Is SASE right for your organization? 5 key questions to ask

Many analysts say that SASE is particularly beneficial for mid-market companies
because it replaces multiple, and often on-premises, tools with a unified cloud
service. Many large enterprises, on the other hand, will not only have legacy
constraints to consider, but they may also prefer to take a layered security
approach with best-of-breed security tools. Another factor to consider is that
the SASE offering might be presented as a consolidated solution, but if you dig
a little deeper is might actually be a collection of different tools from
various partnering vendors, or features obtained through acquisition that have
not been fully integrated. Depending on the service provider, SASE offers a
unified suite of security services, including but not limited to encryption,
multifactor authentication, threat protection, Data Leak Prevention (DLP), DNS,
and traditional firewall services. ... With incumbents such as Cisco, VMware,
and HPE all rolling out SASE services, enterprises with existing vendor
relationships may be able to adopt SASE without needing to worry much about
protecting previous investments.
How gamifying cyber training can improve your defences

Gamification is an attempt to enhance systems and activities by creating similar
experiences to those in games, in order to motivate and engage users, while
building their confidence. This is typically done through the application of
game-design elements and game principles (dynamics and mechanics) in non-game
contexts. Research into gamification has proved that it has positive effects.
... Gamification has been dismissed by some as a fad, but the application of
elements found within game playing, such as competing or collaborating with
others and scoring points, can effectively translate into staff training and
improve engagement and interest. “The way that cyber security training sessions
are happening is changing and it’s for the better,” says Helen McCullagh, a
cyber risk specialist for an end-user organisation. “If you look at the
engagement of sitting people down and them doing a one-hour course every year,
then it is merely a box-ticking exercise. Organisations are trying to get 100%
compliance, but what you have are people sitting there doing their shopping
The 3 Phases Of The Metaverse

There are several misconceptions about the metaverse today. In simple terms, the
metaverse is the convergence of physical and digital on a digital plane. In its
ideal phase, you can access the metaverse from anywhere, just like the internet.
Early metaverse apps were focused on creating games with tokenized incentives
(play-to-earn) and hadn’t initially been thought of as contributing to the next
phase of the internet. One of the most prominent examples is the online game
Second Life, which is regarded as the earliest web2-based metaverse platform.
Users have an identity projected through an avatar and participate in
activities—very much a limited “second” life. ... Unlike the previous phase,
Phase 2 is all about creating utilities. Brands, IP holders and companies
investing in innovation have been collaborating with gaming metaverse dApps to
understand consumer behaviors and economic dynamics. No-coding tools, as well as
software development kits, in this phase, are empowering the end user to
co-create alongside developers, designers, brands and retail investors. Still,
interoperability—the import and export of digital assets—is only possible on a
single chain, and the user experience is still seen as gaming in 2-D or 3-D
Why the Agile approach might not be working for your projects
Although Scrum is a well-described methodology, when applied in practice it is
often tailored to the specific circumstances of the organisation. These
adaptations are often called ScrumBut (“we use Scrum, but …”). Some deviations
from the fundamental principles of Scrum, however, may be problematic. These
undesirable deviations are called anti-patterns — bad habits formed and
influenced by the human factor. What exactly can we consider an anti-pattern? It
can be a disagreement on whether or not the task is completed, a disruption
caused by the customer, unclear items in the backlog, the indecisiveness of
stakeholders (customers, management, etc.), and lack of authority or poor
technical knowledge on the part of the Scrum master. We collected detailed
information in three Scrum teams using a variety of data collection procedures
over a sustained period of time — including observation, surveys, secondary
data, and semi-structured interviews – to get a detailed understanding of
anti-patterns, and their causes and consequences.
Rise of Data and Asynchronization Hyped Up at AWS re:Invent

