Daily Tech Digest - January 03, 2024

5 best practices for digital twin implementation

Rather than wait until post-build, consider initiating digital twins during the planning, design, and construction phases of your projects. At the planning stage, this can enable plan simulation and various what-if scenario testing prior to committing to real-world investment. Part of the benefit of digital twins is they can address the full lifecycle from construction twins to operational twins. The digital twins, therefore, know far more than after-the-fact asset management systems, and the learnings and insights captured by the twin during design and build can improve operations and maintenance. According to Rapos, early incorporation allows for better data collection, more accurate modeling, and immediate feedback during the construction or development phase. It’s crucial to understand that digital twins aren’t just a final product, but a dynamic tool that evolves and adds value throughout the project’s life. Delaying its development can result in missed opportunities for optimization and innovation.

Why exit the cloud? 37signals explains

37signals was a significant cloud user with a $3.2 million cloud budget for 2022. The company pledged $600,000 to procure Dell servers, envisioning significant savings during the next five years. Of course, there were questions, and Hansson did an excellent job of addressing them one by one in the FAQ, such as the additional costs in terms of humans needed to run the on-premises systems, how optimization only took them so far in the cloud, and how they handled security requirements. Hansson also explained the limited abilities of cloud-native applications to reduce costs and highlighted the need for a world-class team to address security concerns, which the company has. Notably, privacy regulations and GDPR compliance were underscored as reasons for European companies to opt for self-owned hardware as opposed to relying on the cloud. Of course, this is not the case for everyone. ... Everyone is looking for a single answer, and it doesn’t exist. The requirements of your systems will dictate what platform you should use—not whatever seems trendy. Sometimes the cloud provides the most value, but not always.

Size doesn’t matter!

Small enterprises are less likely to have dedicated IT staff, let alone afford cyber security specialists. Security solutions are usually considered too expensive(Chidukwani 2022) and their technical features come across as overwhelmingly complex to be handled in-house. As a consequence, there is a tendency to rely heavily on external IT vendors that provide sub-optimal support without customized care(Benz 2020). Fear-driven, some business owners take up the reactive route. Instead of a unified threat solution, they continue to buy off-the-shelf security products in response to recent emerging threats, leaving may leakages unplugged and ineffective protection. These human, financial, and technical resource constraints create a puzzling gap between the cyber security awareness of small business leaders and their commensurate commitment to address the risk. Alongside the well-known construct of the ‘digital divide”, academic literature now also acknowledges a ‘security divide’, what with lagging investments in cybersecurity solutions coupled with increasing cyber incidents at SMEs (Heidt et al., 2019).

Cybersecurity challenges emerge in the wake of API expansion

APIs are already the fundamental building blocks of any modern organization today, and that will become even more evident going forward. As organizations look to transform their digital business and enter the era of the API economy, we expect that we will be building and using more and more APIs. That’s especially true if we take a look at some of the trends that are happening in technology nowadays. Things like VR/AR glasses, wearable devices, and voice-controlled devices all require APIs to work. APIs will play a more critical role as the world transitions to more browserless devices. All this growth and expansion means more APIs, requests, and security challenges. The toughest thing about API security is that, in most cases, organizations don’t know that hackers exploit their APIs because they don’t have access to API data in real-time. That’s why tooling, which allows you to do that, will become even more critical.

Attackers Abuse Google OAuth Endpoint to Hijack User Sessions

OAuth enables applications to get access to data and resources to other trusted online services and sites based on permissions set by a user, and it is the mechanism responsible for the authentication handoff between the sites. While the standard is certainly useful, it also presents risk to organizations if it's not implemented correctly, and there are a number of ways attackers can abuse vulnerable instances and the standard itself. For example, security researchers have found flaws in its implementation that have exposed key online services platforms such as Booking.com and others to attack. Meanwhile, others have used malicious OAuth apps of their creation to compromise Microsoft Exchange servers. In the case of the Google endpoint, the OAuth exploit discovered by Prisma targets Google Chrome's token_service table to extract tokens and account IDs of logged-in Chrome profiles, according to CloudSEK. That table contains two "crucial" columns, titled "service (GAIA ID)" and "encrypted_token," Karthick M explained.

