Non-Cloud Native Companies: How the Developer Experience Can Make Digital Transformation Easier

To force the cultural change, Infrastructure and DevOps teams might be trying
their best to serve the developer, but walking a mile in someone else’s shoes
isn’t easy even with the best of intent. Consider cross-pollinating the teams,
rotating a few individuals every so often, as the permanent state. That way,
those creating the developer experience will have to experience it themselves,
which tends to blow up any feeling of pride in one’s creation. In the opposite
direction, the application developer gets to explain the problems inside the
DevOps team in a much more effective way than in a series of meetings. Above
all, the tactic helps the overall culture of collaboration in a more effective
way than I’ve seen result from any insistence by management that “we’re one
team”. Furthermore, application developers crave understanding what they are
trying to accomplish and problem solving in light of it. A happy developer is
one who works directly with business people who define the goals, use creativity
to solve them, and experience the results. An unhappy developer is one who
builds something dictated without understanding why, and never finds out if it
Present and Future of the Microservice Architecture
Ultimately, the advantage of microservices is that it decouples development,
it reduces developmental coupling so that teams can make progress more
independently of one another. Otherwise, it's just a service oriented
architecture. It's not microservices. That decoupling is important. One of the
things that I like in most definitions of microservices is that people say
they should be aligned with a bounded context. That makes sense to me. I was
chatting with Eric Evans about this a couple of weeks ago, and he came up with
an idea that resonated with me, which is that the messaging layer is a
separate bounded context. I think multiple separate bounded contexts. You have
the bounds of the service, and then the messaging is something else. The
protocol of exchanging information between the services is another
abstraction. One of the things that resonates with me, another thing from
Eric's book, is that you always translate when you're crossing bounded
context. We should be translating the messages as they go across. Then that
makes the example that Holly came up with an easier problem to deal with,
where we have these ideas that are sometimes the same and sometimes different
and sometimes related.
Threat Actors Use Telegram to Spread ‘Eternity’ Malware-as-a-Service

Eternity—which researchers discovered on a TOR website, where the
malware-as-a-service also is for sale—demonstrates the “significant increase
in cybercrime through Telegram channels and cybercrime forums,” researchers
wrote in the post. This is likely because threat actors can sell their
products without any regulation, they said. Each module is sold individually
and has different functionality that researchers suspect is being repurposed
from code in an existing Github repository, which project developers are then
modifying and selling under a new name, according to Cyble. “Our analysis also
indicated that the Jester Stealer could also be rebranded from this particular
Github project which indicates some links between the two threat actors,” they
wrote. ... Threat actors are selling the Eternity Worm, a virus that spreads
through infected machines via files and networks, for $390. Features of the
worm include its ability to spread through the following: USB Drives, local
network shares, various local files, cloud drives such as GoogleDrive or
DropBox, and others. It also can send worm-infected messages to people’s
Discord and Telegram channels and friends, researchers said.
Digital transformation on the CEO agenda
There are three rules of thumb that seem to be evolving. First is that
companies that get the most value from this actually spend a lot of effort
thinking about, “What are the new digital businesses to launch? How can we
create new value with new products and new customers versus transforming the
existing business processes?” There’s sort of a duality—you should spend as
much focus on new digital business building as you do on transforming the
current business. Rule of thumb number two is, you’ve got to focus on things
that are big enough. And maybe that’s obvious, but it sometimes surprises us
how many people will call something a digital transformation, and you add up
the total economic impact, and it’s less than, say, 15 or 20 percent of the
company’s overall EBITDA. If you’re not targeting at least 15 or 20 percent,
in our mind it’s hard to call that a transformation and to sustain the level
of organizational focus around it. And then the third rule of thumb is, it’s
best to start with a concentration in a particular area rather than sprinkle a
little bit of digital or a handful of analytics use cases broadly across the
Intro to Micronaut: A cloud-native Java framework

Micronaut delivers a slew of benefits gleaned from older frameworks like
Spring and Grails. It is billed as "natively cloud native," meaning that it
was built from the ground up for cloud environments. Its cloud-native
capabilities include environment detection, service discovery, and distributed
tracing. Micronaut also delivers a new inversion-of-control (IoC) container,
which uses ahead-of-time (AoT) compilation for faster startup. AoT
compilation means the startup time doesn't increase with the size of the
codebase. That's especially crucial for serverless and container-based
deployments, where nodes are often shut down and spun up in response to
demand. Micronaut is a polyglot JVM framework, currently supporting Java,
Groovy, and Kotlin, with Scala support underway. ... One cloud-native
concept that Micronaut supports is the federation. The idea of a federation is
that several smaller applications share the same settings and can be deployed
in tandem. If that sounds an awful lot like a microservices architecture, you
are right. The purpose is to make microservice development simpler and keep it
manageable. See Micronaut's documentation for more about federated
4 Best Practices for Microservices Authorization