Because it was believed that asynchronous programming was difficult, he said,
operating systems tended to have restrained interfaces. “If you wanted to
write to the disk, you got blocked until the block was written,” Vogels said.
Change began to emerge in the 1990s, he said, with operating systems designed
from the ground up to expose asynchrony to the world. “Windows NT was probably
the first one to have asynchronous communication or interaction with devices
as a first principle in the kernel.” Linux, Vogels said, did not pick up
asynchrony until the early 2000s. The benefit of asynchrony, he said, is it is
natural compared with the illusion of synchrony. When compute systems are
tightly coupled together, it could lead to widespread failure if something
goes wrong, Vogels said. With asynchronous systems, everything is decoupled.
“The most important thing is that this is an architecture that can evolve very
easily without have to change any of the other components,” he said. “It is a
natural way of isolating failures. If any of the components fails, the whole
system continues to work.”
Entity Framework Fundamentals
EF has two ways of managing your database. In this tutorial, I will explain
only one of them; code first. The other one is the database first. There is a
big difference between them, but code first is the most used. But before we
dive in, I want to explain both approaches. Database first is used when there
is already a database present and the database will not be managed by code.
Code first is used when there is no current database, but you want to create
one. I like code first much more because I can write entities (these are
basically classes with properties) and let EF update the database accordingly.
It's just C# and I don't have to worry about the database much. I can create a
class, tell EF it's an entity, update the database, and all is done! Database
first is the other way around. You let the database 'decide' what kind of
entities you get. You create the database first and create your code
accordingly. ... With Entity Framework, it all starts with a context. It
associates entities and relationships with an actual database. Entity
Framework comes with DbContext, which is the context that we will be using in
our code.
How Executive Coaching Can Help You Level Up Your Organization

As we all know, the desire for personal growth is extremely valuable- however,
as employee demands from the workplace have shifted, leadership skills have
not. As employees climb the ranks, they find their way into leadership without
necessarily learning the skills and techniques required to lead. Many new
leaders turn to a trusted mentor who would only provide information based on
lived experience. On the other hand, executive coaches are tasked with
improving performances and capabilities as their day job. But there is a
misconception that executive coaches are for leaders who have done something
wrong. While it's true that an executive coach could support a difficult
employee become a better teammate, they can also be guides for leaders to
pursue their desired career paths. Leadership coaching explains that the main
drivers of innovation in an organization are the people and the corporate
culture, and it can provide leaders with the tools to master these levers. An
executive coaching professional can guide leaders through the steps that allow
them to set the foundations of an innovative and competitive company.
Ransomware: Is there hope beyond the overhyped?

The old way of thinking about cyber security was imagining it like a castle.
You’ve got the vast perimeter – the castle walls – and inside was the keep,
where employees and data would live. But now organisations are operating in
various locations. They’ve got their cloud estate in one or more providers,
source code residing in another location, and vast amounts of work devices
that are now no longer behind the castle walls, but at employees’ homes – the
list could go on for ever. These are all areas that could potentially be
breached and used to gain intelligence on the business. The attack surface is
growing, and the castle wall can no longer circle around all these places to
protect them. Attack surface management will play a big part in tackling
this issue. It allows security and IT teams to almost visualise the external
parts of the business and identify targets and assesses risks based on the
opportunities they present to a malicious attacker. In the face of a
constantly growing attack surface, this can enable businesses to establish a
proactive security approach and adopt principles such as assume breach and
cyber resilience.
How data analysts can help CIOs bridge the tech talent shortfall

Business analytics are only as good as the data they’re using. Given the
wealth and complexity of data, it’s easy to understand why leaders are often
overwhelmed in their attempts to access better analytics and insights. This is
where data professionals can help. Data scientists and analysts are
statistics, math, databases, and systems experts. They are especially adept at
looking at historical metrics, recognizing patterns, pulling in market
insights, and identifying outlier data to ensure the best points are utilized.
They’re also able to organize vast amounts of unstructured data, which is
often very valuable but difficult to analyze, by leveraging conventional
databases and other tools to make the data more actionable. ... It’s also
important to look at the attributes of the data scientists and analysts
themselves. In addition to having technical skills, data professionals with a
background in programming, data visualization, and machine learning are also
highly valuable. On the non-technical side, they should have strong
interpersonal and communication skills to relay their findings to the tech
team and those without a tech or math background.
What Does Technical Debt Tell You?
Making most architectural decisions at the beginning of a project, often
before the QARs are precisely defined, results in an upfront architecture that
may not be easy to evolve and will probably need to be significantly
refactored when the QARs are better defined. Contrastingly, having a
continuous flow of architectural decisions as part of each Sprint results in
an agile architecture that can better respond to QAR changes. Almost every
architectural decision is a trade-off between at least two QARs. For example,
consider security vs. usability. Regardless of the decision being made, it is
likely to increase technical debt, either by making the system more vulnerable
by giving priority to usability or making it less usable by giving priority to
security. Either way, this will need to be addressed at some point in the
future, as the user population increases, and the initial decision to
prioritize one QAR over the other may need to be reversed to keep the
technical debt manageable. Other examples include scalability vs.
modifiability, and scalability vs. time to market. These decisions are often
characterized as "satisficing", i.e., "good enough".
Quote for the day:
"The ability to summon positive
emotions during periods of intense stress lies at the heart of effective
leadership." -- Jim Loehr
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