Observability in 2024: More OpenTelemetry, Less Confusion

Observability has transcended its traditional association with monitoring to find bugs and to resolve outages, and now extends its influence across different interfaces, tools, and demonstrating enhanced openness and compatibility to increasingly make forecasts. These frecasts can involve predicting outages before they happen, cost shifts, resources usage and other variables that certainly would be much harder and mostly involve trial and error previously. ...  “This means that organizations can now use a single agent to collect observability data across their increasingly distributed and therefore complex universe of microservices applications,” “This could significantly simplify one of today’s most significant pain points in observability: instrumentation. Developers can now benefit from the continuously increasing auto-instrumentation capabilities of OpenTelemetry and no longer have to worry about instrumenting their code for specific observability platforms,” Volk said. However, such a freedom of choice due to a proliferation of tools has created challenges of its own.

IT’s Key Role in Planting ESG Effort

The one thing we know about all compliance measures is that they require new levels of integration that the company usually lacks. If you can focus on integration work now, you will be more agile-and better prepared for ESG regs when they hit. Keep your ears to the ground - You can learn a lot about the directions ESG is taking from your outside audit firms, regulators and your internal legal or regulatory department. These entities already have information in advance on future ESG directions and what laws or regulations are likely to be forthcoming. Do your part internally - Several years ago, I was visiting with the CIO of a large healthcare company in the Northeast. He told me that the company wanted to trim its carbon footprint and that the first place the company looked for tangible results was in the data center. “This prompted us to move more IT to the cloud, and even to build a new, eco-friendly data center,” he said. “We virtualized servers as much as possible, reduced energy consumption, mandated that all new equipment we purchased used less power, and even redid the HVAC unit airflows.”

Why 2024 will be the year of ‘augmented mentality’

With this AI technology now available for consumer use, companies are rushing to build them into systems that can guide you through your daily interactions. This means putting a camera, microphone and motion sensors on your body in a way that can feed the AI model and allow it to provide context-aware assistance throughout your life. The most natural place to put these sensors is in glasses, because that ensures cameras are looking in the direction of a person’s gaze. Stereo microphones on eyewear (or earbuds) can also capture the soundscape with spatial fidelity, allowing the AI to know the direction that sounds are coming from — like barking dogs, honking cars and crying kids. In my opinion, the company that is currently leading the way to products in this space is Meta. Two months ago they began selling a new version of their Ray-Ban smart glasses that was configured to support advanced AI models. The big question I’ve been tracking is when they would roll out the software needed to provide context-aware AI assistance.

Google flaunts concurrency, optimization as cloud rivals overhaul platforms

Kazmaier explains that Google’s approach to concurrency avoids spinning up more virtual machines and instead improves performance on a sub-CPU level unit. “It moves these capacity units seamlessly around, so you may have a query which is finishing and freeing up resources, which can be moved immediately to another query which can benefit from acceleration. All of that micro-optimization takes place without the system sizing up. It's constantly giving you the ideal projection of the capacity you use on the workloads you run,” he says. A paper from Gartner earlier last year approved of the approach. "A mix of on-demand and flat-rate pricing slot reservation models provides the means to allocate capacity across the organization. Based on the model used, slot resources are allocated to submitted queries. Where slot demand exceeds current availability, additional slots are queued and held for processing once capacity is available. This processing model allows for continued processing of concurrent large query workloads," it says.

As AI Advances, Who Is Looking to Its Architecture?

There is a case to be made, though, that enterprise architects have a much more fundamental role to play in our current phase of technological evolution than simply implementing its advancements into our workflows. AI solutions must seek to enhance the role of the enterprise architecture and their productivity, not attempt to supplant it. Standards are important not just because they enable collaboration, but because they build consensus. A successful standard draws on the insights and expertise of the whole community of practitioners which needs to use it. In that process, many conversations are had – and occasionally quite fraught ones – in the interest of finding a common understanding of what a good, mature, responsible, successful approach looks like. One that puts the human at the center of the decision loop. The point of listing so many of AI’s potential positive outcomes earlier in this article was not just to emphasize how dramatic and wide-ranging its impact could be. 

Quote for the day:

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." -- Zig Ziglar

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