set of predefined solutions that codifies the best practices, and takes away mental toil, allowing developers to concentrate on solving business problems.

Why generative AI will turbocharge low-code and no-code development

Generative AI's integration into low-code and no-code platforms will lower the barriers to adoption of these development environments in enterprises, agreed John Bratincevic, principal analyst at Forrester. “The integration of generative AI will see adoption of low-code by business users, since the learning curve for getting started on developing applications will be even lower,” Bratincevic said. The marriage of generative AI with low-code and no-code platforms will aid professional developers as well, analysts said. ... “These generative AI coding capabilities will be most helpful for developers working on larger projects that are looking for shortcuts to support commoditized or common sense requests,” said Hyoun Park, principal analyst at Amalgam Insights. “Rather than searching for the right library or getting stuck on trying to remember a specific command or term, GPT and other similar generative AI tools will be able to provide a sample of code that developers can then use, edit, and augment,” Park said.

Start with Sound Policies, Then Customize with Required Exceptions

Number one is our culture of security, not just within the cybersecurity organization, but broader than the cybersecurity organization looking at the entire Providence org – instilling security practices into our business practices, or business processes, instilling security mindset into our caregivers, because our caregivers truly are on the front lines of the cybersecurity battlefield. They’re the ones that are receiving phishing emails, they’re the ones that are making decisions on what they click on, what they don’t click on, interactions with our clinical device vendors, or clinical application vendors. They’re making risk choices every day. So informing them about security, training them on security, and instilling security culture – broader than just the security organization – has been a real focus of ours this year. Another focus of ours has been on implementing or continuing the journey, I should say, toward a zero trust approach here at Providence. And when I say zero trust, a lot of people use the term, “never trust, always verify.” 

Leap of Faith: Building Trust and Commitment with Engineering

Leaping before you’re ready will result in disappointment if not outright disaster. It is important to understand what knowledge and muscle is required along the various stages that lead to full Engineering Trust & Autonomy. Each organization must determine this trust criteria for themselves, however, it is imperative to recognize starting from the future end-state goal and working backwards promotes the greatest benefit (e.g., innovative inspirational differentiation). To be most effective, seek out Leading teams already doing this in your organization. They do exist, but they most likely are considered one-offs, rogue, and exceptions to the internal norm. Good. That’s what you’re looking for! ... Once trust criteria is shared and definitive trust-boundaries are in place, the hardest piece of this puzzle must be executed: Executive Leadership and Individual Commitment Putting your strategy into play takes time and during that time doubts will creep in. This is normal, however, there are a few tricks to leverage that ensure you stay the course

Used Routers Often Come Loaded With Corporate Secrets

The big danger is that the wealth of information on the devices would be valuable to cybercriminals and even state-backed hackers. Corporate application logins, network credentials, and encryption keys have high value on dark web markets and criminal forums. Attackers can also sell information about individuals for use in identity theft and other scamming. Details about how a corporate network operates and the digital structure of an organization are also extremely valuable, whether you're doing reconnaissance to launch a ransomware attack or plotting an espionage campaign. For example, routers may reveal that a particular organization is running outdated versions of applications or operating systems that contain exploitable vulnerabilities, essentially giving hackers a road map of possible attack strategies. ... Since secondhand equipment is discounted, it would potentially be feasible for cybercriminals to invest in purchasing used devices to mine them for information and network access and then use the information themselves or resell it.

ChatGPT may hinder the cybersecurity industry

ChatGPT’s AI technology is readily available to most of the world. Therefore, as with any other battle, it’s simply a race to see which side will make better use of the technology. Cybersecurity companies will need to continuously combat nefarious users who will figure out ways to use ChatGPT to cause harm in ways that cybersecurity businesses haven’t yet fathomed. And yet this fact hasn’t deterred investors, and the future of ChatGPT looks very bright. With Microsoft investing $10 billion in Open AI, it’s clear that ChatGPT’s knowledge and abilities will continue to expand. For future versions of this technology, software developers need to pay attention to its lack of safety measures, and the devil will be in the details. ChatGPT probably won’t be able to thwart this problem to a large degree. It can have mechanisms in place to evaluate users’ habits and home in on individuals who use obvious prompts like, “write me a phishing email as if I’m someone’s boss,” or try to validate individuals’ identities. Open AI could even work with researchers to train its datasets to evaluate when their text has been used in attacks elsewhere.

A New Era of Natural Language Search Emerges for the Enterprise

Due to the statistical nature of their underlying technology, chatbots can hallucinate incorrect information, as they do not actually understand the language but are simply predicting the next best word. Often, the training data is so broad that explaining how a chatbot arrived at the answer it gave is nearly impossible. This “black box” approach to AI with its lack of explainability simply will not fly for many enterprise use cases. Welsh gives the example of a pharmaceutical company that is delivering answers to a healthcare provider or a patient who visits its drug website. The company is required to know and explain each search result that could be given to those asking questions. So, despite the recent spike in demand for systems like ChatGPT, adapting them for these stringent enterprise requirements is not an easy task, and this demand is often unmet, according to Welsh. ... Welsh predicts the companies that will win during this new era of the enterprise search space are those that had the foresight to have a product on the market now, and though the competition is currently heating up, some of these newer companies are already behind the curve. 

Quote for the day:

"Leaders must be good listeners. It's rule number one, and it's the most powerful thing they can do to build trusted relationships." -- Lee Ellis

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