The lowdown on industry clouds

If you ask today’s CIOs why some applications won’t move to the cloud, they will
mention issues such as a lack of systems that can deal with compliance, or
vertically oriented applications and data that are too important to entrust to
the cloud. Cloud providers now offer or will soon offer prebuilt,
industry-specific features and services that typically will be better than
anything companies could build and maintain themselves. The coming
industry-specific world of cloud will move the needle enough for many
enterprises to commit their critical data and applications to the cloud. The
cloud providers understand this paradigm, and in many cases, the development and
deployment of industry-specific cloud services may be a loss leader that will
drive more adoptions. It’s important that we understand the likely motivations
of the cloud providers before we adopt any cloud services, and I’ve made some
educated assumptions here. There is always risk when you become too coupled to
any cloud services because they will all go away at some point in time.
Htmx: HTML Approach to Interactivity in a JavaScript World
Complexity in frontend web development is something that Gross has been
attempting to address for nearly a decade now, having first created the
intercooler.js alternative frontend library back in 2013, which came with the
tagline “AJAX With Attributes: There is no need to be complex”. Recently,
intercooler.js hit version 2.0 and became htmx, which the GithHub description
says “allows you to access AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent
Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user
interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext”. ... More simply, Gross
described htmx as attempting “to stay within the original model of the web,
using HTML and Hypermedia concepts, rather than asking developers to write a lot
of JavaScript.” Somewhat amusingly for this discussion, htmx is a JavaScript
library — but in keeping with this simplistic approach, it is dependency-free
and frontend developers using htmx do not need to write JavaScript to achieve a
similar functionality.
How to Become a Serverless Developer in 2022

When building a solution it is possible to do it all in the AWS Console.
That's how I started my AWS journey. The issue is that it is not controllable,
manageable or scalable. If you want to copy this setup to another account
(separate dev and prod accounts) you have to remember all the steps you've
done. Working with multiple team members can get messy. That is why it's
helpful to use a framework to allow us to write Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC).
This allows us to use Git for version control. This makes working as a team
much easier, enables multi-environment deployments, even continuous
integration and deployment. All things that are required when running
production workloads ... I would recommend starting with a personal project
that you use just for practicing using new services in. That way you don't
have to worry about breaking things and you can focus on how the service is
working. You can now start using it in production apps and this is where
you'll learn a lot about the details of a service.
From monolith to microservices: How applications evolve

A microservices-oriented application (MOA) addresses the shortcomings inherent
in the monolithic application design. As described earlier, monolithic
applications are hard to maintain and upgrade. Due to the tight coupling
that's implicit in a monolithic application's construction, even making a
small change can create unforeseen problems that can cascade throughout the
application stack. On the other hand, MOAs are loosely coupled, some say to an
extreme. According to the five principles described in the previous article of
this series, a microservice is an entirely independent unit of computing. It
has a distinct presence on the network and carries its own data. It's
completely and independently responsible for its own well-being. This means
that as long as changes in its public interface do not affect current
consumers of the service, an MOA can be changed independently of any other
microservice in the MOA. Figure 4 illustrates an MOA that is a transformation
of the monolithic application described previously. Notice that each
microservice has its own IP address and port assignment.
TinyML is bringing neural networks to small microcontrollers

There have been multiple efforts to shrink deep neural networks to a size that
fits on small-memory computing devices. However, most of these efforts are
focused on reducing the number of parameters in the deep learning model. For
example, “pruning,” a popular class of optimization algorithms, compress
neural networks by removing the parameters that are not significant in the
model’s output. The problem with pruning methods is that they don’t address
the memory bottleneck of the neural networks. Standard implementations of deep
learning libraries require an entire network layer and activation maps to be
loaded into memory. Unfortunately, classic optimization methods don’t make any
significant changes to the early layers of the network, especially in
convolutional neural networks. This causes an imbalance in the size of
different layers of the network and results in a “memory-peak” problem: Even
though the network becomes lighter after pruning, the device running it must
have as much memory as the largest layer.
The evolution of security analytics
The third generation of security analytics technologies brings us to the
current day, where machine learning, behavioral analysis and customization are
driving innovation. There are now SIEM products that allow organizations to
use their existing data lakes, rather than forcing customers to use
proprietary ones. And some solutions have opened their analytics, enrichment,
and machine learning models so users can better understand them and modify as
needed. Today, powerful algorithms find patterns in data, set baselines and
identify outliers. There’s also a greater focus on identifying anomalous
behavior (a user taking suspicious actions) and on prioritizing and ranking
the risk of alerts based on contextual information like data from Sharepoint
or IAM systems. For example, a user accessing source code with legitimate
credentials might be a low-priority alert at best, but that user doing so in
the middle of the night for the first time in weeks from a suspicious location
should trigger a high-priority alert.
Vulnerable AWS Lambda function – Initial access in cloud attacks

