Daily Tech Digest - February 20, 2023

How quantum computing threatens internet security

“Basically, the problem with our current security paradigm is that it relies on encrypted information and decryption keys that are sent over a network from sender to receiver. Regardless of the way the messages are encrypted, in theory, someone can intercept and use the keys to decrypt apparently secure messages. Quantum computers simply make this process faster,” Tanaka explains. “If we dispense with this key-sharing idea and instead find a way to use unpredictable random numbers to encrypt information, the system might be immune. [Muons] are capable of generating truly unpredictable numbers.” The proposed system is based on the fact that the speed of arrival of these subatomic particles is always random. This would be the key to encrypt and decrypt the message, if there is a synchronized sender and receiver. In this way, the sending of keys would be avoided, according to the Japanese team. However, muon detection devices are large, complex and power-hungry, limitations that Tanaka believes the technology could ultimately overcome.

Considering Entrepreneurship After a Successful Corporate Career?

Here Are 3 Things You Need to Know.Many of you may be concerned that a transition could alienate your audience and force you to wait before making a move. But this is a common misconception rooted in the idea that your personal brand reflects what you do professionally. At Brand of a Leader, we help our clients shift their thinking by showing them that their personal brand is who they are, not what they do. The goal of personal brand discovery is to understand your essence and package it in a way that appeals to others. Your vocation is only one of your key talking points, and when you pivot, you simply shift those points while maintaining the essence of your brand. So, when should you start building your personal brand? The answer is simple: the sooner, the better. Building a brand takes time — time to build an audience, create visibility and establish associations between your name and consistent perceptions in people's minds. Starting sooner means you'll start seeing results faster.

Establish secure routes and TLS termination with wildcard certificates

By default, the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform uses the Ingress Operator to create an internal certificate authority (CA) and issue a wildcard certificate valid for applications under the .apps subdomain. The web console and the command-line interface (CLI) use this certificate. You can replace the default wildcard certificate with one issued by a public CA included in the CA bundle provided by the container userspace. This approach allows external clients to connect to applications running under the .apps subdomain securely. You can replace the default ingress certificate for all applications under the .apps subdomain. After replacing the certificate, all applications, including the web console and CLI, will be encrypted using the specified certificate. One clear benefit of using a wildcard certificate is that it minimizes the effort of managing and securing multiple subdomains. However, this convenience comes at the cost of sharing the same private key across all managed subdomains.

Overcoming a cyber “gut punch”: An interview with Jamil Farshchi

Your biggest enemies in a breach are time and perfection. Everyone wants everything done in a split second. And having perfect information to construct perfect solutions and make perfect decisions is impossible. Time and perfection will ultimately crush you. By contrast, your two greatest allies are communication and optionality. Communication is being able to lay out the story of where things are, and to make sure everyone is rowing in the same direction. It’s being able to communicate the current status, and your plans, to regulators—and at the same time being able to reassure your customers and make sure they have confidence that you’re going to be able to navigate to the other side. Optionality is critical, because no one makes perfect decisions in this kind of firefight. Unless you’re comfortable making decisions that might not be right at any given point in time, you’re going to fail. [As a leader,] you need to frame up a program and the decisions you’re making in such a way that you’re comfortable rolling them back or tailoring them as you learn more, and as things progress.

7 reasons to avoid investing in cyber insurance

Two things organizations might want to consider right off the bat when contemplating an insurance policy are the cost to and benefit for the business, SecAlliance Director of Intelligence Mick Reynolds tells CSO. “When looking at cost, the recent spate of ransomware attacks globally has seen massive increases in premiums for firms wishing to include coverage of such events. Renewal quotes have, in some cases, increased from around £100,000 ($120,000) to over £1.5 million ($1.8 million). Such massive increases in premiums, for no perceived increase in coverage, are starting now to be challenged by board risk committees as to the overall value they provide, with some now deciding that accepting exposure to major cyber events such as ransomware is preferable to the cost of the associated policy.” As for benefits to the business, insurance is primarily taken out to cover losses incurred during a major cyber event, and 99% of the time these losses are quantifiable and relate predominantly to response and recovery costs, Reynolds says.

