How Prudential Annuities CIO sparks talent transformation
In addition, the trend toward buying big data, data analytics and data management solutions instead of building them in-house has made certain skills like data stewards, data scientists and integration engineers much more mission-critical and thus, harder to find than they used to be. Finally, he says that insurance companies have a difficult time recruiting younger IT talent, since it doesn't have the flashy allure of Silicon Valley start-ups and mobile app development companies. "We want to be to a leading-edge technology business, and a place where innovative ideas are rewarded; we know retaining our existing talent and attracting new talent is at the center of how we're going to do that. I was looking at a great team who knew how to do their jobs, but they didn't feel they had the agency or the individual buy-in to get their ideas heard.
Mobile App Development: Cost, Time & Process
While thinking of developing a mobile app, the most common question that may pop up in your mind would be about “the development cost”. This is just like a puzzle, especially for those people who never thought about developing a mobile application. For guidance, you can ask about the mobile app development cost to your friends or other people who are experienced in this industry. In most cases, they all will similarly answer you that “it depends”. Of course, the mobile app development cost depends on various factors, including features, complexity, location etc. Apart from cost, there are a lot of other parameters that should be considered in mobile app development.
Big Data and Healthcare
There is an innovative opportunity on the near horizon - the capability to determine potential unfavorable outcomes for patients while they are still in the hospital. By taking the existing data on the patient from as many sources as possible, including lab results, pharmacy history, patient specific data, physician notes, nursing notes, etc. and assembling them into the EMR, then using this data combined with the historical data for this patient and other patients, it is possible to forecast the likelihood of re-admission within 31 days, or of post-discharge infection, or any of several other possible outcomes. Armed with this foreknowledge, the case manager can intervene prior to the discharge of the patient to effectively eliminate or reduce the likelihood of the potentially unfavorable outcome by proper pre-release education or other interventions.
'Cyber Crime Is The Greatest Threat To Every Company In The World'
When speaking at the IBM Security Summit, Rometty was so pumped up on security that she could have been mistaken for a CTO (chief technology officer). She had this to say on IBM’s new security technology: “We announced that more than 1,000 organizations across 16 industries are participating in our X-Force Exchange threat intelligence network. We only launched the network a month ago, so its rapid growth speaks to significant need. And we’re bringing a potent weapon to the fight – a 700 terabyte threat database including two decades of malicious cyberattack data from IBM’s security operations, as well as anonymous threat data from more than 4,000 organizations, which have contributed 300 new collections of data in the last month.”
8 Apps, Gadgets To Keep IT Pros Awake On The Job
Most people think datacenters run on electricity, but, personally, I've found they run on caffeine. Servers and work stations really should dispense coffee, soda, and energy drinks right out of their sides. This is especially an issue during the holidays when vacations leave every IT department short-staffed. IT pros could find themselves doing longer shifts than normal or even covering the night shift for the first time in a long time. To help you stay awake during those long shifts, I've pulled together a list of gadgets, apps, and products to help you stay alert through the days when you wish you were settling in for a long winter's nap.
Q&A with Vasco Duarte on the #NoEstimates Book
In my own experience estimates are rarely needed, and even when needed they just point to another dysfunction that we should be tackling. In this context, eliminating estimates is indeed the goal. But just like Toyota has devised a multiple-level approach to waste (unnecessary waste, and necessary waste), so must we for estimates. Sometimes we must accept estimates, but endeavor to find ways to eliminate that need for estimates. This is possible, and I have helped many teams and organizations totally eliminate the need for estimates. In the later chapters of the book, we follow Carmen – our hero in the #NoEstimates story – as she discovers some of the ways in which you can eliminate estimation waste, and still be able to answer those critical business questions that customers will ask, such as: “will we be able to release this Feature on time?”
Four Big Data Governance Tasks to Prep for the Internet of Things
Distinguishing between useful investments in IoT capabilities and dead-end technologies, can be a tough job for healthcare organizations not entirely equipped to predict the future course of an explosive marketplace, but providers can start to define the scope and direction of short-term investments that will position them for seamless expansion as new needs arise. ... “We have noticed that when it comes to the access of information, our world is completely different today than what it used to be,” explained Amy Hester, PhD(c), BSN, RN, BC, Director of Clinical Informatics and Innovation at the University of Arkansas Medical Center to in January. “Under the old way of doing things, it was possible for a patient’s vital signs to be 8 or 12 hours old by the time they were entered into the record.
Mobile Cloud Computing and its Critical Role in Data Management
The incorporation of mobile technologies is expected to push cloud computing beyond conventional norms. The utility of mobile computing is mostly associated with location, usage, and cost. It will also result in freedom for users to switch between devices with data security in place irrespective of a different device. The aforementioned benefits the computers in our pockets with the increase in number of mobile apps in recent times. Mobile technologies are responsible for growing demands with immediate gratification being the highlight prompting companies to react quickly and strongly.The most pivotal aspect of relationship between mobile and the Cloud is that mobility has increased its boundaries beyond the smartphones and tablets.
Finnish Thingsee builds the future of IOT
“For a short period of time after Nokia began to change, many people were disappointed but it has started to show them a kind of diversity in the hundreds of startups that are being founded,” says Yllasjarvi, noting that his team members are 90% ex-Nokia employees. “It is remarkable how after only a few years from the shift at Nokia, we’ve seen the birth of hundreds of new companies. Lots of foreign companies have come here and set up operations. Instead of one big company employing lots of people, there is increased diversity that is helping to rebuild the economy and make it stronger over the long run. It’s less vulnerable to changes and it brings new growth when the startups succeed and achieve their goal, bringing up the whole of Finland,” he asserts.
Home Automation using Raspberry Pi 2 and Windows 10 IoT
In today's era, technology can enhance human life. Technology is evolving decade by decade. Automation was a science fiction earlier but not today. By combining latest technology with home, we can build an awesome home. With the Raspberry Pi and Windows 10, we can build a home automation system that is capable of operating home devices automatically. ... A Raspberry Pi 2 will serve as a master device. For each room, want to automate, an Arduino UNO is needed. Arduino UNO will act as a secondary controller, which takes command from the Raspberry Pi 2 and operates specific device. Here, Raspberry Pi 2 and all Arduino UNOs are connected together on a I2C bus. All Arduino UNOs act as slaves. Each Arduino UNO have unique I2C slave address on the bus.
Quote for the day:
"Employers are like horses — they require management.” -- P.G. Wodehouse
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