Daily Tech Digest - July 14, 2023

AI and privacy: safeguarding your personal information in an age of intelligent systems

AI models, including chatbots and generative AI, rely on vast quantities of training data. The more data an AI system can access, the more accurate its models should be. The problem is that there are few, if any, controls over how data is captured and used in these training models2. With some AI tools connecting directly to the public internet, that could easily include your data. Then there is the question of what happens to queries from generative AI tools. Each service has its own policy for how it collects, and stores, personal data, as well as how they store query results. Anyone who uses a public AI service needs to be very careful about sharing either personal information, or sensitive business data. New laws will control the use of AI; the European Union, for example, plans to introduce its AI Act by the end of 20233. And individuals are, to an extent, protected from the misuse of their data by the GDPR and other privacy legislation. But security professionals need to take special care of their confidential information.

Are LLMs Leading DevOps Into a Tech Debt Trap?

It depends on how we use the expertise in the models. Instead of asking it to generate new code, we could ask it to interpret and modify existing code. For the first time, we have tools to take down the “not invented here” barriers we’ve created because of the high cognitive load of understanding code. If we can help people work more effectively with existing code, then we can actually converge and reuse our systems. By helping us expand and operate within our working systems base, LLMs could actually help us maintain less code. Imagine if the teams in your organization were invested in collaborating around shared systems! We haven’t done this well today because it takes significantly more time and effort. Today, LLMs have thrown out those calculations. Taking this just one more step, we can see how improved reuse paves the way for reduction of the number of architectural patterns. If we improve our collaboration and investment in sharing code, then there is increased ROI in making shared patterns and platforms work. I see that as a tremendous opportunity for LLMs to improve operations in a meaningful way.

EU-US Data Transfer Framework will be overturned within five years, says expert

The European Commission has adopted the adequacy decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework after years of talks, but experts have indicated it will struggle to uphold it in court. In its decision announced on 10 July, the Commission found that the US upholds a level of protection comparable to that of the EU when it comes to the transfer of personal data. Companies that comply with the extensive requirements of the framework can access a streamlined path for transferring data from the EU to the US without the need for extra data protection measures. The framework is likely to face legal action and be overturned, according to Nader Henein, research VP of privacy and data protection at Gartner. “It takes one step closer to what the European Court of Justice needs, but it takes one where the Court of Justice needs it to take five, or ten steps,” Henein told ITPro. “Maximilian Schrems already said he was going to do it, and if not him someone else will like the EFF or multiple privacy groups. What we’re telling our clients is two to five years, depending on who raises the request, when they raise it, and who they use.”

What Does the Patchless Cisco Vulnerability Mean for IT Teams, CIOs?

The lack of patch and workaround for the vulnerability is not typical, and it likely indicates a complex issue, according to Guenther. “It signifies that the vulnerability may be deeply rooted in the design or implementation of the affected feature,” she says. With no workarounds or forthcoming patch, what can IT teams do in response to this vulnerability? Before taking a specific action, IT teams need to consider whether this vulnerability impacts their organization. “I have seen companies go into a panic, only to find out that a particular issue didn’t really affect them,” says Alan Brill, senior managing director in the Kroll Cyber Risk Practice and fellow of the Kroll Institute, a risk and financial advisory solutions company. When determining potential impact, it is important for IT teams to take a broad view. The vulnerability may not directly impact an organization, but what about its supply chain? Third-party risk is an important consideration. If an IT team determines that the vulnerability does impact their organization, what is the risk level? How likely is threat actor exploitation?

Internet has Become An AI Dumping Ground, No Solution in Sight

After realising the potential of generative AI models like GPT, people have taken a step ahead and started filling websites with junk generated by AI to get the attention of advertisers. This content aims to attract paying advertisers according to a report from the media research organisation NewsGuard. The companies behind the models generating this content have been vocal about the measures they are taking to deal with the issue but no concrete plan has yet been executed. According to the report, more than 140 major brands are currently paying for advertisements that end up on unreliable AI-written sites, likely without their knowledge. The report further clarifies that the websites in question are presented in a way that a reader could assume that it’s produced by human writers, because the site has a generic layout and content typical to news websites. Furthermore, these websites do not clearly disclose that its content is AI produced. Hence, it is high time authorities step in and take charge of not just keeping an eye on false but also non-human generated content.

