Daily Tech Digest - July 15, 2024

For databases that need to hold and query hundreds of petabytes to exabytes of data, there are only a few viable choices. Be very careful about evaluating and planning exabyte-scale databases, as they are huge commitments and hard to change once the data is loaded. ... Data consistency is usually “strong” for SQL databases, meaning that all reads return the latest data. Data consistency may be anything from “eventual” to “strong” for NoSQL databases. Eventual consistency offers lower latency, at the risk of reading stale data. Consistency is the “C” in the ACID properties required for validity in the event of errors, network partitions, and power failures. The four ACID properties are Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. ... Some databases are faster at reads and queries, and others are faster at writes. The mix of reads and writes you expect from your application is a useful number to include in your database selection criteria, and can guide your benchmarking efforts. The optimum choice of index type differs between read-heavy applications and write-heavy applications.

Can we please stop talking about replacing employees with AI?

With mundane, repetitive tasks taken over by AI, your team will have more room for creative, human work. Shift your organizational structure and job descriptions to open up room for the strategic, relationship-oriented work that AI just can’t do as well as a human. With less on employees’ to do lists, leaders and managers can shift their focus to challenging and developing them in other more valuable areas, such as building relationships and soft skills. AI can help here, too, but not in the way you may think. Rather than replacing humans, it can unlock insights (from data most companies already have) that lead to hiring and nurturing the right humans for the job. Software used to identify the important soft skills that lead to success in specific roles can be extremely valuable for both employers and employees. Ultimately, improvements in job performance and satisfaction will boost morale and your bottom line — a win-win. ... A good leader knows that for any organization to survive, people cannot be replaced. AI should instead help make employees exponentially more valuable to their companies by spending more time on creative productivity, and for companies to become more valuable to employees by improving their lives.

The Complexity of Solving Performance Problems

Our brains work in two different modes, particularly as we’re solving problems: intuitive and analytical. Intuitive is the mode that our brain is in when we’re not actively and effortfully thinking about something. It’s automatic. Analytical is the mode where we’re actually applying effort and working diligently in a focused manner in our brains. ... Nobody ever says, “Come fix my system,” without telling you what the problem is, right? They might just tell you that it’s slow, but there’s almost always something along with that. Maybe “It’s slow and I think there’s an IO problem” or “It’s slow and it looks like we’re pegging the CPU between two and three o’clock in the morning.” There’s always a little bit of information. That information gives us the ability to start theorizing early. That’s the main characteristic of this approach. ... With the methodical approach, we’re basically going dogmatically through the steps outlined above. And the key characteristic of this one is that we have the mental discipline to postpone that theorizing step until after we’ve gathered the data.

Liquid cooling solutions for high-density computing applications

One of the major challenges when designing data centers is anticipating end-of-life options and accurately predicting the nominal heat load from the beginning. This unpredictability often leads to a disconnect between projected and actual heat demands. For instance, a system designed for 1MW might only require 150kW in reality. Liquid cooling intensifies this challenge due to fluctuating cooling demands; as servers process large amounts of data, energy demand, and heat rejection peak, then drop drastically when idle. ... Liquid cooling offers significant sustainability gains and surpasses traditional air cooling methods in efficiency. By capturing heat directly at its source, liquid cooling allows operation at higher temperatures within the cooling loop. This facilitates the use of free cooling techniques, leveraging ambient air for cooling without resorting to additional energy-intensive processes. Moreover, the captured heat can be reused, further enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability.

What to do if certificates for passive authentication fail

If you have just one source and it becomes unavailable, your entire authentication process can be compromised. A wise solution would be to use a combination of sources to ensure higher service availability. At the government-to-government level, countries share certificates for passive authentication with each other through diplomatic channels, thus collecting their own database of trusted certificates. ... No matter which sources you trust to get certificates and master lists from—be it a central repository or each publisher directly—the responsibility remains yours. Organizations like the ICAO or BSI may facilitate the process, but they are not liable if something goes wrong. Also, understanding the certificate system and its expiration dates is crucial. You need to set up alerts for approaching expiration dates to ensure you have a fresh certificate ready to replace the old one. The most responsible organizations don’t rely solely on external sources. They collect certificates from various countries, create their own master list, sign it with their own certificate, and ensure that it’s valid.

