December 28, 2013

Aaron Levie: The most refreshing voice in the enterprise
At a time when enterprise IT is laboring under constant pressure from reduced budgets, outsourcing pressure, and escalating security challenges, Levie stands out as one of the most refreshing voices in the technology industry. He still believes there's a lot of great work to be done in the enterprise and he's not just a talking a good game. At Box he's leading a team that is hyper-focused on solving enterprise problems.

Testing Basics May Have Averted Obamacare Health Site Fiasco
According to CBS, the security testing was never completed. Fox uncovered a testing bulletin from the day before launch which revealed the site could only handle 1,100 users “before response time gets too high.” The Washington Examiner revealed, via an anonymous source, that the full testing was delayed until just a few days before the launch and instead of the 4 to 6 months of testing that should have been conducted it was only tested for 4 to 6 days.

Welcome to the Lean Service Desk, Part 4: Root Cause Analysis
Lean encourages a structured, disciplined problem-solving approach that is more like informal scientific inquiry. For that reason, we are interested in identifying the root causes of the problem as a precondition to trying to identify solutions. By separating these activities in a very deliberate way, it’s possible to gain enough understanding of the problem to increase the chances of finding solutions that in fact address it.

The Ideas that Shaped Management in 2013
Compiling extremely long lists, struggling to shorten them, and over-thinking it all, when the point should just be to gather some really good reading for you for any free time you happen to find over the holiday. So this year, instead, we thought about the pieces that most surprised us or provoked us to think differently about an intractable problem or perennial question in management, we reviewed the whole year of data to remind ourselves what our readers found most compelling, and we looked for patterns in the subjects our authors raised most frequently and independently of our editorial urging

Do You Know What Life Will Be Like In 5 Years? IBM's Top Scientist Does
In the 5 in 5 report IBM’s top scientists report on what the world, supported by smart sensing and computing, will look like in five years. ... In five years, cities will be sentient. More buses will automatically run when there are more people to fill them. And doctors will use your DNA to tailor medical advice and smart computing to diagnose and plan treatment for big diseases like cancer not in months, but in minutes.

Merchant Warehouse Provides Visual Overview of the State of the Payments Industry
Focused on 4 main quadrants, the Merchant Warehouse State of the Payments Industry will examine and provide up-to-date information covering all aspects of the payment industry from consumer credit trends to important information on regulations and technology. While individual sections will be update regularly as new information and data become available, each quarter Merchant Warehouse will deliver a new report highlighting major updates and trends ensuring that our audience is fully aware of where the industry is and more importantly where it is headed.

Global Stock Exchanges Band Together on Cybersecurity Initiative
In addition to developing cybersecurity best practices, the Cyber Security Committee will focus on establishing a communication framework among participants based on mutual trust and, notably, facilitating information sharing, including threat intelligence, attack trends and useful policies, standards and technologies. Part of that will also be enhancing dialogue with policy makers, regulators and government organizations on cyber-threats and supporting improved defenses from both external and internal attacks.

Establishing Data Governance Policies: Four Issues to Get Them Right
A first-rate data governance policy improves an organization’s ability to demonstrate regulatory compliance, respond to legal inquiries, reduce risk and increase data quality and business process management for increased employee effectiveness and better decision-making. ... Faced with rapidly growing data volumes, varieties and obligations, it is imperative that organizations have data governance policies and technologies that support them in place. The following four steps can help any company manage their data assets

COBIT 5 and the Process Capability Model Improvements Provided for IT Governance Process 
Starting from a general overview of this framework, the structure of the Process Capability Model will be analysed in detail in this paper. Then, a comparison with the Maturity Model of the previous version of the COBIT framework will be discussed. At the end of this paper, it will be seen that the new Process Capability approach results in an improvement of the assessment process; and in particular, in the formality and the rigor of the assessment.

Retrospectives Applied as “PROspectives"
Don’t worry if the PROspective needs more time than planned. As long as the participants - the owners and beneficiaries of the PROspective - are willing to continue, it is fine. You, as the facilitator, are responsible for keeping the process on track to enable reflection, learning, and inventing actions for improvements. If you think the team has lost track of that and the meeting has become a waste of time then share that impression with the participants. If they want to go on anyway, it is their decision. You are the enabler, not the director.

Quote for the day:

"Men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail." -- Napolean Hill

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