The importance of plugging insurance cyber response gaps

The insurance industry is a lucrative target as organisations hold large amounts of private and sensitive information about their policy holders who, rightfully so, have the expectation of their data being kept safe and secure. This makes it no surprise that the industry is a key target for cyber criminals due to the massive disruption it can cause and the potential high financial reward on offer. Research shows that 82 per cent of the largest insurance carriers were the focus of ransom attacks in 2022. It is expected that the insurance industry will only become a more favourable target, and these types of disruptions will become increasingly severe. The insurance industry is one that has embraced innovation and new forms of technology in its practices over recent years in order to offer their customers a seamless experience. In doing so, alongside the onset of remote working catalysed by the pandemic, they have increased their threat surface. ... These are just the tip of the iceberg, so when cyber criminals look to exploit data, the insurance industry is a primary target due its huge customer base.

Value Chain Analysis: Best Practices for Improvements

To stay competitive, organizations must ensure that they have picked the right partners for each of the functions in the value chain, and that appropriate value is captured by each participant. “In addition to ensuring each participant’s value and usefulness in the chain, value chain analysis enables organizations to periodically verify that functions are still necessary, and that value is being delivered efficiently without undue waste such as administrative burden, communications costs or transit or other ancillary functions,” he says. Business leaders and IT leaders like the chief information officer and chief data officer must prove that they are benefiting the bottom line. While it is time consuming, value chain analysis is a key method to examine company value -- an essential practice during times of high stakes and economic uncertainty. Jon Aniano, senior vice president, Zendesk, adds running a full VCA requires analyzing and tracking a massive amount of data across your entire company.

Cybersecurity takes a leap forward with AI tools and techniques

“An effective AI agent for cybersecurity needs to sense, perceive, act and adapt, based on the information it can gather and on the results of decisions that it enacts,” said Samrat Chatterjee, a data scientist who presented the team’s work. “Deep reinforcement learning holds great potential in this space, where the number of system states and action choices can be large.” DRL, which combines reinforcement learning and deep learning, is especially adept in situations where a series of decisions in a complex environment need to be made. Good decisions leading to desirable results are reinforced with a positive reward (expressed as a numeric value); bad choices leading to undesirable outcomes are discouraged via a negative cost. It’s similar to how people learn many tasks. A child who does their chores might receive positive reinforcement with a desired playdate; a child who doesn’t do their work gets negative reinforcement, like the takeaway of a digital device.

9 ways ChatGPT will help CIOs

“ChatGPT is very powerful out of the box, so it doesn’t require extensive training or teaching to get up to speed and handle specific business processes. A valuable initial business application for ChatGPT should be directed towards routine tasks, such as filling out a contract. It can effectively review the document and answer the necessary fields using the data and context provided by the organization. With that said, ChatGPT has the potential to shoulder administrative burdens for CIOs quickly, but it’s important to regularly measure the accuracy of its work, especially if an organization plans to use it regularly. The best way for CIOs to get started with ChatGPT is to take the time to grasp how it would work within the context of their organization before rushing to widespread adoption. At these early stages of the technology, it’s better to let it complement existing workflows under close supervision instead of restructuring around it as an end-to-end solution. 

Art Of Knowledge Crunching In Domain Driven Design

Miscommunication during knowledge crunching sessions would have different reasons, such as cognitive bias, which is a type of error in reasoning, decision-making, and perception that occurs due to the way our brains perceive and process information. This type of bias occurs when an individual’s cognitive processes lead them to form inaccurate conclusions or make irrational decisions. For example, when betting on a roulette table, if previous outcomes have landed on red, then we might mistakenly assume that the next outcome will be black; however, these events are independent of each other (i.e., the probability of their results do not affect each other). Also, apophenia is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things, such as conspiracy theories or the moment we think we get it but actually, we do not get it. A good example of this could be an image sent from Mars that includes a shape on a rock that you might think is the face of an alien, but it’s just a random shape of a rock.

Quote for the day:

"Effective team leaders adjust their style to provide what the group can't provide for itself." -- Kenneth Blanchard

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