How to create generative AI confidence for enterprise success

The key to enterprise-ready generative AI is in rigorously structuring data so
that it provides proper context, which can then be leveraged to train highly
refined large language models (LLMs). A well-choreographed balance between
polished LLMs, actionable automation and select human checkpoints forms strong
anti-hallucination frameworks that allow generative AI to deliver correct
results that create real B2B enterprise value. ... The initial phase of any
company’s system is the blank slate that ingests information tailored to a
company and its specific goals. The middle phase is the heart of a
well-engineered system, which includes rigorous LLM fine-tuning. OpenAI
describes fine-tuning models as “a powerful technique to create a new model
that’s specific to your use case.” This occurs by taking generative AI’s
normal approach and training models on many more case-specific examples, thus
achieving better results. In this phase, companies have a choice between using
a mix of hard-coded automation and fine-tuned LLMs.
Governments worldwide grapple with regulation to rein in AI dangers

Although a number of countries have begun to draft AI regulations, such
efforts are hampered by the reality that lawmakers constantly have to play
catchup to new technologies, trying to understand their risks and rewards. “If
we refer back to most technological advancements, such as the internet or
artificial intelligence, it’s like a double-edged sword, as you can use it for
both lawful and unlawful purposes,” said Felipe Romero Moreno, a principal
lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire’s Law School whose work focuses on
legal issues and regulation of emerging technologies, including AI. AI systems
may also do harm inadvertently, since humans who program them can be biased,
and the data the programs are trained with may contain bias or inaccurate
information. “We need artificial intelligence that has been trained with
unbiased data,” Romero Moreno said. “Otherwise, decisions made by AI will be
inaccurate as well as discriminatory.”
10 notable critical infrastructure cybersecurity initiatives in 2023

In April, a group of OT security companies that usually compete with one
another announced they were setting aside their rivalries to collaborate on a
new vendor-neutral, open-source, and anonymous OT threat warning system called
ETHOS (Emerging Threat Open Sharing). Formed as a nonprofit, ETHOS aims to
share data on early threat indicators and discover new and novel attacks
threatening industrial organizations that run essential services, including
electricity, water, oil and gas production, and manufacturing systems. It has
already gained US CISA endorsement, a boost that could give the initiative
greater traction. All organizations, including public and private asset
owners, can contribute to ETHOS at no cost, and founders envisage it evolving
along the lines of open-source software Linux. ETHOS community and board
members include some of the top OT security companies 1898 & Co., ABS
Group, Claroty, Dragos, Forescout, NetRise, Network Perception, Nozomi
Networks, Schneider Electric, Tenable, and Waterfall Security.
UK has time limit on ensuring cryptocurrency regulatory leadership

The report also said that interest in digital assets among investors and the
general public led to the conclusion that cryptocurrency is more than a fad
and is here to stay, and that cross-government planning is required if the UK
wants to take the opportunities it offers. These recommendations followed
contributions from the crypto sector regulators, industry experts and the
general public. The report said: “Other countries around the world are moving
quickly to develop clear regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrency and digital
assets. The UK must move within a finite window of opportunity within the next
12-18 months to ensure early leadership within this sector.” Scottish
Nationalist Party MP and chair of the APPG, Lisa Cameron MP, said: “This is
the first report of its kind compiled jointly involving Members of Parliament
and the House of Lords and we are keen that it contributes to evidence-based
policy development across the sector.
3 things CIOs must do now to accurately hit net-zero targets

One of the immediate efforts CIOs can take to accelerate sustainability goals
includes selecting energy-efficient software, which can have a major impact on
energy consumption. Uniting Technology and Sustainability surveyedcompanies
that said they were taking various approaches to incorporate sustainability
throughout the software development lifecycle. ... This opportunity to
collaborate with sustainability in mind extends to the influence CIOs hold
over where and how employees work. By integrating remote working capabilities,
the CIO plays a hand in an organization’s shift to an increasingly remote or
hybrid workforce model—a move that can significantly reduce a company’s carbon
footprint. This effort has the potential to not only create sustainability at
scale, but increase employee satisfaction, which will power a more sustainable
organization. ... CEOs believe new technology will allow them to reach
sustainability goals and build resilience, with 55% of CEOs enhancing
sustainability data collection capabilities, and 48% transitioning to a cloud
Serverless is the future of PostgreSQL

