So you're thinking about migrating to Linux? Here's what you need to know

The Linux desktop is so easy. It really is. Developers and designers of most
distributions have gone out of their way to ensure the desktop operating system
is easy to use. During those early years of using Linux, the command line was an
absolute necessity. Today? Not so much. In fact, Linux has become so easy and
user-friendly, that you could go your entire career on the desktop and never
touch the terminal window. That's right, Linux of today is all about the GUI and
the GUIs are good. If you can use macOS or Windows, you can use Linux. It
doesn't matter how skilled you are with a computer, Linux is a viable option. In
fact, I'd go so far to say that the less skill you have with a computer the
better off you are with Linux. Why? Linux is far less "breakable" than Windows.
You really need to know what you're doing to break a Linux system. One very
quick way to start an argument within the Linux community is to say Linux isn't
just a kernel. In a similar vein, a very quick way to confuse a new user is to
tell them that Linux is only the kernel. ... Yes, Linux uses the Linux kernel.
All operating systems have a kernel, but you don't ever hear Windows or macOS
users talk about which kernel they use.
Purpose is a two-way street
There’s a broader redefinition of purpose that’s underway both for
organizations and individuals. Today, people don’t have just one single career
in a lifetime but five or six—and their goals and purpose vary at each stage.
At the same time, organizations can’t address or engage with the broad range
of stakeholders they deal with through just one single purpose. In
combination, these shifts are ushering in the concept of purpose as a
“cluster” of goals and experiences, with different aspects resonating with
different stakeholders at different times. The same cluster concept holds true
for career paths. It is vital to expand the conversation about the varied,
unique options people have to fulfill their goals. Companies must strive to
make those options more transparent, more individualized, and more flexible,
and less linear. For today’s employees, the point of a career path is not
necessarily to climb a ladder with a particular end-state in mind but to gain
experience and pursue the individual’s purpose—a purpose that may shift and
evolve over time. To that end, it may make sense for organizations to create
paths that allow employees to move within and across, and even outside, an
organization—not just up—to achieve their goals.
How algorithmic automation could manage workers ethically

Mewies says bias in automated systems generates significant risks for
employers that use them to select people for jobs or promotion, because it may
contravene anti-discrimination law. For projects involving systemic or
potentially harmful processing of personal data, organisations have to carry
out a privacy impact assessment, she says. “You have to satisfy yourself that
where you were using algorithms and artificial intelligence in that way, there
was going to be no adverse impact on individuals.” But even when not required,
undertaking a privacy impact assessment is a good idea, says Mewies, adding:
“If there was any follow-up criticism of how a technology had been deployed,
you would have some evidence that you had taken steps to ensure transparency
and fairness.” ... Antony Heljula, innovation director at Chesterfield-based
data science consultancy Peak Indicators, says data models can exclude
sensitive attributes such as race, but this is far from foolproof, as Amazon
showed a few years ago when it built an AI CV-rating system trained on a
decade of applications, to find that it discriminated against women.
The changing role of the CCO: Champion of innovation and business continuity
The best CCOs partner with the business to really understand how to place
gates and controls that mitigate risk, while still allowing the business to
operate at maximum efficiency. One area of the business that is particularly
valuable is the IT department, which can help CCOs to maintain and provide
systematic proof of both adherence to internal policies and the external laws,
guidelines or regulations imposed upon the company. By having a dedicated IT
resource, CCOs do not have to wait for the next programme increment (PI),
sprint planning or IT resourcing availability. Instead, they can be agile and
proactive when it comes to meeting business growth and revenue objectives.
Technical resourcing can be utilised for project governance, systems review,
data science, AML and operational analytics, as well as support audit /
reporting with internal / external stakeholders, investors, regulators,
creditors and partners. Ultimately this partnership between IT and CCOs will
allow a business to make data-driven decisions that meet compliance as well
corporate growth mandates.
IT Admins Need a Vacation

An unhappy sysadmin can breed apathy, and an apathetic attitude is especially
problematic when sysadmins are responsible for cybersecurity. Even in
organizations where cybersecurity and IT are separate,sysadmins affect
cybersecurity in some way, whether it’s through patching, performing data
backups, or reviewing logs. This problem is industry-wide, and it will take
more than just one person to solve it, but I’m in a unique position to talk
about it. I’ve held sysadmin roles, and I’m the co-founder and CTO of a threat
detection and response company in which I oversee technical operations. One of
my top priorities is building solutions that won’t tip over and require
significant on-call support. The tendency to paper over a problem with human
effort 24/7 is a tragedy in the IT space and should be solved with technology
wherever possible. As someone who manages employees that are on-call and is
still on-call, I need to be in tune with the mental health of my team members
and support them to prevent burnout. I need to advocate for my employees to be
compensated generously and appreciate and reward them for a job well done.
The steady march of general-purpose databases

