Daily Tech Digest - June 07, 2020

Data is Risky Business: The Data Crisis Unmasked

Allegations have emerged of different jurisdictions (such as the State of Georgia in the US) adjusting graphs to create a visual of a downward trend by putting time series data out of sequence. Florida removed the data scientist who was running their COVID-19 data reporting from her role, despite the reporting having been praised for its transparency. In addition, we have the ethical issues of data-driven responses to managing the pandemic, from contact tracing applications to thermal scanning. Deploying technologies such as these requires a balancing of privacy and public interest, but also requiring objective rigour in assessing whether the technology will actually work for the purpose for which they are proposed. For example, thermal cameras sound like great idea. Anyone registering a temperature over 38 degrees Celsius can be denied entry to the building to keep everyone safe. Only, what do you do about false positives and negatives with those technologies? Are there other things that might cause someone to run a high skin temperature (for that is what they measure) from time to time? Any hormonal conditions? Do any of your staff cycle or run to the office? Is there anything that could be done by a malicious actor (or an overly diligent staff member) that could fake out the scanner by suppressing their temperature, like taking paracetamol?

Fighting Defect Clusters in Software Testing

Using metrics like defect density charts or module-wise defect counts, we can examine the history of defects that have been found and look for areas, modules or features with higher defect density. This is where we should begin our search for defect clusters. Spending more time testing these areas may lead us to more defects or more complex use cases to try out. ... Defect clustering follows the Pareto rule that 80% of the defects are caused by 20% of the modules in the software. It’s imperative for a tester to know which 20% of modules have the most defects so that the maximum amount of effort can be spent there. That way, even if you don’t have a lot of time to test, hopefully you can still find the majority of defects.  Once you know the defect cluster areas, testers can focus on containing the defects in their product in a number of ways.By knowing which features or modules contain most defects, testers can spend more effort in finding better ways to test it. They can include more unit tests and integration tests for that module. Testers can also write more in-depth test scenarios with use cases from the customers on how the feature is best used in production. Focusing on test data and creating more exhaustive combinatorial tests for variables can also lead to finding more computational or algorithmic defects sooner.

How to Design For Panic Resilience in Rust

It is always better to exit with an error code than to panic. In the best situation, no software you write will ever panic. A panic is a controlled crash, and must be avoided to build reliable software. A crash is not ever “appropriate” behavior, but it’s better than allowing your system to cause physical damage. If at any time it may be believed that the software could cause something deadly, expensive, or destructive to happen, it’s probably best to shut it down. If you consider your software a car driving at about 60 miles per hour, a panic is like hitting a brick wall. A panic unwinds the call stack, hopping out of every function call and returning from program execution, destroying objects as it goes. It is not considered a safe nor clean shutdown. Avoid panics. The best way to end a program’s execution is to allow it to run until the last closing brace. Somehow, some way, program for that behavior. It allows all objects to safely destroy themselves. See the Drop trait. ... Creating custom error types is valuable. When you use a bare enum as an error type, the data footprint can be tiny.

Good Business Processes Are Key to Resilience During Disruption

With current and future operational challenges bogging down company leadership, empowering all employees with better process management skills and resources ensures your whole organization, from frontline employees to the C-suite, has better visibility and control over responsibilities. Process mapping and oversight needs to be a priority for all businesses today, and preparing teams with tools and resources must come from the top down. Companies must act with a renewed sense of urgency to develop dynamic processes and create stable growth environments during uncertain times. To begin sharing operational knowledge and ownership across your organization, leaders must first identify, define and map key processes across their organization. Companies are no longer in a position to avoid process understanding. Work-related implications of COVID-19 emphasize our need for a renewed focus on process, as inefficient communications and workflows can make or break delivery of your product or service. The teams that will be most successful in the next year are prepared to execute on innovative ideas and adapt willingly.

Shift Your Cybersecurity Mindset to Maintain Cyber Resilience

As more companies expand their remote workforce, the number of endpoints with access to corporate resources is proliferating. Hackers are seizing the opportunities this presents: Phishing email click rates have risen from around 5 percent to over 40 percent in recent months, according to Forbes. With a strong cybersecurity mindset and some strategic planning, your company can position itself to survive these new working conditions and build up even more cyber resilience as you adapt. Because cybersecurity professionals are facing formidable adversaries, understanding how hackers think can go a long way in mitigating the threat they pose. Security expert Frank Abagnale is one of the foremost experts on the thought processes of threat actors, and he was kind enough to lend his expertise to this piece. Since the number of successful phishing attacks has skyrocketed, I asked him if this is more a function of hackers stepping up their game, or employees not possessing the right cybersecurity mindset to pay attention. “It’s both,” he explained. “Any crisis is a perfect backdrop to phishing attacks.

