Daily Tech Digest - March 14, 2025

Quote for the day:

“Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.” --George Bernard Shaw

The Maturing State of Infrastructure as Code in 2025

The progression from cloud-specific frameworks to declarative, multicloud solutions like Terraform represented the increasing sophistication of IaC capabilities. This shift enabled organizations to manage complex environments with never-before-seen efficiency. The emergence of programming language-based IaC tools like Pulumi then further blurred the lines between application development and infrastructure management, empowering developers to take a more active role in ops. ... For DevOps and platform engineering leaders, this evolution means preparing for a future where cloud infrastructure management becomes increasingly automated, intelligent and integrated with other aspects of the software development life cycle. It also highlights the importance of fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, as the IaC landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace. ... Firefly’s “State of Infrastructure as Code (IaC)” report is an annual pulse check on the rapidly evolving state of IaC adoption, maturity and impact. Over the course of the past few editions, this report has become an increasingly crucial resource for DevOps professionals, platform engineers and site reliability engineers (SREs) navigating the complexities of multicloud environments and a changing IaC tooling landscape.

Consent Managers under the Digital Personal Data Protection Act: A Game Changer or Compliance Burden?

The use of Consent Managers provides advantages for both Data Fiduciaries and Data Principals. For Data Fiduciaries, Consent Managers simplify compliance with consent-related legal requirements, making it easier to manage and document user consent in line with regulatory obligations. For Data Principals, Consent Managers offer a streamlined and efficient way to grant, modify, and revoke consent, empowering them with greater control over how their personal data is shared. This enhanced efficiency in managing consent also leads to faster, more secure, and smoother data flows, reducing the complexities and risks associated with data exchanges. Additionally, Consent Managers play a crucial role in helping Data Principals exercise their right to grievance redressal. ... Currently, Data Fiduciaries can manage user consent independently, making the role of Consent Managers optional. If this remains voluntary, many companies may avoid them, reducing their effectiveness. For Consent Managers to succeed, they need regulatory support, flexible compliance measures, and a business model that balances privacy protection with industry participation. ... Rooted in the fundamental right to privacy under Article 21 of the Constitution of India, the DPDPA aims to establish a structured approach to data processing while preserving individual control over personal information.

The future of AI isn’t the model—it’s the system

Enterprise leaders are thinking differently about AI in 2025. Several founders here told me that unlike in 2023 and 2024, buyers are now focused squarely on ROI. They want systems that move beyond pilot projects and start delivering real efficiencies. Mensch says enterprises have developed “high expectations” for AI, and many now understand that the hard part of deploying it isn’t always the model itself—it’s everything around it: governance, observability, security. Mistral, he says, has gotten good at connecting these layers, along with systems that orchestrate data flows between different models and subsystems. Once enterprises grapple with the complexity of building full AI systems—not just using AI models—they start to see those promised efficiencies, Mensch says. But more importantly, C-suite leaders are beginning to recognize the transformative potential. Done right, AI systems can radically change how information moves through a company. “You’re making information sharing easier,” he says. Mistral encourages its customers to break down silos so data can flow across departments. One connected AI system might interface with HR, R&D, CRM, and financial tools. “The AI can quickly query other departments for information,” Mensch explains. “You no longer need to query the team.”

Generative AI is finally finding its sweet spot, says Databricks chief AI scientist

Beyond the techniques, knowing what apps to build is itself a journey and something of a fishing expedition. "I think the hardest part in AI is having confidence that this will work," said Frankle. "If you came to me and said, 'Here's a problem in the healthcare space, here are the documents I have, do you think AI can do this?' my answer would be, 'Let's find out.'" ... "Suppose that AI could automate some of the most boring legal tasks that exist?" offered Frankle, whose parents are lawyers. "If you wanted an AI to help you do legal research, and help you ideate about how to solve a problem, or help you find relevant materials -- phenomenal!" "We're still in very early days" of generative AI, "and so, kind of, we're benefiting from the strengths, but we're still learning how to mitigate the weaknesses." ... In the midst of uncertainty, Frankle is impressed with how customers have quickly traversed the learning curve. "Two or three years ago, there was a lot of explaining to customers what generative AI was," he noted. "Now, when I talk to customers, they're using vector databases." "These folks have a great intuition for where these things are succeeding and where they aren't," he said of Databricks customers. Given that no company has an unlimited budget, Frankle advised starting with an initial prototype, so that investment only proceeds to the extent that it's clear an AI app will provide value.

Australia’s privacy watchdog publishes regulatory strategy prioritizing biometrics

The strategy plan includes a table of activities and estimated timelines, a detailed breakdown of actions in specific categories, and a list of projected long- and short-term outcomes. The goals are ambitious in scope: a desired short-term outcome is to “mature existing awareness about privacy across multiple domains of life” so that “individuals will develop a more nuanced understanding of privacy issues recognising their significance across various aspects of their lives, including personal, professional, and social domains.” Laws, skills training and better security tools are one thing, but changing how people understand their privacy is a major social undertaking. The OAIC’s long-term outcomes seem more rooted in practicality; they include the widespread implementation of enhanced privacy compliance practices for organizations, better public understanding of the OAIC’s role as regulator, and enhanced data handling industry standards. ... AI is a matter of going concern, and compliance for model training and development will be a major focus for the regulator. In late February, Kind delivered a speech on privacy and security in retail that references her decision on the Bunnings case, which led to the publication of guidance on the use of facial recognition technology, focused on four key privacy concepts: necessity/proportionality, consent/transparency, accuracy/bias, and governance.

