Open source and mental health: the biggest challenges facing developers

The very nature of open source projects means its products are readily available
and ripe for use. Technological freedom is something to be celebrated. However,
it should not come at the expense of an individual’s mental health. Open source
is set up for collaboration. But in reality, a collaborative approach does not
always materialise. The accessibility of these projects means that many
effective pieces of coding start as small ventures by individual developers,
only to snowball into substantial projects on which companies rely, but rarely
contribute back to it. Open source is for everyone, but responsibility comes
along with that. If we want open source projects to stay around, any company
using open source projects should dedicate some substantial time contributing
back to open source projects, avoiding unreasonable strain on individual
developers by doing so. Sadly, 45% of developers report a lack of support with
their open source work. Without sufficient support, the workload to maintain
such projects can place developers under enormous pressure, reducing confidence
in their ability and increasing anxiety.
Chaos Engineering - The Practice Behind Controlling Chaos
I always tell people that Chaos Engineering is a bit of a misnomer because it’s
actually as far from chaotic as you can get. When performed correctly everything
is in control of the operator. That mentality is the reason our core product
principles at Gremlin are: safety, simplicity and security. True chaos can be
daunting and can cause harm. But controlled chaos fosters confidence in the
resilience of systems and allows for operators to sleep a little easier knowing
they’ve tested their assumptions. After all, the laws of entropy guarantee the
world will consistently keep throwing randomness at you and your systems. You
shouldn’t have to help with that. One of the most common questions I receive is:
“I want to get started with Chaos Engineering, where do I begin?” There is no
one size fits all answer unfortunately. You could start by validating your
observability tooling, ensuring auto-scaling works, testing failover conditions,
or one of a myriad of other use cases. The one thing that does apply across all
of these use cases is start slow, but do not be slow to start.
How to ward off the Great Resignation in financial services IT

The upshot for CIOs in financial services: You must adapt to recruit and keep
talent – and build a culture that retains industry-leading talent. After
recently interviewing more than 20 former financial services IT leaders who
departed for other companies, I learned that it isn’t about a bad boss or poor
pay. They all fondly remembered their time at the firms, yet that wasn’t
enough to keep them. ... It is a journey that begins with small steps. Find
something small to prove out and get teams to start working in this new way.
Build a contest for ideas – assign numbers to submissions so executives have
no idea who or what level submitted, and put money behind it. Have your teams
vote on the training offered. This allows them to become an active participant
and feel their opinions matter. It can also improve the perception that the
importance of technology is prioritized as you give access to not only learn
new technologies but encourage teams to learn. ... The better these leaders
work together, the more that impact, feeling of involvement, and innovation
across teams can grow.
DataOps or Data Fabric: Which Should Your Business Adopt First?
Every organization is unique, so every Data Strategy is equally unique. There
are benefits to both approaches that organizations can adopt, although
starting with a DataOps approach is likely to show the largest benefit in the
shortest amount of time. DataOps and data fabric both correlate to maturity.
It’s best to implement DataOps first if your enterprise has identified
setbacks and roadblocks with data and analytics across the organization.
DataOps can help streamline the manual processes or fragile integration points
enterprises and data teams experience daily. If your organization’s data
delivery process is slow to reach customers, then a more flexible, rapid, and
reliable data delivery method may be necessary, signifying an organization may
need to add on a data fabric approach. Adding elements of a data fabric is a
sign that the organization has reached a high level of maturity in its data
projects. However, an organization should start with implementing a data
fabric over DataOps if they have many different and unique integration styles,
and more sources and needs than traditional Data Management can address.
How to Repurpose an Obsolete On-Premises Data Center

Once a data center has been decommissioned, remaining servers and storage
resources can be repurposed for applications further down the chain of
business criticality. “Servers that no longer offer critical core functions
may still serve other departments within the organization as backups,” Carlini
says. Administrators can then migrate less important applications to the older
hardware and the IT hardware itself can be located, powered, and cooled in a
less redundant and secure way. “The older hardware can continue on as
backup/recovery systems, or spare systems that are ready for use should the
main cloud-based systems go off-line,” he suggests. Besides reducing the need
to purchase new hardware, reassigning last-generation data center equipment
within the organization also raises the enterprise's green profile. It shows
that the enterprise cares about the environment and doesn’t want to add to the
already existing data equipment in data centers, says Ruben Gamez CEO of
electronic signature tool developer SignWell. “It's also very sustainable.”
Mitigating Insider Security Threats with Zero Trust
Zero Trust aims at minimising lateral movement of attacks in an organisation,
which is the most common cause of threat duplication or spread of malwares and
viruses. In expeditions during organising capture the flag events, we often
give exercises to work with metasploits, DDos attacks and understanding attack
vectors and how attacks move. For example, a phishing email attack targeting a
user was used which had a false memo that was instructed to be forwarded by
each employee to their peers. That email had MS powershell malware embedded
and it was used to depict how often good looking emails are too good to be
genuine. And since, just like that, the attack vectors are often targeted to
be inside of organisations, Zero Trust suggests to always verify all network
borders with equal scrutiny. Now, as with every new technology, Zero Trust is
not built in a day, so it might sound like a lot of work for many small
businesses as security sometimes comes across as an expensive
Trends in Blockchain for 2022

