December 04, 2013

Making data work: Why hope is not a strategy
There are a few things to consider when implementing a capability like this. Data storage, by the way, is not really one of them. Sure, billions of interactions may have to be captured, but it’s offline storage which is cheap, and it’s only the data that is actually used to make decisions. Therefore, data storage requirements go hand-in-hand with better informed (i.e. higher quality) decisions which means the additional returns will easily pay for more, cheap disk space (on-premise or in the cloud).

Best of unified threat management 2013
SonicWall scored the best ratings across the board from readers, with the highest score for its ease of installation, configuration and administration. Users liked SonicWall's breadth of security functions and features. They also applauded SonicWall's depth of security provided by individual functions, and Dell's service and support. Overall, voters deemed the Dell SonicWall firewall appliances as "excellent" and a "very good solution."

Twitter Hashtag Inventor Explains Why Patenting It Would Have Been The Wrong Thing To Do
Hashtags like #techdirt are not only an indispensable part of Twitter, but are also increasingly to be found elsewhere as a handy way of flagging up key topics in a compact and recognizable way. Given the monopoly-mad world we inhabit, it's something of a miracle that they weren't patented. Business Insider points out that Chris Messina, the former Google employee who came up with the idea in the first place, has explained precisely why he didn't try to patent them.

CIOs to Gain Authority, Better Alignment With Business Leaders
"We seem to be veering back toward the operational type role, and I think that's a bit of an issue," Brubaker said.  Brubaker recalled his work as a congressional staffer in the 1990s when he helped draft the Clinger-Cohen Act, a major set of federal IT reforms that, among other things, mandated that large agencies and departments designate a CIO to oversee the technology operations.

Risks to the 'Internet of Things'
ISACA, an association that develops information systems and security practices and guidance, has issued a new study, Risks and Rewards of the Internet of Things, which shows the shift in perception about risk and privacy as the world becomes increasingly connected through the Internet of Things. "As this Internet of Things starts understanding the inter-relation of things, your data privacy is going to be a real issue in terms of understanding who has it and how they're using it effectively," Stroud says.

Seven Reasons for Agile Software Development : Introduction to Waterfall Model
This series of videos explain seven reasons for moving to Agile Software Development. In this introductory video, we discuss the traditional software development model, Waterfall. The subsequent videos discuss more about reasons for moving to Agile. Speaker: Raja (Rajamanickam), Enterprise Agile Coach, ProXL Consulting

How much ITSM process is too much?
You can’t design a process sitting in isolation at your desk.  Not because you are not capable, or smart enough, but because the adoption of a process requires buy-in, and for that you have to get people involved.  The trick is balancing consensus building with getting things done.  A small core team, with representation from across your organization, is the best way to proceed.  Just make sure the team is empowered to make decisions

Forrester: Three competencies CIOs need to embrace digital disruption
It will require clarity in roles, ownership and operations. Your role as CIO will vary, depending on your organization's context. But there are three essential functions and responsibilities of a disruptive CIO: soldier, captain and general. These roles can change based on the type of initiative, culture of the company, and relationships among business and technology leaders. It is plausible that a CIO is a general in one initiative and a soldier in another, but most would default to one of these three roles, which are described below.

3 reasons perimeter security is not enough for the cloud
Again – the potential for bigger breaches or catastrophic datacenter disasters is much higher in virtualized environments. The cloud is built for agility, which means entire applications can be spun up, cloned, paused, or deleted in a matter of seconds. It is crucial that you implement controls and policies to ensure that privileged users – or those who gain their credentials – are prevented from doing damage.

IT pros share blame for 'shadow IT' problem, survey shows
For the IT department, the reaction has often been, “Oh poor IT, if we could only stop the employees from doing this,” says Jennifer Geisler, senior director in McAfee’s network security division. Of the IT pros admitting complicity, 42 percent said they do it because they are “familiar” and “comfortable” using such services. A third said the “IT approval process for new software applications is too slow or cumbersome,” echoing the line-of-business managers. A quarter said the non-approved software “better meets my needs than the IT-approved equivalent.” 

Quote for the day:
"Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion." -- Jim Rohn

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