Daily Tech Digest - February 08, 2022

Top 10 Anticipated Web 3.0 Trends For 2022

Web 3.0 will ensure that peer-to-peer regulations are properly known and learned through blockchain. This is to bring cryptography and consensus algorithms together to measure the decentralization methods and to be an alternative for the currently used standard databases. Decentralization ensures the sole ownership of the user’s data. It would mean that only the said user will have access to whatever data is being uploaded, altered, saved and utilized. No third person is involved (the government, for example), neither can anyone dictate as to when and how to use data. ... Social media is developing its platforms on the decentralized technology of Web 3.0. This would mean that the centralized features will no longer (or partly) be available on social media platforms in the near future. Blockchain ledgers will be used to construct the new social media industry. Web 3.0 has solved problems such as privacy breaching, mismanaged data, and unauthentic and irrelevant information that have been part of the previous generation of the internet. It offers a safe and secure place for users to participate. Decentralization ensures protection and security to every piece of data added to the internet.

DAOs are meant to be completely autonomous and decentralized, but are they?

If DAOs are to remain true to their nature where the community is able to make decisions equally, decentralization needs to happen in stages. However, providing a certain level of control is required so that common prosperity is maintained among the organization. While involved communities should be given the power to make proposals and decisions, gatekeepers or councils may be required that can effectively maintain the core values of the company. Most successful DAOs including Uniswap, MakerDAO, PieDAO, Decred and more have different systems of gatekeeping where proposals go through various stages before being accepted. For example, Uniswap’s governance protocol has multiple stages of execution before any proposal is accepted. Its last stage is a group of elected users that have the power to halt the implementation of any proposals it deems malicious or unnecessary. On the other hand, MakerDAO has a more open community where people don’t need to hold their token to participate in off-chain voting. Yet, its proposals undergo strict scrutiny.

Database Management Trends in 2022

Augmented Data Management uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to automate Data Management tasks, such as spotting anomalies within large amounts of data and resolving Data Quality issues. The AI models are specifically designed to perform Data Management tasks, taking less time and making fewer errors. Todd Ramlin, a manager of Cable Compare, in describing the benefits of augmented Data Management, said, “Historically, data scientists and engineers have spent the majority of their time manually accessing, preparing, and managing data, but Augmented Data Management is changing that. ADM uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate manual tasks in Data Management. It simplifies, optimizes, and automates operations in Data Quality, Metadata Management, Master Data Management, and Database Management systems. AI/ML can offer smart recommendations based on pre-learned models of solutions to specific data tasks. The automation of manual tasks will lead to increased productivity and better data outcomes.”

How open source is shaping data storage management

While open source data storage software is cost-effective, there is a big difference between downloading a project for free and trying it out in a developer machine versus using it to power mission-critical applications that have stringent requirements such as stability, high availability and security. Ghariwala notes that enterprises will need strong technical resources to architect a solution that supports their mission-critical application requirements as well as dedicated resources to triage production issues. ... The second challenge that enterprises may face is related to flexibility which is not guaranteed when using open source technologies. Ghariwala says the problem generally arises when vendors only support their own technologies with their commercial open source solutions, creating lock-in and limiting an organisation’s ability to choose the right solution for their needs. Danny Elmarji, vice-president for presales at Dell Technologies in Asia-Pacific and Japan, notes that some Dell customers are starting to define and use their own software storage that runs on Dell’s hardware and compute, leveraging open-source contributions.

What Is Object Storage?

The database retains a unique identifier for each object. The 64-bit Object ID (OID) indicates the location of the object on a single storage medium or among a cluster of storage devices. Unlike block storage, which allocates storage in predefined blocks of equal length, the lengths of objects can vary. As noted, the relatively simple system of keeping track of objects makes it possible to extend a single object storage system across multiple storage resources. A file storage system, on the other hand, has a defined limit on the number of files it can manage. While some NAS file systems may be quite large, they generally can’t expand to the degree that object storage can. Another distinguishing characteristic of object storage is the way it handles metadata related to each stored object. A file system -- like the Windows file directory on a PC or a shared NAS system -- includes some basic metadata related to each file it manages, such as file name, file size, date created, date modified and possibly the application it’s associated with.

