July 18, 2014

IT Career Advice: How To Sell
Nothing could be further from the truth. Consider the CIO who needs to sell the board of directors on funding for a critical strategic technology initiative. The CIO must explain why this initiative is important, anticipate potential objections, and hope to persuade and guide the board to a favorable decision. And that's only a simplistic view. The CIO's initiative will compete for resources with other high-priority investments, and some sponsors of these initiatives may have direct personal ties to certain board members. Competing projects may have been previously promised to shareholders or employees.

Microsoft CEO Lays Out Vision of Cloud Convergence
"We're building out that digital infrastructure that ties together people, their activities, their relationships, to all of the artifacts of their life – be they photos or documents and more. That's what digital work and life experiences mean," Nadella says. "We're going to do the best job of being able to enable dual use," he says. "This entire notion that somehow I buy my device for consumption and personal use, and then I'll give up that device for work and take another device, just doesn't work. We know that. Simply saying even just BYOD is not good enough. We've got to harmonize this dual use."

Hidden Benefit To The ACA: It May Help Bring Science 2.0 To Pass
The volume of data is daunting - so are concerns about interoperability, security and the ability to adapt rapidly to the lessons in the data, writes Dana Gardner at Big Data Journal. That is why Boundaryless Information Flow, Open Platform 3.0 adaptation, and security for the healthcare industry are headline topics for The Open Group’s upcoming event, Enabling Boundaryless Information Flow on July 21 and 22 in Boston, he notes. Solving the issue will take a combination of enterprise architecture, communication and collaboration among healthcare ecosystem players. It's no secret that Collaboration and Participation are the big missing puzzles in the Science 2.0 mission.

Making the Most At-Risk Generation Less Risky
Millennials are the most likely to engage in questionable or risky behavior, and not just in terms of compromising standards. This generation is also particularly open and transparent on social media tools, making them more likely to share information about work experiences, both positive and negative, with others in their social networks. This behavior could create significant reputational risk, and today’s directors don’t want their dirty laundry aired worldwide. Millennials are also the most likely to keep copies of confidential company documents, which, if shared outside the company, could get into the hands of competitors.

Drilling into Network Disruptions
When Swedish communications services provider TDC needed network infrastructure improvements from their disparate networks across several Nordic countries, they needed both simplicity in execution and agility in performance. Our next innovation case study interview therefore highlights how TDC in Stockholm found ways to better determine root causes to any network disruption, and conduct deep inspection of the traffic to best manage their service-level agreements (SLAs). BriefingsDirect had an opportunity to learn first-hand how over 50,000 devices can be monitored and managed across a state-of-the-art network when we interviewed Lars Niklasson, the Senior Consultant at TDC.

Design Thinking and the Transformation of Hyatt’s Culture
To get out in front, Hyatt went back to school. The company connected with the Design School (d.school) at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, and started using human-centered innovation concepts to create change within the organization. Hyatt leaders began by asking themselves, “Why do we need to change, what is the platform for change and why is it necessary?” and then used Stanford’s design innovation to help transform their culture. Hyatt’s management began with engagement surveys, listening to their employees and understanding what mattered to them.

5 Reasons Going Paperless Won't Work
Technologists have been striving to go paperless for at least 30 years, but it still hasn't happened. (The idea sounded good on paper.) The reality is that, for most organizations, there are multiple places in their workflow where the analog meets the digital, and where technology still hasn't been able to replace important legacy processes. Instead of throwing out legacy processes that are working, however, organizations would be wise to look to new solutions that include paper as an option in their digital workflows, embracing the old while ushering in the new. Here's why:

Intel experiments with mindfulness to combat digital overload
A handful of employees at Intel Corp. is taking statistics like these to heart. Two years ago, they rolled out a program to help colleagues manage the digital barrage that is part and parcel of every workday: hundreds upon hundreds of emails per day, instant messages that must be attended to. Nowhere in the Intel program, however, are there any lessons in improving organizational or multitasking skills. Instead, Intel's mindful awareness program, as it's called, is designed to develop things like better focus,emotional intelligence and stress management.

No money, no problem: Building a security awareness program on a shoestring budget
Often, executives view security and business as two separate items, and while this point-of-view is changing, it takes effort to get some executives to commit to security and make it part of the business overall. When this happens, tangible security needs such as license renewals, support and service contracts, firewalls and other appliances all of those are things that executives understand. However, awareness training, to the executives at least, seems like an extended version of general security training, and there just isn't money for something like that. At the same time, there's also a shakeup happening - thanks to a seemingly endless stream of data breaches this year that have placed several large companies in the headlines.

Why '123456' is a great password
Strong passwords would be more likely adopted if people learned to use them only on critical accounts, such as employer websites, online banking and e-commerce sites that store the user's credit card number. To be effective, this group should be small. Websites that hold no sensitive information and would not present a threat if hacked should get the throwaway credentials. ... "Far from optimal outcomes will result if accounts are grouped arbitrarily," the research says. Following the standard advice of choosing and never reusing passwords of eight characters or more that includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters, is "an impossible task as portfolio size grows," the research said.

Quote for the day:

"If you define your company by how you differ from the competition, you're probably in trouble" -- Omar Hamoui

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