Daily Tech Digest - July 11, 2024

Will AI Ever Pay Off? Those Footing the Bill Are Worrying Already

Though there is some nervousness around how long soaring demand can last, no one doubts the business models for those at the foundations of the AI stack. Companies need the chips and manufacturing they, and they alone, offer. Other winners are the cloud companies that provide data centers. But further up the ecosystem, the questions become more interesting. That’s where the likes of OpenAI, Anthropic and many other burgeoning AI startups are engaged in the much harder job of finding business or consumer uses for this new technology, which has gained a reputation for being unreliable and erratic. Even if these flaws can be ironed out (more on that in a moment), there is growing worry about a perennial mismatch between the cost of creating and running AI and what people are prepared to pay to use it. ... Another big red flag, economist Daron Acemoglu warns, lies in the shared thesis that by crunching more data and engaging more computing power, generative AI tools will become more intelligent and more accurate, fulfilling their potential as predicted. His comments were shared in a recent Goldman Sachs report titled “Gen AI: Too Much Spend, Too Little Benefit?”

How top IT leaders create first-mover advantage

“Some of the less talked about aspects of a high-performing team are the human traits: trust, respect, genuine enjoyment of each other,” Sample says. “I’m looking at experience and skills, but I’m also thinking about how the person will function collaboratively with the team. Do I believe they’ll have the best interest of the team at heart? Can the team trust their competency? Sample also says he focuses on “will over skill.” “Qualities like curiosity and craftsmanship are sustainable, flexible skills that can evolve with whatever the new ‘toy’ in technology is,” he says. “If you’re approaching work with that bounty of curiosity and that willing mindset, the skills can adapt.” ... Steadiness and calm from the leader create the kind of culture where people are encouraged to take risks and work together to solve big problems and execute on bold agendas. That, ultimately, is what enables a technology organization to capitalize on innovative technologies. In fact, reflecting on his legacy as a CIO, Sample believes it’s not really about the technology; it’s about the people. His success, he says, has been in building the teams that operate the technology.

Can AI be Meaningfully Regulated, or is Regulation a Deceitful Fudge?

The patchwork approach is used by federal agencies in the US. Different agencies have responsibility for different verticals and can therefore introduce regulations more relevant to specific organizations. For example, the FCC regulates interstate and international communications, the SEC regulates capital markets and protects investors, and the FTC protects consumers and promotes competition. ... The danger is that the EU’s recent monolithic AI Act will go the same way as GDPR. Kolochenko prefers the US model. He believes the smaller, more agile method of targeted regulations used by US federal agencies can provide better outcomes than the unwieldy and largely static monolithic approach adopted by the EU. ... To regulate or not to regulate is a rhetorical question – of course AI must be regulated to minimize current and future harms. The real questions are whether it will be successful (no, it will not), partially successful (perhaps, but only so far as the curate’s egg is good), and will it introduce new problems for AI-using businesses (from empirical and historical evidence, yes).

The Team Sport of Cloud Security: Breaking Down the Rules of the Game

Cloud security today is too complicated to fall on the shoulders of one person or party. For this reason, most cloud services operate on a shared responsibility model that divvies security roles between the CSP and the customer. Large players in this space, such as AWS and Microsoft Azure, have even published frameworks to the lines of liability in the sand. While the exact delineations can change depending on the service model ... However, while the expectations laid out in shared responsibility models are designed to reduce confusion, customers often struggle to conceptualize what this framework looks like in practice. And unfortunately, when there’s a lack of clarity, there’s a window of opportunity for threat actors. ... The best-case scenario for mitigating cloud security risks is when CSPs and customers are transparent and aligned on their responsibilities right from the beginning. Even the most secure cloud services aren’t foolproof, so customers need to be aware of what security elements they’re “owning” versus what falls in the court of their CSP. 

AI's new frontier: bringing intelligence to the data source

There has been a shift with organisations exploring how to bring AI to their data rather than uploading proprietary data to AI providers. This shift reflects a growing concern for data privacy and the desire to maintain control over proprietary information. Business leaders believe they can better manage security and privacy while still benefiting from AI advancements by keeping data in-house. Bringing AI solutions directly to an organisation’s data eliminates the need to move vast amounts of data, reducing security risks and maintaining data integrity. Crucially, organisations can maintain strict control over their data by implementing AI solutions within their own infrastructure to ensure that sensitive information remains protected and complies with privacy regulations. Additionally, keeping data in-house minimises the risks associated with data breaches and unauthorised access from third parties, providing peace of mind for both the organisation and its clients. Advanced AI-driven data management tools deliver this solution to businesses, automating data cleaning, validation, and transformation processes to ensure high-quality data for AI training.

