July 01, 2015

Trusted Technology, Procurement Paradigms, and Cyber Insurance
From the customer's perspective, they need to be considering how they actually apply techniques to ensure that they are sourcing from authorized channels, that they are also applying the same techniques that we use for secure engineering when they are doing the integration of their IT infrastructure.  But from a development perspective, it’s ensuring that we're applying secure engineering techniques, that we have a well-defined baseline for our life cycle, and that we're controlling our assets effectively. We understand who our partners are and we're able to score them and ensure that we're tracking their integrity and that we're applying new techniques around secure engineering, like threat analysis and risk analysis to the supply chain.

10 things CIOs need to know about agile development
The full benefits of agile cannot be achieved without engaging with business leaders, management and the user community. If the rest of the business does not have an immediate appetite for working in a new way, careful planning and communication will be needed to bring different communities of managers and users on board. ... The basic organisational unit of delivery in agile development is a small team, typically expressed as "seven, plus or minus two" people — both developers and quality assurance. ... If people are moved too frequently, the teams fail to develop into highly productive units; if people are not moved between teams enough, then each team starts to become isolated and diverges from the other teams. It is important to note that physical location of teams is much more important with agile methods than with conventional approaches to development.

When the Toaster Shares Your Data With the Refrigerator, the Bathroom Scale ...
Everything will be connected, including cars, street lighting, jet engines, medical scanners, and household appliances. Rather than throwing appliances away when a new model comes out, we will just download new features. That is how the Tesla electric cars already work — they get software updates every few weeks that provide new features. Tesla’s latest software upgrades are enabling the cars to begin to drive themselves. But the existence of all these sensors will create many new challenges. Businesses have not yet figured out how to use the data they already have. According to McKinsey, for example, oil rigs have as many as 30,000 sensors, but their owners examine only one percent of the data they collect.

It’s not just the weather: Southern Europe’s startup ecosystem is heating up
Getting down to the nitty-gritty of growth metrics, each startup has shown tangible returns on investment. Bluemove has between 15 and 20 thousand active users compared to 9 thousand about a year ago. According to González-Iglesias, “Each month we are triplicating what we did last year. We expect to close our year on a stand-alone basis between 1.5 and 2 million euros in revenues. Last year we closed a bit under 1 million in revenues.” ...  COO Christian Picard expects the revenue “coefficient will be tripled or multiplied by four” as they expand beyond Barcelona and Madrid into bigger cities with more business travellers like London, Paris and Berlin.

Not So Fast: Questioning Deep Learning IQ Results
If the work truly shows that computers can now pass the written IQ exam with stronger scores than humans, it is definitely interesting. ... This system is hand-engineered to identify the specific patterns in formulaic standardized tests. It's hard-wired to know the types of questions that exist. This system may be a powerful demonstration of word2vec style distributed representations for words, but it is hardly a display of true human intelligence. If the format of the question were changed significantly, or were not formulaic, it would seem that this system couldn't cope. As with many standardized tests, the verbal reasoning section tests the breadth of a participant's vocabulary more than anything else, and it would hardly come as a surprise that the computer can maintain a larger vocabulary than a human.

Big data in financial services begets chief data officer
If you look at the innovation side of things, it is very confusing. If you look at all the Hadoop distributions, all the ETL tools, all the SQL tools and all the data visualization tools, it is very confusing. In the traditional relational space, it was simpler. It's confusing and some people are scared away with all these choices. What I see on the ground is that the financial industries, for several different reasons, is behind in the adoption of the new big data revolution. The first reason for that is most of the companies have yet to find a killer app -- one that would move the dial. Other reasons are that there are lots of regulatory changes and lots of pressure on cost savings. The focus is not on the innovation.

8 High Performance Apps You Never Knew Were Hybrid
Some of the topmost brands have recently ditched native and gone the hybrid way. With the new hybrid frameworks like Ionic, Phonegap etc becoming more mature, one cannot assume that hybrid apps perform worse anymore. In fact, a recent Gartner report says that by next year more developers will be going the hybrid way and by another account, the average end user ratings of hybrid apps are already 12 percent better than native apps. So where are all the hybrid apps? You use them a lot, probably without even realizing that you’re actually on “the web”. Well, that’s the beauty of it! Here are 8 very popular hybrid apps that you could never have imagined to be, hybrid:

Rebooting the Automobile
Cars are far more computerized than they might seem. Automakers began using integrated circuits to monitor and control basic engine functions in the late 1970s; computerization accelerated in the 1980s as regulations on fuel efficiency and emissions were put in place, requiring even better engine control. In 1982, for instance, computers began taking full control of the automatic transmission in some models. New cars now have between 50 and 100 computers and run millions of lines of code. An internal network connects these computers, allowing a mechanic or dealer to assess a car’s health through a diagnostic port just below the steering wheel. Some carmakers diagnose problems with vehicles remotely, through a wireless link, and it’s possible to plug a gadget into your car’s diagnostic port to identify engine problems or track driving habits via a smartphone app.

The end of IT consumerization
Now cloud vendors are driving IT evolution. When Google realized that inefficient power supplies were costing it millions, its suppliers quickly fixed that problem. The rest of us, who never cared, and enterprises - who lacked Google's clout - benefited.Other web-scale technology is moving into the enterprise. The commodity scale-out compute and storage architectures that Google and Amazon pioneered are now being offered by companies such as Nutanix and Scality, and in open source software like OpenStack. Now networking giant Cisco is under attack because their costly, complex switches have thousands of features that cloud vendors don't need. So they're building their own, at much lower cost, and enterprise IT pros are noticing.

Enterprise network disaggregation is inevitable
“Disaggregation will make incremental, steady progress within the broader Fortune 500, though that progress will by no means be immediate,” states IDC analyst Brad Casemore in an as-yet-unreleased report on network disaggregation. “Just as with software-defined networking, not everybody is ready to embrace change and be an early adopter.” The IDC report, though, also states that disaggregation is an inevitability in the enterprise -- more specifically, large enterprises -- because it offers a means of standardizing network resources while allowing for continuous software innovation “beyond the confines of vendor-specific product release schedules.” This is in addition to the capital and operational cost reduction often viewed as the primary driver of the trend.

Quote for the day:

“God uses imperfect people for impossible tasks” -- John Paul Warren

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