Daily Tech Digest - September 18, 2024

Putting Threat Modeling Into Practice: A Guide for Business Leaders

One of the primary benefits of threat modeling is its ability to reduce the number of defects that make it to production. By identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities during the design phase, companies can implement security measures that prevent these issues from ever reaching the production environment. This proactive approach not only improves the quality of products but also reduces the costs associated with post-production fixes and patches. ... Along similar lines, threat modeling can help meet obligations defined in contracts if those contracts include terms related to risk identification and management. ... Beyond obligations linked to compliance and contracts, many businesses also establish internal IT security goals. For example, they might seek to configure access controls based on the principle of least privilege or enforce zero-trust policies on their networks. Threat modeling can help to put these policies into practice by allowing organizations to identify where their risks actually lie. From this perspective, threat modeling is a practice that the IT organization can embrace because it helps achieve larger goals – namely, those related to internal governance and security strategy.

How Cloud Custodian conquered cloud resource management

Everybody knows the cloud bill is basically rate multiplied by usage. But while most enterprises have a handle on rate, usage is the hard part. You have different application teams provisioning infrastructure. You go through code reviews. Then when you get to five to 10 applications, you get past the point where anyone can possibly know all the components. Now you have containerized workloads on top of more complex microservices architectures. And you want to be able to allow a combination of cathedral (control) and bazaar (freedom of technology choice) governance, especially today with AI and all of the new frameworks and LLMs [large language models]. At a certain point you lose the script to be able to follow all of this in your head. There are a lot of tools to enable that understanding — architectural views, network service maps, monitoring tools — all feeling out different parts of the elephant versus giving an organization a holistic view. They need to know not only what’s in their cloud environment, but what’s being used, what’s conforming to policy, and what needs to be fixed, and how. That’s what Cloud Custodian is for — so you can define the organizational requirements of your applications and map those up against cloud resources as policy.

5 Steps to Identify and Address Incident Response Gaps

To compress the time it takes to address an incident, it’s not enough to stick to the traditional eyes-on-glass model that network operations centers (NOCs) traditionally privilege. It’s too human-intensive and error-prone to effectively triage an increasingly overwhelming volume of data. To go from event to resolution with minimal toil and increased speed, teams can leverage AI and automation to deflect noise, surface only the most critical alerts and automate diagnostics and remediations. Generative AI can amplify that effect: For teams collaborating in ChatOps tools, common diagnostic questions can be used as prompts to get context and accelerate action. ... When an incident hits, teams spend too much time gathering information and looping in numerous people to tackle it. Generative AI can be used to quickly summarize key data about the incident and provide actionable insights at every step of the incident life cycle. It can also supercharge the ability to develop and deploy automation jobs faster, even by non-technical teams: Operators can translate conversational prompts into proposed runbook automation or leverage pre-engineered prompts based on common categories.

DevOps with OpenShift Pipelines and OpenShift GitOps

Unlike some other CI solutions, such as legacy tool Jenkins, Pipelines is built on native Kubernetes technologies and thus is resource efficient since pipelines and tasks are only actively running when needed. Once the pipeline has completed no resources are consumed by the pipeline itself. Pipelines and tasks are constructed using a declarative approach following standard Kubernetes practices. However, OpenShift Pipelines includes a user-friendly interface built into the OpenShift console that enables users to easily monitor the execution of the pipelines and view task logs as needed. The user interface also shows metrics for individual task execution, enabling users to better optimize pipeline performance. In addition, the user interface enables users to quickly create and modify pipelines visually. While users are encouraged to store tasks and Pipeline resources in Git, the ability to visually create and modify pipelines greatly reduces the learning curve and makes the technology approachable for new users. You can leverage pipelines-as-code to provide an experience that is tightly integrated with your backend Git provider, such as GitHub or GitLab. 

Rethinking enterprise architects’ roles for agile transformation

Mounting technical debt and extending the life of legacy systems are key risks CIOs should be paranoid about. The question is, how should CIOs assign ownership to this problem, require that technical debt’s risks are categorized, and ensure there’s a roadmap for implementing remediations? One solution is to assign the responsibility to enterprise architects in a product management capacity. Product managers must define a vision statement that aligns with strategic and end-user needs, propose prioritized roadmaps, and oversee an agile backlog for agile delivery teams. ... Enterprise architects who have a software development background are ideal candidates to assume the delivery leader role and can steer teams toward developing platforms with baked-in security, performance, usability, and other best practices. ... Enterprise architects assuming a sponsorship role in these initiatives can help steer them toward force-multiplying transformations that reduce risks and provide additional benefits in improved experiences and better decision-making. CIOs who want enterprise architects to act as sponsors should provide them with a budget and oversee the development of a charter for managing investment priorities.

