March 29, 2016

How mobile browser is making a comeback and challenging apps

India has 1 billion mobile phone users. Almost 90 per cent users have a phone that costs below Rs 8,000. These have low memory and slow processors. But most apps are heavy—more than 5 MB and often exceeding 8 MB. Some of the furniture apps are 30 MB in size. Computing resources to download and run apps is limited on low end phones. Top end phones that can accommodate these apps cost a bomb. Browsers have no such problems. They offer content and functionalities across categories. ... "The cost of developing a browser site is one-third of an app. Besides, chance of an app malfunctioning or crashing is higher than that of a mobile site."

Invokedynamic - Java’s Secret Weapon

The features main goal was to create a bytecode to handle a new type of method dispatch - that essentially allows application-level code to determine which method a call will execute, and to do so only when the call is about to execute. This allows language and framework writers to support much more dynamic programming styles than the Java platform previously provided. The intent is that user code determines dispatch at runtime using the method handles API whilst not suffering the performance penalties and security problems associated with reflection. In fact, the stated aim of invokedynamic is to be as fast as regular method dispatch (invokevirtual) once the feature has matured sufficiently.

How to Review and Test Backup Procedures to Ensure Data Restoration

It’s important to test often enough as well as to test in a quality sort of fashion. But how often is often enough? What is and is not quality testing? “The factors that should affect how often you test backup and restore capabilities fall under Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) and include regulatory constraints, data retention periods / data criticality, risk assessment, policy, audit preparation, and strategic planning,” says Adam Gordon, CSO, New Horizons Computer Learning Centers Of South Florida. Testing frequency realities are another matter as some companies only find out whether backups work when they need them, and the success or failure of the backups and the restore operation in the middle of a crisis is the only test of their adequacy. This is certainly not often enough.

Banks and fintech firms can and must collaborate

"We recognise API as an unstoppable force," Mr Mohanty, a former Citibank banker, said. “There's no other way to do innovation. If (banks) don't do it, I don't know how they will survive.” He added that countries such as the United Kingdom and Japan have mapped out policies in relation to API, and the MAS is keen to “partner with industry players to make it work” in Singapore. However, Mr Mohanty noted that there’s a gap in terms of how much regulation can drive change, and businesses will ultimately have to take the lead. Ong Whee Teck, partner of Technology Consulting at PricewaterhouseCoopers, agreed: "The days are here to collaborate, otherwise fintech is here to eat your lunch. Change will require a grassroots-style uprising."

For IT, climate change means preparing for disaster

Interest in disaster recovery planning increased after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but "many pulled back because of the cost of maintaining two centers," and paying for idle equipment, said Phil Goodwin, a research director at IDC. Cloud-based services are changing that. The fastest growing segment of disaster recovery is "disaster recovery as a service," said Goodwin. There may be 150 or more firms providing disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS). Taco, Inc., an HVAC manufacturing company in Rhode Island, maintains servers in a back-up facility run by a disaster services provider. But by the end of this year, the company hopes to complete a move to a disaster recovery as a service provider.

Benefits and Risks of Knowledge Process Outsourcing

If you are a business owner, you already know that there is no endeavour without risk. Risk is omnipresent. It needs to be identified, assessed and mitigated with a proper plan always. The risks of KPO entail key talent retention. Internal information could get lost if KPO staff is working remotely. The service providing individual might not match the company culture or there are communication difficulties. KPO is usually very time-consuming and there is often no immediate result. Depending on the nature of your business there might be more or less risks involved in working with a KPO company, but these risks are very transparent, they can be accounted for and there can be an operational design, which allows for an efficient cooperation for the benefit of all involved parties and individuals.

Linux at 25: Why It Flourished While Others Fizzled

It’s all the more remarkable, then, that Linux, which celebrates its 25th birthday later this year, has so profoundly challenged the norms of software development. It showed programmers everywhere that a different world was possible—a world where they could share code openly, collaborate informally, and make a decent living, even if they gave away the chief product of their labor for free. The advantages of working this way have since become obvious to even the most hard-headed of business leaders, with most large software-development companies now sharing at least some of the fruits of their programmers’ efforts openly. How did Linux end up producing such radical change? And why did other free-software activists’ attempts to build bigger and seemingly better systems than Linux fail to achieve as much momentum?

Autonomic platforms

Over time, IT departments became saddled with manual processes, cumbersome one-size-fits-all software development lifecycle (SDLC) methodologies. Or they developed “over-the-wall engineering” mind-sets in which individuals fulfill their own obligations with little understanding or concern about the needs of downstream teams. This operational baggage has fueled tension between IT’s development group, which pushes for speed and experimentation with new features and tools, and its operations organization, which prizes stability, performance, and predictable maintenance. To combat organizational inefficiency as well as any discord that has arisen among various parts of the IT value chain, many organizations are implementing DevOps a new way of organizing and focusing various teams.

Petya Ransomware Overwrites MBRs, Locking Users Out of Their Computers

It's hard enough for non-technical users to deal with ransomware infections: understanding public-key cryptography, connecting to the Tor anonymity network and paying with Bitcoin cryptocurrency. A new malicious program now makes it even more difficult by completely locking victims out of their computers. The new Petya ransomware overwrites the master boot record (MBR) of the affected PCs, leaving their operating systems in an unbootable state, researchers from antivirus firm Trend Micro said in a blog post. The MBR is the code stored in the first sectors of a hard disk drive. It contains information about the disk's partitions and launches the operating system's boot loader. Without a proper MBR, the computer doesn't know which partitions contain an OS and how to start it.

High Load Trading Transaction Processing with Reveno CQRS/Event Sourcing Framework

Reveno is a new JVM based lock-free transaction processing framework based on CQRS and event-sourcing patterns. Although it’s a simple and powerful tool it does not compromise on performance. All transactions are persisted to read-only journals, and the latest state of the domain model can be restored by simply replaying these events in sequence. All runtime operations are performed in-memory so throughput can reach an order of millions of transactions per second, and mean latency in the order of microseconds. But with all of this power Reveno is still a general purpose framework, as it covers a variety of use cases with rich sets of engine configurations. For example, you can vary the durability configuration, from very relaxed

Quote for the day:

"A single day is enough to make us a little larger or, another time, a little smaller." -- Paul Klee

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