Software Testing Survival Tips

Software test automation is the practice of automating test procedures of the application under test (AUT). There are two main testing aspects: functional and performance. Functional testing is oriented to validating AUT errors triggered by its functionality -- primarily front-end (UI and API). As an example, clicking the login button in the AUT should navigate to the welcome page. Performance testing involves validating overall performance and scalability of the system under load (SUL) by measuring end-to-end transaction time for data passed from the SUL front end to the back end and the sustainability of the SUL per number of users. Going back to our original example, a login transaction can take one second for 1,000 users. ... Many companies have been doing TA for the past few years, but with fewer TA engineers, they can't catch up with the regression testing schedule. If you are in this same boat, you need to look into your TA architecture. The key of high-ROI TA is the minimization of artifacts (i.e., the number of TA scripts, the size of TA scripts, the lines of code (steps), cross-platform portability, and the shareability of TA foundation components such as data sources, functional libraries and test objects.

Suspected Hacker Faces Money Laundering, Conspiracy Charges

The conspiracy charge carries a possible five-year federal prison sentence and a $250,000 fine, and the money laundering charge carries a possible 20-year sentence and a $500,000 fine, according to the Justice Department. Over the course of several years, the FBI alleges, Antonenko and two unnamed co-conspirators targeted vulnerable computer networks in order to steal credit and debit card numbers, expiration dates and other information, according to the federal indictment unsealed this week. In addition, the three allegedly stole personally identifiable information from victims, federal prosecutors say. After selling this data, Antonenko and the other two co-conspirators used bitcoin, as well as banks, to allegedly launder money and hide the proceeds, according to the indictment. Edward V. Sapone, a New York-based attorney representing Antonenko, told Information Security Media Group: "While a colossal amount of information has been released, size doesn't matter. Often times, big criminal cases turn on one fact. Here, the facts have not been tested, as Mr. Antonenko hasn't even been arraigned on an indictment.

Understanding cyber threats to APIs

API access is often loosely-controlled, which can lead to undesired exposure. Ensuring that the correct set of users has appropriate access permissions for each API is a critical security requirement that must be coordinated with enterprise identity and access management (IAM) systems. In some environments, as much as 90% of the respective application traffic (e.g., account login or registration, shopping cart checkout) is generated by automated bots. Understanding and managing traffic profiles, including differentiating good bots from bad ones, is necessary to prevent automated attacks without blocking legitimate traffic. Effective complementary measures include implementing whitelist, blacklist, and rate-limiting policies, as well as geo-fencing specific to use-cases and corresponding API endpoints. APIs simplify attack processes by eliminating the web form or the mobile app, thus allowing a bad actor to more easily exploit a targeted vulnerability. Protecting API endpoints from business logic abuse and other vulnerability exploits is thus a key API security mitigation requirement. Preventing data loss over exposed APIs for appropriately privileged users or otherwise, either due to programming errors or security control gaps, is also a critical security requirement.

A CEO's View Of Data Quality And Governance

To thrive, you must be intentional with your data strategy, by both knowing and trusting the data upon which your organization relies. Knowing your data implies a governance program. In specific terms, it involves harvesting and managing metadata, or "data about the data." Metadata management is a key tenet of a data governance program. Without it, you can only rely on tribal knowledge within your organization. Yet ever-growing volumes of data have rendered that not only impractical, but nearly impossible. Trusting your data implies validating and monitoring the quality and state at the point in time and place where you apply it in your business processes. Most likely your competitors are racing to achieve data management superiority ahead of you. Doing so is vital to not only mitigate regulatory compliance risk, but also to engage customers and stakeholders, optimize the outcome of key business initiatives, such as shortening the time required for new product launch, and apply analytics to inform daily decisions and long-term strategy. Making sure that your data strategy supports your business is a new responsibility for senior leadership.

Predictions for Data Science and AI

When it comes to data science and AI, we’re expecting continued growth of specialization in these roles. Divided into two categories, ‘engineering-heavy’ and ‘science-heavy’ data science roles focus on different aspects of the data science space. ‘Engineering-heavy’ roles include machine learning, AI, and data engineers, focusing on the infrastructure, platforms, and production systems. ‘Science-heavy’ data science roles include analytics consultants, data scientists, and business analytics specialists, focusing on decision and inquiry work. Demands for these roles are increasing rapidly as AI models move to production on a daily. The trend in the specialization will continue to grow over the next few years for sure. Being multi-talented definitely garners a lot of attention, however recruiting those who excel and specialize in one field will help you greatly in the long term (when you’re investing in your startup).
More Tools, More Confusion In this digital age, you can easily find a plethora of tools available to complete any technical task. Although there are several ways of approaching a particular problem, this causes great confusion amongst people new to the industry.

Quote for the day:

"Success seems to be connected to action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." -- Conrad Hilton

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