In the past, most authorization decisions have happened at the gateway — and
developers can still enforce authorization there for microservices, if they
like. However, for security, performance and availability, it’s typically
preferable to also enforce authorization steps for each microservice API. As
mentioned, in a zero-rust architecture, every request must be both
authenticated and authorized before it is allowed. It’s entirely possible to
send each of these authorization requests to a centralized service. However,
this can add significantly to latency — for instance, a single user request
might traverse numerous services, and if each of those requests requires an
additional network hop to reach that centralized authorization engine, that
can hamper the user experience. If you’re using a tool like OPA, fortunately,
you can also run a local authorization engine and policy library as a sidecar
to each microservice. Here is an example of what this architecture looks like
with an Istio service mesh, which uses an Envoy proxy sidecar. Using this
model, you can ensure that each request passes muster with an authorization
check while maximizing the performance and availability of the service.
Just in time? Bosses are finally waking up to the cybersecurity threat
"Today boards say, 'Can you come and brief our board, and can you stay while
the CISO's briefing the board? And can you please give us a view about the
quality of our controls and our estimation of risk?', which is hugely
transparent," she said, speaking at the UK National Cyber Security Centre's
(NCSC) Cyber UK conference in Newport, Wales. "I see that as well, it feels as
if it's really maturing," said Lindy Cameron, CEO of the NCSC. "We've been
trying really hard over the last few months to get organisations to step up
but not panic, do the things we've asked them to for a long time and take it
more seriously". The NCSC regularly issues advice to organisations on how to
improve and manage cybersecurity issues, ranging from ransomware threats to
potential nation state-backed cyberattacks – and Cameron said she's seen a
more hands-on approach to cybersecurity from business leaders in recent
months. "I've seen chief execs really asking their CISOs the right questions,
rather than leaving them to it because they don't have to understand complex
technology. It does feel like a much more engaging strategic conversation,"
she said.
Center for Threat-Informed Defense, Microsoft, and industry partners streamline MITRE ATT&CK® matrix evaluation for defenders

The methodology and insights from the top techniques list has many practical
applications, including helping prioritize activities during triage. As it’s
applied to more real-world scenarios, we can identify areas of focus and
continue to improve our coverage on these TTPs and behaviors of prevalent threat
actors. Refining the criteria can further increase results accuracy and make
this project more customer-focused and more relevant for their immediate action.
... This collaboration and innovation benefits everyone in the security
community, not only those who use the MITRE ATT&CK framework as part of
their products and services, but also our valued ecosystem of partners who build
services on top of our platform to meet the unique needs of every organization,
to advance threat-informed defense in the public interest. Microsoft is a
research sponsor at the Center for Threat-Informed Defense, partnering to
advance the state of the art in threat-informed defense in the public interest.
One of our core principles at Microsoft is security for all, and we will
continue to partner with MITRE and the broader community to collaborate on
projects like this and share insights and intelligence.
How Waterfall Methodologies Stifle Enterprise Agility

Traditional organizational architecture can impose limitations on an
enterprise’s ability to successfully reach its digital transformation goals. The
up-front model, with a focus on one long-range project, can slow productivity
and choke creativity. While planning is needed as agility scales, the detailed
technology life cycles with large timeline projections are no longer effective
or profitable in meeting the business mandates that drive enterprises forward.
Enterprise leaders are increasingly abandoning the five-year architectural plan
for one that is designed to evolve with the ever-changing software development
environment. Enterprise architects must now develop and promote adaptive methods
that support agility in order to appropriate the value of new technologies like
AI, machine learning, big data, IoT and intuitive tools that enable advanced
analytics and enterprise-wide collaboration. A less intentional architecture,
decomposed into smaller units, can be managed by autonomous cross-functional
teams that are accountable to peers and managers with shared strategic
objectives, bringing all fields into a coherent whole.
Seven Ways to Fail at Microservices with Holly Cummins
We're starting to use CICD as a noun rather than a verb and we think it's
something that we can buy and then put on the shelf and then we have CICD. But
if we sort of think about the words in CICD it's continuous integration and
continuous delivery or deployment, confusingly. And so what I often see is I'll
see teams where they're using feature branches and they'll integrate their
feature branch once a week. So that of course is not continuous integration.
It's better than every six months, but it's fundamentally not continuous. And
really, I think if you're doing continuous integration, which you should be,
everybody should be aiming to integrate at least once a day. And that does mean
that you have to have some different habits in terms of your code, you sort of
need to start coding with the things that aren't visible and then go on to the
things that are visible and other things like that. You need to make sure that
your quality's in place so that you've got the tests in place first so that you
don't accidentally deliver something terrible.
Quote for the day:
"Leaders know the importance of having
someone in their lives who will unfailingly and fearlessly tell them the
truth." -- Warren G. Bennis
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