Daily Tech Digest - November 23, 2016

What Are The Differences Between Python, R, and Julia?

Not only were they originally designed with statistical purposes in mind, but a broad developer ecosystem has also evolved around them. This means there are extensions, libraries, and tools out there for performing just about any analytics functions you might need. R, Python, and the relative newcomer Julia are currently three of the most popular programming languages chosen for Big Data projects in industry today. They have a lot in common, but there are important differences that have to be considered when deciding which one will get the job done for you. Here’s a brief introduction to each of them, as well as some ideas about applications where one may be more suitable than the others.

Millennials are twice as bored at work as baby boomers, report says

"Millennials report higher levels of boredom at work because they are the most disengaged generation in the workforce globally," said Dan Schawbel, research director at Future Workplace and author of Promote Yourself. "They require constant feedback, training, mentoring and new career opportunities. If they aren't challenged at work, they immediately start looking at new jobs and will continue to job hop until their needs are satisfied." ... "Millennials are the largest generation in the US workforce now," said Jason Dorsey, cofounder and researcher at the Center for Generational Kinetics. "Engagement is not just about more money or the latest tech or a new yoga room—it's about understanding what your employees want, and being able to give it to them in a feasible way that makes them feel valued."

5 ways physical security breaches can threaten your network

If someone has access to this room without authorisation, your network is extremely vulnerable. When there are layered security measures offering your server room further protection inside your business, it can be easier to see if the area is accessed. Without locks on the server room doors or surveillance footage, however, it will be difficult to know if the hardware was sabotaged. With physical access to the server room, criminals can do an immense amount of damage to the network. Remote access can be set up so that the criminals will have access to the servers and their information at any time; backdoors can be left for all types of remote viewing and even control; information can simply be loaded onto a third-party device.

The Fast-Moving CIO: A Race For Transformation

The rationale for bimodal IT is that change is hard. Well, so is losing. Adapting to a rapidly changing market is difficult and complex but necessary to compete and win when customer expectations are rising. More importantly, customer tolerance for sub-par experiences is declining. Customers expect experiences that enable them to easily transact when and how they want. Here are a handful of examples that are sure to frustrate your customers: Delays in product availability due to the inability of supply chain systems to keep up with changing SKUs; issues with new orders because customer information in the system of record did not appropriately sync or update; and the lack of integration across legacy systems causing customers to re-enter data.

“Would you like us to email you a receipt?”

On the surface it’s a simple question increasingly being asked by high street retailers. But sometimes this simple question doesn’t tell the full story. An e-receipt can be more convenient at times, but it is also a way for shops to collect personal data about their customers and send them marketing. In the run up to the busy Christmas season, the ICO is reminding retailers that people have the right to know what happens to their personal data. Retailers need to be aware of the obligations under data protection and privacy laws. Here are the key questions you need to be asking before you start to collect information.

Facebook Said to Create Censorship Tool to Get Back Into China

Facebook does not intend to suppress the posts itself. Instead, it would offer the software to enable a third party — in this case, most likely a partner Chinese company — to monitor popular stories and topics that bubble up as users share them across the social network, the people said. Facebook’s partner would then have full control to decide whether those posts should show up in users’ feeds. ... A Facebook spokeswoman said in a statement, “We have long said that we are interested in China, and are spending time understanding and learning more about the country.” She added that the company had made no decisions on its approach into China. Facebook’s tricky position underscores the difficulties that many American internet companies have had gaining access to China.

Cerber Ransomware Expands Database Encryption Attacks

Overall the expectation from Trend Micro is that Cerber ransomware will continue to evolve as the attackers adjust their delivery methods, infection vectors and ransom demands. ... There are a number of things that organizations and end-users can do to help mitigate the risk of being the victim of a Cerber ransomware attack. Clay commented that as with most ransomware attacks, the missing piece appears to be an over-reliance on endpoint security to detect malware. "If endpoint security is utilized as a primary defense, then a cross-generational approach that includes both traditional and newer technologies like high-fidelity machine learning can improve detection of ransomware," Clay said.

Cognitive Hack: The New Battleground In Cybersecurity

The question of weighing the risks versus the rewards is an appropriate one. Consider this: The federal government has standards for regulating the food we eat, the drugs we take, the cars we drive and a host of other consumer goods and services, but the single most important tool the world increasingly depends on has no gatekeeper to ensure that the products and services connected to the Internet don’t endanger national security or pose a risk to its users. At a minimum, manufacturers of IoT must put measures in place to detect these threats, disable IoT devices once an attack starts and communicate the risks of IoT more transparently. Lastly, the legal community has also not kept pace with the development of IoT, however this is an area that will be ripe for class action lawsuits in the near future.

5 Technologies Your Business Should Adopt Right Now

Business technology is always changing, and if you don’t do your best to stay ahead of the curve you could find yourself playing a very dangerous game of catch-up. Automating business processes and incorporating new methods of payment and customer service are integral to staying competitive as a retailer and employer. Clients want to purchase from businesses that can respond to their needs quickly, and employees want to work in an environment that is efficient and secure. To continue to attract talented workers and retain tech-savvy clients, your business should incorporate these 5 business technologies as soon as possible

Docker Alternatives, Orchestration, and Implications for Microservices

Plenty of container alternatives and corresponding cloud services are available on the market that orchestrate microservices (and therefore the underlying containers). Container technologies and orchestration engines are usually used closely together. Often, they are built into the same tooling. Cloud offerings, where “users pay only for the resources - such as compute instances, load balancing and scheduling capabilities - that they use” are called CaaS (Container as a Service). The following list contains the differentiating container platform feature sets with different pros and cons. Also note that the following is – of course – not a complete list of container and orchestration offerings (but hopefully shows most of the currently relevant options):

Quote for the day:

"Integrity is built when you do what you promise to do." -- S. Chris Edmonds

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