Train AI models with your own data to mitigate risks

To be successful in their generative AI deployments, organizations should finetune the AI model with their own data, Klein said. Companies that take the effort to do this properly will move faster forward with their implementation. Using generative AI on its own will prove more compelling if it is embedded within an organization's data strategy and platform, he added. Depending on the use case, a common challenge companies face is whether they have enough data of their own to train the AI model, he said. He noted, however, that data quantity did not necessarily equate data quality. Data annotation is also important, as is applying context to AI training models so the system churns out responses that are more specific to the industry the business is in, he said. With data annotation, individual components of the training data are labeled to enable AI machines to understand what the data contains and what components are important. Klein pointed to a common misconception that all AI systems are the same, which is not the case.

DevOps Has Won, Long Live the Platform Engineer

A decade ago, DevOps was a cultural phenomenon, with developers and operations coming together and forming a joint alliance to break through silos. Fast forward to today and we’ve seen DevOps further formalized with the emergence of platform engineering. Under the platform-engineering umbrella, DevOps now has a budget, a team and a set of self-service tools so developers can manage operations more directly. The platform engineering team provides benefits that can make Kubernetes a self-service tool, enhancing efficiency and speed of development for hundreds of users. It’s another sign of the maturity and ubiquity of Kubernetes. ... When a technology becomes ubiquitous, it starts to become more invisible. Think about semiconductors, for example. They are everywhere. They’ve advanced from micrometers to nanometers, from five nanometers down to three. We use them in our remote controls, phones and cars, but the chips are invisible and as end users, we just don’t think about them.

How Google Keeps Company Data Safe While Using Generative AI Chatbots

“We approach AI both boldly and responsibly, recognizing that all customers have the right to complete control over how their data is used,” Google Cloud’s Vice President of Engineering Behshad Behzadi told TechRepublic in an email. Google Cloud makes three generative AI products: the contact center tool CCAI Platform, the Generative AI App Builder and the Vertex AI portfolio, which is a suite of tools for deploying and building machine learning models. Behzadi pointed out that Google Cloud works to make sure its AI products’ “responses are grounded in factuality and aligned to company brand, and that generative AI is tightly integrated into existing business logic, data management and entitlements regimes.” ... In late June 2023, Google announced a competition for something a bit different: machine unlearning, or making sure sensitive data can be removed from AI training sets to comply with global data regulation standards such as the GDPR. 

Understanding the Benefits of Computational Storage

The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) defines computational storage as “architectures that provide computational storage functions (CSFs) coupled to storage, offloading host processing or reducing data movement.” The advantage of computational storage over traditional storage, LaChapelle notes, is that it pushes the computational requirement to handle data queries and processing closer to the data, thereby reducing network traffic and offloading work from compute CPUs. There are two general categories of computational storage: fixed computational storage services (FCSS); and programmable computational storage services (PCSS). “FCSS are optimized for specific, computationally intensive tasks such as inline compression of encryption at the drive,” LaChapelle says. ... There are several different approaches to computational storage, such as the integration of processing power into individual drives (in-situ processing), and accelerators that sit on the storage bus at the storage controller, not in the drives themselves.

Sustainable IT: A crisis needing leadership and change

IT leaders play a crucial role in spearheading sustainability initiatives within their organizations, yet according to the non-profit SustainableIT.org, one in four IT organizations are not supporting any ESG mandates. Why is this? Implementation challenges could present a roadblock. A lack of standards to follow to evaluate a company’s carbon footprint also presents challenges. In fact, 50% of firms surveyed in the Capgemini report say they have an enterprise-wide sustainability strategy, but only 18% have a strategy with defined goals and target timelines. ... This is where IT leadership needs to step up. IT leaders have the right relationships and are best positioned to pioneer and champion this change. These leaders have the power to ask the right questions, initiate process changes, and implement strategies that foster a more environmentally-friendly business environment. For instance, IT leaders can improve employee awareness surrounding sustainability and can streamline data processes to optimize efficiency to reduce electric consumption.

Quote for the day:

"A good leader can't get too far ahead of his followers" -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

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