Hiring privacy experts is tough — here’s why

“Some organizations think, ‘Well, we’re funding security, and privacy is basically the same thing, right?’ And I think that’s really one of my big concerns,” she says. This blending of responsibilities is reflected in training practices, according to Kazi, who notes how many organizations combine security and privacy training, which isn’t inherently problematic, but it carries risks. “One of the questions we ask in our survey is, ‘Do you combine security training and privacy training?’ Some organizations say they do not necessarily see it as a bad thing, but you can … be doing security, but you’re not doing privacy. And so that’s what’s highly concerning is that you can’t have privacy without security, but you could potentially do security well without considering privacy.” As Trovato emphasizes, “cybersecurity people tend to be from Mars and privacy people from Venus”, yet he also observes how privacy and cybersecurity professionals are often grouped together, adding to the confusion about what skills are truly needed. ... “Privacy includes how are we using data, how are you collecting it, who are you sharing it with, how are you storing it — all of these are more subtle component pieces, and are you meeting the requirements of the customer, of the regulator, so it’s a much more outward business focus activity day-to-day versus we’ve got to secure everything and make sure it’s all protected.”

Security Maturity Models: Leveraging Executive Risk Appetite for Your Secure Development Evolution

With developers under pressure to produce more code than ever before, development teams need to have a high level of security maturity to avoid rework. That necessitates having highly skilled personnel working within a strategic, prevention-focused framework. Developer and AppSec teams must work closely together, as opposed to the old model of operating as separate entities. Today, developers need to assume a significant role in ensuring security best practices. The most recent BSIMM report from Black Duck Software, for instance, found that there are only 3.87 AppSec professionals for every 100 developers, which doesn’t bode well for AppSec teams trying to secure an organization’s software all on their own. A critical part of learning initiatives is the ability to gauge the progress of developers in the program, both to ensure that developers are qualified to work on the organization’s most sensitive projects and to assess the effectiveness of the program. This upskilling should be ongoing, and you should always look for areas that can be improved. Making use of a tool like SCW’s Trust Score, which uses benchmarks to gauge progress both internally and against industry standards, can help ensure that progress is being made.

Why thinking like a tech company is essential for your business’s survival

The phrase “every company is a tech company” gets thrown around a lot, but what does that actually mean? To us, it’s not just about using technology — it’s about thinking like a tech company. The most successful tech companies don’t just refine what they already do; they reinvent themselves in anticipation of what’s next. They place bets. They ask: Where do we need to be in five or 10 years? And then, they start moving in that direction while staying flexible enough to adapt as the market evolves. ... Risk management is part of our DNA, but AI presents new types of risks that businesses haven’t dealt with before. ... No matter how good our technology is, our success ultimately comes down to people. And we’ve learned that mindset matters more than skill set. When we launched an AI proof-of-concept project for our interns, we didn’t recruit based on technical acumen. Instead, we looked for curious, self-starting individuals willing to experiment and learn. What we found was eye-opening—these interns thrived despite having little prior experience with AI. Why? Because they asked great questions, adapted quickly, and weren’t afraid to explore. ... Aligning your culture, processes and technology strategy ensures you can adapt to a rapidly changing landscape while staying true to your core purpose.

Realizing the Internet of Everything

The obvious answer to this problem is governance, a set of rules that constrain use and technology to enforce them. The problem, as it is so often with the “obvious,” is that setting the rules would be difficult and constraining use through technology would be difficult to do, and probably harder to get people to believe in. Think about Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics and how many of his stories focused on how people worked to get around them. Two decades ago, a research lab did a video collaboration experiment that involved a small camera in offices so people could communicate remotely. Half the workforce covered their camera when they got in. I know people who routinely cover their webcams when they’re not on a scheduled video chat or meeting, and you probably do too. So what if the light isn’t on? Somebody has probably hacked in. Social concerns inevitably collide with attempts to integrate technology tightly with how we live. Have we reached a point where dealing with those concerns convincingly is essential in letting technology improve our work, our lives, further? We do have widespread, if not universal, video surveillance. On a walk this week, I found doorbell cameras or other cameras on about a quarter of the homes I passed, and I’d bet there are even more in commercial areas. 

Cloud Security Architecture: Your Guide to a Secure Infrastructure

Threat modeling can be a good starting point, but it shouldn't end with a stack-based security approach. Rather than focusing solely on the technologies, approach security by mapping parts of your infrastructure to equivalent security concepts. Here are some practical suggestions and areas to zoom in on for implementation. ... When protecting workloads in the cloud, consider using some variant of runtime security. Kubernetes users have no shortage of choice here with tools such as Falco, an open-source runtime security tool that monitors your applications and detects anomalous behaviors. However, chances are your cloud provider has some form of dynamic threat detection for your workloads. For example, AWS offers Amazon GuardDuty, which continuously monitors your workloads for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior. ... Implementing two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a second form of verification, such as an authenticator app or a passkey, in addition to your password. While reaching for your authenticator app every time you log in might seem slightly inconvenient, it's a far better outcome than dealing with the aftermath of a breached account. The minor inconvenience is a small price to pay for the added security it provides.

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