Ignoring quantum threats in CBDC design is reckless

Relying on quantum mechanics phenomena, it far outpaces the ability of classical computers and supercomputers to solve complex algorithms in both speed and capability. Public-key cryptography is one of its primary targets. Thus, it’s alarming that developers of CBDCs are not prioritizing quantum-resistant designs in their early technical roadmaps. As RAND mathematician Alvin Moon noted, “A steady stream of advances in quantum computing technology is undeniably increasing the urgency to standardize and implement post-quantum algorithms, or algorithms which are resistant to both present-day computing and on-the-horizon quantum computing.” This security flaw represents a serious vulnerability in the US monetary system if central bank digital currencies are eventually adopted by the Federal Reserve and authorized by Congress. Valid concerns about surveillance and potential harm to civil liberties are driving debates and may positively influence laws, regulations and ethical governance standards. Technical designs continue to evolve, albeit slowly, to address privacy risks. However, without secure and resilient technical rails, CBDC adoption will remain a serious risk.

A CISO's Summary Of The Cyber Resilience Act

As a baseline, you need to make sure that whatever you’re building is as secure as is reasonable to be. Your product must have minimal attack surfaces and should be hardened. This means that by default it should not allow unauthorized access; its data is encrypted or protected; and its data and commands can’t be intercepted or manipulated. It also means that your product must keep working, even under a DoS attack, and that it mustn’t interrupt other devices, even when attacked with exploits. Additionally, your product needs to be able to monitor or log changes in the device, as well as receive security updates or rollbacks. This includes direct or remote updates, user notifications about updates and the ability to roll back updates or reset the product to a factory/default state. On top of that, you’ll also need to follow or provide documentation and information about your product, including a description of the design, development and vulnerability handling process. This would also include a formal SBOM, where you’d include more information on the components in your product and its potential vulnerabilities.

The Compelling Need for Low-Code in Legacy Application Modernization

With technology at the centre of India’s transformation initiatives, it is imperative that its base digital infrastructure undergoes transformation if the nation hopes to achieve its goals. However, in this quest to become a digital leader lies a huge challenge: legacy systems. Even today, in many organisations, legacy systems are still used to run daily processes and are a huge hurdle in the path of digital transformation. Legacy systems not only consume a significant portion of IT budgets but also make businesses incapable of adapting to fast-changing customer needs. ... There is another compelling method that has gained huge traction in recent times. Low-code visual software development, which helps developers accelerate the software development process using a friendly and intuitive drag-and-drop process. The low-code development approach offers organisations the ability to modernise their core systems without the cost and risk of traditional development approaches. Let us look at some of the common legacy systems that are prevalent in most organisations today and understand how low-code platforms can be used effectively. 

How To Establish A Culture Of Cyber-Resilience Within An Organization

Workers ought to be aware of how their activities affect the security posture of the company and should feel confident enough to serve as the first line of defense. Additionally essential is routinely upgrading training programs according to the most recent dangerous environment. Organizations may greatly lower their susceptibility to cyberattacks by encouraging a culture of ongoing education and awareness. ... Incorporate cybersecurity into all company operations to ensure consideration of security issues during each undertaking and decision-making process. This interconnectedness allows each department to understand its responsibility in safeguarding the company’s digital assets, leading to a holistic approach to security. One essential first step is to create security rules and processes that support company goals. Making sure cybersecurity needs are part of the planning and development phases of a project facilitates early risk identification and the application of suitable safeguards. ... More than simply putting security technology into place, an organization must develop a cyber-resilience culture. 

Mastering Long-Running Processes in Modern Architectures

It is important to note that long-running processes refer to the act of waiting, not algorithms running for extended periods. This waiting can be due to human actions, external responses, or intentionally allowing time to pass. These processes can take hours, days, weeks, or even longer. ... Besides business reasons for waiting, there are also technical ones, such as asynchronous communication delays, failures in message delivery, and the unavailability of peer services in distributed systems. If not addressed, these issues can lead to cascading failures. ... As soon as you start handling the complexities of distributed systems and long-running processes in payment processing, it is essential to embrace asynchronous communication in your API design. Although payments are usually quick and straightforward, situations like declined credit cards or unavailable services demand a different approach. We can build more adaptable and robust payment systems by designing systems that can handle immediate and delayed responses and using signals like a 202 HTTP code to indicate that processing will continue in the background.

Quote for the day:

"Your problem isn't the problem. Your reaction is the problem." -- Anonymous

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