The best way to regulate AI might be not to specifically regulate AI. This is why

Most of the potential uses of AI are already covered by existing rules and regulations designed to do things such as protect consumers, protect privacy and outlaw discrimination. These laws are far from perfect, but where they are not perfect the best approach is to fix or extend them rather than introduce special extra rules for AI. AI can certainly raise challenges for the laws we have – for example, by making it easier to mislead consumers or to apply algorithms that help businesses to collude on prices. ... Finally, there’s a lot to be said for becoming an international “regulation taker”. Other jurisdictions such as the European Union are leading the way in designing AI-specific regulations. Product developers worldwide, including those in Australia, will need to meet those new rules if they want to access the EU and those other big markets. If Australia developed its own idiosyncratic AI-specific rules, developers might ignore our relatively small market and go elsewhere. This means that, in those limited situations where AI-specific regulation is needed, the starting point ought to be the overseas rules that already exist. There’s an advantage in being a late or last mover. 

How LLMs on the Edge Could Help Solve the AI Data Center Problem

Anyone interacting with an LLM in the cloud is potentially exposing the organization to privacy questions and the potential for a cybersecurity breach. As more queries and prompts are being done outside the enterprise, there are going to be questions about who has access to that data. After all, users are asking AI systems all sorts of questions about their health, finances, and businesses. To do so, these users often enter personally identifiable information (PII), sensitive healthcare data, customer information, or even corporate secrets. The move toward smaller LLMs that can either be contained within the enterprise data center – and thus not running in the cloud – or that can run on local devices is a way to bypass many of the ongoing security and privacy concerns posed by broad usage of LLMs such as ChatGPT. ... Pruning the models to reach a more manageable number of parameters is one obvious way to make them more feasible on the edge. Further, developers are shifting the GenAI model from the GPU to the CPU, reducing the processing footprint, and building standards for compiling. As well as the smartphone applications noted above, the use cases that lead the way will be those that are achievable despite limited connectivity and bandwidth, according to Goetz.

'Good complexity' can make hospital networks more cybersecure

Because complicated systems have structures, Tanriverdi says, it's difficult but feasible to predict and control what they'll do. That's not feasible for complex systems, with their unstructured connections. Tanriverdi found that as health care systems got more complex, they became more vulnerable. ... The problem, he says, is that such systems offer more data transfer points for hackers to attack, and more opportunities for human users to make security errors. He found similar vulnerabilities with other forms of complexity, including:Many different types of medical services handling health data. Decentralizing strategic decisions to member hospitals instead of making them at the corporate center. The researchers also proposed a solution: building enterprise-wide data governance platforms, such as centralized data warehouses, to manage data sharing among diverse systems. Such platforms would convert dissimilar data types into common ones, structure data flows, and standardize security configurations. "They would transform a complex system into a complicated system," he says. By simplifying the system, they would further lower its level of complication.

Threats by Remote Execution and Activating Sleeper Devices in the Context of IoT and Connected Devices

As the Internet of Things proliferates, the number of connected devices in both civilian and military contexts is increasing exponentially. From smart homes to military-grade equipment, the IoT ecosystem connects billions of devices, all of which can potentially be exploited by adversaries. The pagers in the Hezbollah case, though low-tech compared to modern IoT devices, represent the vulnerability of a system where devices are remotely controllable. In the IoT realm, the stakes are even higher, as everyday devices like smart thermostats, security cameras, and industrial equipment are interconnected and potentially exploitable. In a modern context, this vulnerability could be magnified when applied to smart cities, critical infrastructure, and defense systems. If devices such as power grids, water systems, or transportation networks are connected to the internet, they could be subjected to remote control by malicious actors. ... One of the most alarming aspects of this situation is the suspected infiltration of the supply chain. The pagers used by Hezbollah were reportedly tampered with before being delivered to the group, likely with explosives embedded within the devices.

Detecting vulnerable code in software dependencies is more complex than it seems

A “phantom dependency” refers to a package used in your code that isn’t declared in the manifest. This concept is not unique to any one language (it’s common in JavaScript, NodeJS, and Python). This is problematic because you can’t secure what you can’t see. Traditional SCA solutions focus on manifest files to identify all application dependencies, but those can both be under- or over-representative of the dependencies actually used by the application. They can be under-representative if the analysis starts from a manifest file that only contains a subset of dependencies, e.g., when additional dependencies are installed in a manual, scripted or dynamic fashion. This can happen in Python ML/AI applications, for example, where the choice of packages and versions often depend on operating systems or hardware architectures, which cannot be fully expressed by dependency constraints in manifest files. And they are over-representative if they contain dependencies not actually used. This happens, for example, if you dump the names of all the components contained in a bloated runtime environment into a manifest file

Quote for the day:

"An accountant makes you aware but a leader makes you accountable." -- Henry Cloud

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