Brian Goetz has a funny way of explaining the phenomenon, called Goetz’s Law:
“Every declarative language slowly slides towards being a terrible
general-purpose language.” Perhaps a more useful explanation comes from
Stephen Kell who argues that “the endurance of C is down to its extreme
openness to interaction with other systems via foreign memory, FFI, dynamic
linking, etc.” In other words, C endures because it takes on more
functionality, allowing developers to use it for more tasks. That’s good, but
I like Timothy Wolodzko’s explanation even more: “As an industry, we're biased
toward general-purpose tools [because it’s] easier to hire devs, they are
already widely adopted (because being general purpose), often have better
documentation, are better maintained, and can be expected to live longer.”
Some of this merely describes the results of network effects, but how general
purpose enables those network effects is the more interesting observation.
Similarly, one commenter on Bernhardsson’s post suggests, “It's not about
general versus specialized” but rather “about what tool has the ability to
Open-Source NLP Is A Gift From God For Tech Start-ups

As of late, be that as it may, open exploration endeavours like Eleuther AI
have brought the boundaries down to the section. The grassroots agency of
man-made intelligence analysis, Eleuther AI expects to ultimately convey the
code and datasets expected to run a model comparable (however not
indistinguishable) to GPT-3. The group has proactively delivered a dataset
called ‘The Heap’ that is intended to prepare enormous language models to
finish the text and compose code, and that’s just the beginning. (It just so
happens, that Megatron 530B was designed along the lines of The Heap.) And in
June, Eleuther AI made accessible under the Apache 2.0 permit GPT-Neo and its
replacement, GPT-J, a language model that performs almost comparable to an
identical estimated GPT-3 model. One of the new companies serving Eleuther
AI’s models as assistance is NLP Cloud, which was established a year prior by
Julien Salinas, a previous programmer at and the organizer of cash
loaning administration
SQL and Complex Queries Are Needed for Real-Time Analytics

While taking the NoSQL road is possible, it’s cumbersome and slow. Take an
individual applying for a mortgage. To analyze their creditworthiness, you
would create a data application that crunches data, such as the person’s
credit history, outstanding loans and repayment history. To do so, you would
need to combine several tables of data, some of which might be normalized,
some of which are not. You might also analyze current and historical mortgage
rates to determine what rate to offer. With SQL, you could simply join tables
of credit histories and loan payments together and aggregate large-scale
historic data sets, such as daily mortgage rates. However, using something
like Python or Java to manually recreate the joins and aggregations would
multiply the lines of code in your application by tens or even a hundred
compared to SQL. More application code not only takes more time to create, but
it almost always results in slower queries. Without access to a SQL-based
query optimizer, accelerating queries is difficult and time-consuming because
there is no demarcation between the business logic in the application and the
query-based data access paths used by the application.
Lack of expertise hurting UK government’s cyber preparedness

In France, security pros tended to find tender and bidding processes more of
an issue, but also cited a lack of trusted partners, budget, and ignorance of
cyber among organisational leadership. German responders also faced problems
with tendering, and similar problems to both the British and French. From a
technological perspective, UK-based respondents cited endpoint detection and
response (EDR) and extended detection and response (XDR) and cloud security
modernisation as the most mature defensive solutions, with 37% saying they
were “fully deployed” in this area. Zero trust tailed with 32%, and
multi-factor authentication (MFA) was cited by 31% – Brits tended to think MFA
was more difficult than average to implement, as well. The French, on the
other hand, are doing much better on MFA, with 47% of respondents claiming
full deployment, 35% saying they had fully deployed EDR-XDR, and 33% and 30%
saying they had fully implemented cloud security modernisation and zero trust
respectively. In contrast to this, the Germans tended to be better on cloud
security modernisation, which 40% claimed to have fully implemented, followed
by zero trust at 32%, MFA at 30% and EDR-XDR at 27%.
Scrum Master Anti-Patterns
The reasons Scrum Masters violate the spirit of the Scrum Guide are
multi-faceted. They run from ill-suited personal traits to pursuing their
agendas to frustration with the Scrum team. Some often-observed reasons are:
Ignorance or laziness: One size of Scrum fits every team. Your Scrum Master
learned the trade in a specific context and is now rolling out precisely this
pattern in whatever organization they are active, no matter the context. Why
go through the hassle of teaching, coaching, and mentoring if you can shoehorn
the “right way” directly into the Scrum team?; Lack of patience: Patience is a
critical resource that a successful Scrum Master needs to field in abundance.
But, of course, there is no fun in readdressing the same issue several times,
rephrasing it probably, if the solution is so obvious—from the Scrum Master’s
perspective. So, why not tell them how to do it ‘right’ all the time, thus
becoming more efficient? Too bad that Scrum cannot be pushed but needs to be
pulled—that’s the essence of self-management; Dogmatism: Some Scrum Masters
believe in applying the Scrum Guide literally, which unavoidably will cause
friction as Scrum is a framework, not a methodology.
Quote for the day:
"No organization should be allowed
near disaster unless they are willing to cooperate with some level of
established leadership." -- Irwin Redlener
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