From a security perspective, due to its nature to be managed by the cloud
provider but still configurable by the user, even the security concerns and
risks are shared between the two actors. Since the user doesn’t have control
over the infrastructure behind a specific Lambda function, the security risks
on the infrastructure underneath are managed directly by the cloud
provider. ... In order to successfully mitigate this scenario, we can act
on different levels and different features. In particular, we
could: Disable the public access for the S3 bucket, so that it will be
accessible just from inside and to the users who are authenticated into the
cloud account; Check the code used inside the lambda function, to be sure
there aren’t any security bugs inside it and all the user inputs are correctly
sanitized following the security guidelines for writing code
securely; Apply the least privileges concept in all the AWS IAM Roles
applied to cloud features to avoid unwanted actions or possible privilege
escalation paths inside the account.
Farming 3.0: How AI, IoT and Mobile Apps Are driving the AgriTech Revolution
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-led data points will be a crucial deciding factor
for farming in the coming decades. AI led precision agriculture and farm
management, pest prevention, agricultural robots, automated weeding and crop
quality identification will help improve operational efficiency through
unified supply chain and make farming smart, predictive and intelligent. AI is
also playing a crucial role in symptom identification in animal husbandry
space and helps is quicker diagnosis so that livestock doesn’t get impacted by
a large factor and any major outbreaks can be stopped early. To take the
complete benefit of AI driven tech, Indian Agricultural sector needs to solve
two problems: have better digital infrastructure in rural areas and have
effective data practices. Smart apps are the next frontier of development in
farming. As the number of agri tech start-ups grow, there is a proliferation
of mobile based smart apps in the whole agricultural ecosystem.
Open source developers, who work for free, are discovering they have power

This system’s inequity is often revealed when there’s a widespread security
breach, such as the Log4shell vulnerabilities that emerged in the Log4j Java
library in December 2021, triggering a slew of critical security vulnerability
bulletins that affected some of the largest companies in the world. The
developers of the affected library were forced to work around the clock to
mitigate the problems, without compensation or much acknowledgement that their
work had been used for free in the first place. CURL’s developer experienced
similar behavior, with companies depending on his projects demanding he fly
out to help them when they faced trouble with their code, despite not paying
him for his services. As a result, it shouldn’t be a surprise that some open
source developers are beginning to realize they wield outsized power, despite
the lack of compensation they receive for their work, because their projects
are used by some of the largest, most profitable companies in the world.
The Drawbacks of a SOAR
SOARs are great at automatically detecting, assessing, and helping to mitigate
security threats. But threat detection, assessment, and mitigation are only
one element of a broader cybersecurity strategy. Defining a total security
strategy also requires efforts like determining where the greatest
cybersecurity risks to your business lie, optimizing your security posture
(which SOARs don’t really do), and ensuring that security is a priority across
the organization, not just for security engineers. Without these insights, you
don’t know how to prioritize threats, how to assess the impact of breaches,
and so on. Over-reliance on SOARs alone, then, leaves businesses at risk of
focusing too much on the operational components of security (like incident
detection and response) and not enough on the broader strategy that forms the
foundation for effective security operations. ... The fact that SOARs cater
mostly to security experts also means that they do a poor job of enforcing a
security-centric culture across the organization.
Quote for the day:
"Every great leader has incredible
odds to overcome." -- Wayde Goodall
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