Blockchain is ushering in major economic shifts. But the cryptocurrency market
is still a ‘wild west’ with little regulation. According to recent reports, it
appears the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is gearing up to more
closely regulate the cryptocurrency industry in 2022. “More investment in
blockchain is bringing it into the mainstream, but what’s holding back a lot
of adoption is regulatory uncertainty,” said Parlikar. Forbes similarly
reports regulatory uncertainty as the biggest challenge facing blockchain
entrepreneurs. Blockchain is no longer relegated to the startup domain,
either; well-established financial institutions also want to participate in
the massive prosperity, said Parlikar. This excitement is causing a
development-first, law-later mindset, similar to the legal grey area that
followed Uber as it first expanded its rideshare business. “[Blockchain]
businesses are trying to hedge risk,” Parlikar explained. “We want to comply
and aren’t doing nefarious things intentionally—there’s just a tremendous
opportunity to innovate and streamline operations and increase the end-user
New Vulnerabilities Highlight Risks of Trust in Public Cloud

The most significant of the two vulnerabilities occurred in AWS Glue, a
serverless integration service that allows AWS users to manage, clean, and
transform data, and makes the datastore available to the user's other
services. Using this flaw, attackers could compromise the service and become
an administrator — and because the Glue service is trusted, they could use
their role to access other users' environments. The exploit allowed Orca's
researchers to "escalate privileges within the account to the point where we
had unrestricted access to all resources for the service in the region,
including full administrative privileges," the company stated in its advisory.
Orca's researchers could assume roles in other AWS customers' accounts that
have a trusted relationship with the Glue service. Orca maintains that every
account that uses the Glue service has at least one role that trusts the Glue
service. A second vulnerability in the CloudFormation (CF) service, which
allows users to provision resources and cloud assets, allowed the researchers
to compromise a CF server and run as an AWS infrastructure service.
Why Saying Digital Transformation Is No Longer Right

Technology is multiplicative, it doesn't know whether it's multiplying a
positive or a negative. So, if you have bad customer service at the front
counter, and you add technological enablement - voila! You're now able to
deliver bad service faster, and to more people than ever before! The term
‘Digital Transformation’ implies a potentially perilous approach of focusing on
technology first. In my career as a technology professional, I’ve seen my
share of project successes and failures. The key differentiator between success
and failure is the clarity of the desired outcome right from the start of the
initiative. I had a colleague who used to say: “Projects fail at the start, most
people only notice at the end.” Looking back at the successful initiatives which
I was a part of, they possessed several common key ingredients: the clarity of a
compelling goal, the engagement of people, and a discipline for designing
enablement processes. With those ingredients in place, a simple, and reliable
enabling tool (the technology), developed using clear requirements acts like an
unbelievable accelerant.
Four key lessons for overhauling IT management using enterprise AI

One of the greatest challenges for CIOs and IT leaders these days is managing
tech assets that are spread across the globe geographically and across the
internet on multi-cloud environments. On one hand, there’s pressure to increase
access for those people who need to be on your network via their computers,
smartphones and other devices. On the other hand, each internet-connected device
is another asset to be monitored and updated, a potential new entry point for
bad actors, etc. That’s where the scalability of automation and machine learning
is essential. As your organisation grows and becomes more spread out, there’s no
need to expand your IT department. A unified IT management system, powered by
AI, will keep communication lines open while continually alerting you to
threats, triggering appropriate responses to input and making updates across the
organisation. It is never distracted or overworked. ... When it comes to these
enterprise AI solutions, integration can be more challenging. And in some cases,
businesses end up spending as much on customising the solution as they did on
the initial investment.
Quote for the day:
"Strong leaders encourage you to do
things for your own benefit, not just theirs." -- Tim Tebow
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