How AI helps decode cybercriminal strategies

The biggest use case for AI is its ability to process, analyze, and interpret natural language communication efficiently. AI algorithms can quickly identify patterns, correlations, and anomalies within massive datasets, providing cybersecurity professionals with actionable insights. This capability not only enhances the speed and accuracy of threat detection but also enables a more proactive and comprehensive approach to securing organizations against dark web-originated threats. This is vital in an environment where the difference between detecting a threat early in the cyber kill chain vs once the attacker has achieved their objective can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. ... Another potential use case of AI is in quickly identifying and alerting specific threats relating to an organization, helping with the prioritization of intelligence. One thing an AI could look for in data is intention – to assess whether an actor is planning an attack, is asking for advice, is looking to buy or to sell access or tooling. Each of these indicates a different level of risk for the organization, which can inform security operations.

Widely Used RADIUS Authentication Flaw Enables MITM Attacks

The attack scenario - researchers say a "a well-resourced attacker" could make it practical - fools the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service into granting access to a malicious user without the attacker having to know or guess a login password. Despite its 1990s heritage and reliance on the MD5 hashing algorithm, many large enterprises still use the RADIUS protocol for authentication to the VPN or Wi-Fi network. It's also "universally supported as an access control method for routers, switches and other network infrastructure," researchers said in a paper published Tuesday. The protocol is used to safeguard industrial control systems and 5G cellular networks. ... For the attack to succeed, the hacker must calculate a MD5 collision within the client session timeout, where the common defaults are either 30 seconds or 60 seconds. The 60-second default is typically for users that have enabled multifactor authentication. That's too fast for the researchers, who were able to reduce the compute time down to minutes from hours, but not down to seconds. An attacker working with better hardware or cloud computing resources might do better, they said.

Can RAG solve generative AI’s problems?

Currently, RAG offers probably the most effective way to enrich LLMs with novel and domain-specific data. This challenge is particularly important for such systems as chatbots, since the information they generate must be up to date. However, RAG cannot reason iteratively, which means it is still dependent on the underlying dataset (knowledge base, in RAG’s case). Even though this dataset is dynamically updated, if the information there isn’t coherent or is poorly categorized and labeled, the RAG model won’t be able to understand that the retrieval data is irrelevant, incomplete, or erroneous. It would also be naive to expect RAG to solve the AI hallucination problem. Generative AI algorithms are statistical black boxes, meaning that developers do not always know why the model hallucinates and whether it is caused by insufficient or conflicting data. Moreover, dynamic data retrieval from external sources does not guarantee there are no inherent biases or disinformation in this data. ... Therefore, RAG is in no way a definitive solution. In the case of sensitive industries, such as healthcare, law enforcement, or finance, fine-tuning LLMs with thoroughly cleaned, domain-specific datasets might be a more reliable option.

Navigating the New Data Norms with Ethical Guardrails for Ethical AI

To convert ethical principles into a practical roadmap, businesses need a clear framework aligned with industry standards and company values. Also, beyond integrity and fairness, businesses must demonstrate tangible ROI by focusing on metrics like customer acquisition cost, lifetime value, and employee engagement. Operationalizing ethical guardrails involves creating a structured approach to ensure AI deployment aligns with ethical standards. Companies can start by fostering a culture of ethics through comprehensive employee education programs that emphasize the importance of fairness, transparency, and accountability. Establishing clear policies and guidelines is crucial, alongside implementing robust risk assessment frameworks to identify and mitigate potential ethical issues. Regular audits and continuous monitoring should be part of the process to ensure adherence to these standards. Additionally, maintaining transparency for end-users by openly sharing how AI systems make decisions, and providing mechanisms for feedback, further strengthens trust and accountability.

How CIOs Should Approach DevOps

CIOs should have a vision for scaling DevOps across the enterprise for unlocking its full range of benefits. A collaborative culture, automation, and technical skills are all necessary for achieving scale. Besides these, the CIO needs to think about the right team structure, security landscape, and technical tools that will take DevOps safely from pilot to production to enterprise scale. It is recommended to start small: dedicate a small platform team focused only on building a platform that enables automation of various development tasks. Build the platform in small steps, incrementally and iteratively. Put together another small team with all the skills required to deliver value to customers. Constantly gather customer feedback and incorporate it to improve development at every stage. Ultimately, customer satisfaction is what matters the most in any DevOps program. Security needs to be part of every DevOps process right from the start. When a process is automated, so should its security and compliance aspects. Frequent code reviews and building awareness among all the concerned teams will help to create secure, resilient applications that can be scaled with confidence.

Quote for the day:

“There is no failure except in no longer trying.” -- Chris Bradford

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