July 06, 2014

Focussed topic: Service Oriented Architecture

Service Oriented Architecture: SOA
Services are a group of methods that contain the business logic to connect a DB or other services. Methods have clearly defined and published methods for use by the clients as a black box. So what is a black box? It's nothing but a system or an object that can be viewed in terms of its input, output and transfer characteristics without knowledge of its internal workings. Across the platforms these methods can be accessed, no matter what your client developing a UI in C# or Java or any latest technology. It decouples the business services from the technical services, in other words the service methods having the business logic is not coupled with the specific programming language, both will react independently.

Integrated Load Test Analysis
What makes the integrated approach to load testing critical to those of us who have only had access to the external, Web Load Test data in the past is that we can immediately draw correlations between events inside the datacenter and the performance effects we are capturing outside the firewall. By integrating a few key Web Load Test metrics (Average Response Time, Transactions per Minute, and Total VUs) with select PureStack metrics (Number of Confluence Requests in the last 10 seconds and CPU percentages), the team was quickly able to have in-depth information available to them throughout the load test. Finding this high load job was a bonus of the load test, which clearly pointed out that the system was undersized for the load that the Portal team was expecting.

How SMAC is empowering Business Process Management
When it comes to improving processes, visibility is one of the most important attributes of a platform. Most of the commercial BPM products now provide complete process visibility with real-time analytics to help business users quickly and easily make changes to processes. The built-in dashboards make it easier to recognize performance issues in real-time and take corrective actions when needed. In order to operationalize insights from big data, or apply contextual information from mobile engagements, business processes must be redesigned to apply those insights.

Service Oriented Architecture Quality Evaluation
This paper presents a semi-automated method for evaluating SOAs called SOAQE, correcting defects observed so far with existing methods such as lacks of pertinence and accuracy for evaluation results. SOAQE takes as a starting point the McCall model, describing software quality, which led to an international standard for the evaluation of software quality (ISO/IEC 9126-1, 2001). This model is organized around three types of quality attributes (factors, criteria and metrics). The SOAQE method consists in decomposing the whole architecture and evaluating it according to the McCall model, i.e. a list of quality factors arising from business needs grouping criteria composed by metrics

An Event-Driven Service-Oriented Architecture Model For Enterprise Applications
Enterprise Applications are difficult to implement and maintain because they require a monolith of code to incorporate required business processes. Service-oriented architecture is one solution, but challenges of dependency and software complexity remain. We propose Event-Driven Service-Oriented Architecture, which combines the benefits of component-based software development, event-driven architecture, and SOA.

The Open Group Open Platform 3.0™ Starts to Take Shape
The Open Platform 3.0 standard will have other common artifacts: architectural principles, stakeholder definitions and descriptions, and so on. Independently-developed architectures that use them can be integrated more easily. Enterprises develop their architectures independently, but engage with other enterprises in business ecosystems that require shared solutions. Increasingly, business relationships are dynamic, and there is no time to develop an agreed ecosystem architecture from scratch. Use of the same architecture platform, with a common architecture environment including elements such as principles, stakeholder concerns, and basic models, enables the enterprise architectures to be integrated, and shared solutions to be developed quickly.

Why Obama Administration Should Have Paid More Attention to Load Testing
It seems like those responsible for deploying the site didn't really appreciate the importance of load testing, which is especially surprising when you consider that the website had in fact failed a pre-launch load test miserably. Of course, politics came into play as the deadline for the website was non-negotiable. But with all the red flags warning of failure, load testing should have played a much more critical role ... big issue with HealthCare.gov was that the contractors claimed they didn't have enough time and felt extreme pressure to roll out the website before it was properly tested. If load testing occurred earlier in the website development phase, testers would have been able to identify the parts of the website that were not working properly.

Building and Testing a Microservice in a Service-Oriented Architecture
The microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. ... One of the advantages of architecting your application in this style is that Microservices aren’t tied to a particular technology stack. This gave us the flexibility to choose technologies instead of defaulting to a technology that may or may not make sense.

Burn-Down or Burn-Out? How to Beat the Red-Sprint Agile Anti-Pattern
One of the key and often much underestimated benefits of working in agile teams, whether working on products or projects, is the idea of sustainable pace. Sustainable pace makes sure that the team retains its cool even under time pressure, which is common in software development. Those of you who have been part of agile teams will have noticed that achieving sustainable pace is not always easy. Either project management is chasing unrealistic estimates or is trying to prevent overruns or management expects ever-increasing productivity to meet a shorter time-to-market for their products.

Privacy vs personalization: The risks and rewards of engineered serendipity
“The notion of ‘designing for serendipity’ is an oxymoron because once we try to ‘engineer’ it into a system, users may no longer perceive the experience as serendipitous,” says Dr. Stephann Makri, a lecturer in Information Interaction at City University in London. “Designers of interactive systems shouldn’t try to offer serendipity on a plate. Instead, they should design tools that create opportunities for users to have experiences they might perceive as serendipitous.” Nonetheless this reworked notion of serendipity is here to stay on the web. With the rise of machine learning, a growing number of online publishers are using complex algorithms to learn from readers’ viewing habits and provide people with what they want to know before they know they want it.

Quote for the day:

"If you're not occasionally failing, you're not trying hard enough" -- Arthur Sulzberger Jr

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