Shamgunov sees two primary benefits to running PostgreSQL serverless. The
first is that developers no longer need to worry about sizing. All the
developer needs is a connection string to the database without worrying about
size/scale. Neon takes care of that completely. The second benefit is
consumption-based pricing, with the ability to scale down to zero (and pay
zero). This ability to scale to zero is something that AWS doesn’t offer,
according to Ampt CEO Jeremy Daly. Even when your app is sitting idle, you’re
going to pay. But not with Neon. As Shamgunov stresses in our interview, “In
the SQL world, making it truly serverless is very, very hard. There are shades
of gray” in terms of how companies try to deliver that serverless promise of
scaling to zero, but only Neon currently can do so, he says. Do people care?
The answer is yes, he insists. “What we’ve learned so far is that people
really care about manageability, and that’s where serverless is the obvious
winner. [It makes] consumption so easy. All you need to manage is a connection
Cloud conundrum: The changing balance of microservices and monolithic applications

Containers and microservices are great for applications that can put
everything together in a single place, and make it easier for developers to
run across many different platforms and computing equipment. Containers are
also better at scaling up and down an application than starting and stopping a
whole bunch of VMs, since they take fraction of seconds to bring up, versus
minutes for a VM. But there are still tradeoffs. Here is one way to describe
the situation: “The microservices architecture is more beneficial for complex
and evolving applications. But if you have a small engineering team aiming to
develop a simple and lightweight application, there is no need to implement
them.” But it would be wise not to discount VMs entirely. They can be an
important stepping stone from the on-premises world, as Southwire Co. LLC’s
Chief Information Officer Dan Stuart told SiliconANGLE in a recent interview.
“We had a lot of old technology in our data center and were already familiar
with VMware, so that made the move to Google’s Cloud easier,” he said.
A Case for Event-Driven Architecture With Mediator Topology
The most straightforward cases for reliability involve the converter services.
The service locks a message in the queue when it starts processing and deletes
it when it has finished its work and sent the result. If the service crashes,
the message will become available again in the queue after a short timeout and
can be processed by another instance of the converter. If the load grows
faster than new instances are added or there are problems with the
infrastructure, messages accumulate in the queue. They will be processed right
after the system stabilizes. In the case of the Mediator, all the heavy
lifting is again done by the Workflow Core library. Because all running
workflows and their state are stored in the database, if an abnormal
termination of the service occurs, the workflows will continue execution from
the last recorded state. Also, we have configurations to retry failed steps,
timeouts, alternative scenarios, and limits on the maximum number of parallel
workflows. What’s more, the entire system is idempotent, allowing every
operation to be retried safely without side effects and mitigating the concern
of duplicate messages being received.
GDPR — How does it impact AI?

It is no surprise that legislation has lagged behind the unprecedented rise of
AI, but this is where leaning more on data protection regulation may help to
fill an important gap in the meantime. Another factor that has completely
altered the landscape in the past five years is the UK’s exit from the EU,
which brought additional complexities for the effective monitoring of personal
data; while ‘UK GDPR’ is largely the same as the EU version it does carry some
slight differences which make it an imperative for companies to increase
education around data usage to understand the new policy landscape and avoid
running afoul of these differences. ... Looking ahead, although the landscape
has undoubtedly become far more complex, I remain a firm believer that the
GDPR and AI can still work successfully in tandem as long as rigorous
measures, checks and best practices are embedded firmly into business
strategies and on the proviso that AI-related policy also evolves as a way to
supplement existing data regulations.
The metaverse: Not dead yet

“We are in a winter for the metaverse, and how long that chill lasts remains
to be seen,” said J.P. Gownder, vice president and principal analyst on
Forrester's Future of Work team. Late last year, the analyst firm predicted a
drop-off in interest during 2023 as a more realistic picture of the
technology’s current possibilities emerged. “The hype was way exceeding the
reality of the capabilities of the technology, the interest from customers —
both business and consumer — and just the overall maturity of the market.” Yet
the metaverse concept isn’t going away. “We think that, in the future,
something like the metaverse will exist, whereby we have a 3D experience layer
over the internet,” said Gownder. Don’t expect this to happen any time soon,
though: the development of the metaverse could take a decade, according to
Forrester. ... As metaverse hype subsides, the underlying technologies
continue to develop and evolve, on both the hardware and software front. ...
“There continues to be steady development of metaverse-type concepts. But just
like we saw with the march to autonomous vehicles, this takes a long time to
mature and put into place,” Lightman said.
Quote for the day:
“Being a leader, at its core, is about
how we show up each day to work with the people in our charge.” --
Claudio Toyama
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