November 16, 2012

Spring Framework 3.2 RC 1 Released
Among other things, this version of the popular Java application framework enables loading WebApplicationContexts in the TextContext framework, supports the HTTP PATCH method, allows custom injection annotations, and will be included in the Spring MVC Test project.

Mobile workers health threatened by spending weekends online
A new survey found 63% of mobile workers are spending at least six hours each weekend online -- and nearly one-third are online for up to 20 hours over the two days. The findings pose a potential health dilemma for workers and employers, since the weekend hours extend a busy work week and keep employees from getting a needed retreat.

Virtual Conference: Cloud Security and Risk Management: Back to Basics.
Whether you're considering moving to a cloud provider, or have already made the move, you can sanity check your initiatives and your hard-fought security spending dollars to simplify the road ahead. Just in time for 2013 planning. Discover how the cloud differs from an enterprise's network, and where the pros, cons and cost savings lie.

An Agile Talent Development and Adaptive Career Framework
Roughly 70% of our learning happens realtime – on the job. 20% comes from the benefit of working closely with, and learning from role models, experts, communities of practice and peers who know more about a specific topic or domain area than we do. And 10% of our leaning comes from formal classroom training, e-learning, reading, workshops, conferences etc. Interesting that most organizations invest their focus and limited learning and development budget on the 10%.

Maluuba Launches Natural Language Processing API, Brings Siri-Like Powers To Any App
The API means that app builders can easily integrated support for NLP queries and commands into their products, so that a Yelp could offer users a text entry or voice-powered search that returns accurate results for “Find me good Chinese places nearby,” for instance, or weather apps can field queries like “How cold is it outside right now in Chicago?”

Understanding and Implementing Chain of Responsibility Pattern in C#
This article talks about the Chain of responsibility pattern. We will try to see when this pattern can be useful and what are the benefits of using this pattern. We will also look at a rudimentary implementation of Chain of responsibility pattern in C#.

Create virtual FTP servers with Xlight FTP Server
Many businesses still rely on FTP. Why not? It’s reliable, it’s flexible, and in many cases it’s easier than deploying cloud services. In fact, an FTP server can be set up on a standard desktop with not much effort and not a lot of time.

WordPress begins accepting Bitcoin for service upgrades
WordPress has announced it will begin accepting payment for upgrades via the controversial peer-to-peer currency Bitcoin, a move it promises will break down geographical and corporate boundaries

CIO role bloated, NAB takes step in right direction: analyst
"CIOs have traditionally been too concerned about the infrastructure component of their companies, so the role will split off to somebody who is going to worry about the infrastructure," IBRS analyst Sue Johnston told ZDNet.

5G mobile broadband on the horizon as Ofcom prepares to free up 700MHz spectrum
The spectrum, in the 700MHz band, will most likely be used for '5G' services, the regulator said, given that it will take until 2018 for international agreements on its usage to click into place. In the US and Asia, it is already used for 4G services — the iPhone 5 famously supports 700MHz rather than the 800MHz spectrum coming up for auction in the UK — and a decision was taken at the World Radio Conference in February to free it up for mobile broadband across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Quote for the day:

"I'm not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

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