What Architects Need to Know

Dealing with Business Concepts – while this one should be a no brainer, it is met with open scorn in many places, business skills are reserved only for the highest level architects. These concepts include Business Models, Customer Journeys with Personas, Capabilities with Objectives, Value Methods, Investment Planning with some Roadmapping. ...  Technology Design and Delivery – this is a deep and interesting dialog in industry, how much business AND how much technology? If a product owner wants to become an architect, what technology should they learn? How deep do they go? At a minimum, Design including Patterns, the primary Requirements/Decisions/Quality Attributes relationships, Architecture Analysis, Deliverables, Products/Projects, Services, and Quality Assurance. ... Dealing with Stakeholders – often overlooked, always under-trained, and never enough time or techniques, dealing with stakeholders is the hardest part of the job. Humans are mercurial, the lines of decision traceability and influence are blurred, it is effectively chaos in the lifecycle management of companies with lots of petty power plays and even more in terms of financing and final outcomes.

BigQuery vs Snowflake: The Definitive Guide

Snowflake offers an auto-scaling and auto suspend feature that enables clusters to stop or start during either busy or idle periods. With Snowflake your users cannot resize nodes, but they can resize clusters in a single click. Additionally, Snowflake enables you to auto-scale up to 10 warehouses with a limit of 20 DML per queue in a single table. On a similar note, BigQuery automatically provisions your additional compute resources as needed and takes care of everything behind the scenes. ... Both platforms let you scale up and down automatically based on demand. Additionally, Snowflake gives you the ability to isolate workloads across businesses in different warehouses so that different teams can operate independently with no concurrency issues. ... Snowflake automatically provides encryption for data at rest. However, it does not provide granular permissions for columns, but it does provide permissions for schemas, tables, views, procedures, and other objects. Conversely, BigQuery provides security at a column-level as well as permissions on datasets, individual tables, views, and table access controls.

4 metaverse tools that tackle workplace collaboration

By now, most of us have come to realize that the next normal won’t look much like it used to. The pandemic has taught us that turbulent and unpredictable times require flexibility and an open mind.Meanwhile, technology companies have been delivering highly competitive technologies to win both mind and market share. ... Facebook is so committed to the metaverse that it even changed the company’s name to Meta. Meta is also looking at ways to bring the metaverse to the workplace: Its Horizon Workrooms enables users to wear a virtual reality (VR) headset to feel like they’re attending an in-office meeting. Meanwhile, Microsoft is also working on bringing the metaverse to work. In 2022, Microsoft Teams users will be able to replace their video streams with 3D avatars of themselves. On the plus side, this lets people maintain a physical presence even when they’re not feeling particularly camera-ready. But at the same time, replacing ourselves with idealized avatar caricatures may further exacerbate the mental health impact of seeing our natural faces ‒ and all of our flaws ‒ filtered away. 

Five blockchain use cases: from property to sustainability

“Blockchain could significantly enhance upstream, midstream and downstream operations throughout the oil and gas sector. It has the potential to make a great deal of the sector’s bureaucracy significantly more efficient, for example making it easier and quicker to confirm when third-party suppliers complete tasks so that funds can be released in a far more timely way. It can also be used to monetise reserves in a way that has not previously been possible, tokenising confirmed but not yet exploited deposits to help investors, exploration and production firms, and refining and processing operations, manage their activities and balance sheets. “The deeper we look at the potential of the blockchain in the oil and gas sector, the wider the range of opportunities from digitalising global oilfield datasets becomes. Distributed ledger technology allows for permanent transparency on a trust-protocol that integrates cloud-based servers. The approach that we are taking requires graphic processing units and high-performance computers. ...”

Communicating the Importance of Engineering Work in Business Terms

Whenever you can, bring data to the discussion. This data should be metrics related to business outcomes. Measure things like bug rates, average time it takes to deliver a feature, employee satisfaction, and customer satisfaction. A great set of metrics to pull out are the ones that come from Accelerate. You may need to show how metrics such as lead time, deploy frequency, mean time to recovery, and change failure rate directly predict improved business outcomes. But as much as possible, use metrics that speak to the problems and concerns that are top of mind for your partner. For example, let's say you are seeing that engineers are really struggling to understand a particular component - it is complex, poorly tested and poorly documented. What's the business impact of this? Likely, it takes longer to ship a feature because of a long cycle of testing and debugging, and even when it is shipped, it's probably going to have more bugs. So maybe look at the time to build a feature that touches this component versus ones that don't, and see if you can show a significant difference.

Quote for the day:

"Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them." -- Paul Hawken

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