May 19, 2013

How a Scrum Master Can Handle Impediments with a Team
The expectations and collaboration between the scrum master and the team are important to make impediments work. Impediments are handled in different ways, a look at how some scrum masters do it. In the blog post, Gunther Verheyen discusses the role of the scrum master with respect to impediments. Starting from the scrum guide, he explains that the scrum master is expected to remove impediments, but that doesn't mean that (s)he has to find them:

When was the last time you assessed your coding risk?
Many coding errors that are identified go unreported externally as they are either found very quickly, appear to be an isolated problem for a customer, or do not impact customers in a significant manner. What is most amazing is that many of these events are identified and reported to organisations by customers rather than through internal processes. Therefore, we ask the question.

Enterprise Architecture – Needing Governance and Compliance
Whilst acknowledging that exceptions to strict adherence to Enterprise Principles and Standards may be required, the impact can be managed as part of Governance andCompliance processes. The risks brought to the business by the exceptions, once identified, can be mitigated. A Framework plus Governance plus Compliance are all essential components of an Enterprise Architecture.

How to Lead Great Leaders
As a boss or team leader, you have to lead people every day. It makes life easier when you have established authority and your followers are generally compliant. But someday you may find yourself leading powerful leaders, perhaps for a board meeting, a nonprofit, or even a high-level management team. These focused and dynamic people create completely different challenges for a facilitator.

Don’t be an ‘idea killer’: 10 tips for cultivating creativity
The broader leadership equivalent would be an idea killer, wouldn’t it? An idea killer may be a boss who actively shoots down proposals, or passively lets them languish. It may be be a manager who doesn’t know what it takes to build a culture of effective brainstorming, networking and innovation. So that’s how I danced my way into crafting this list. It’s for leaders who never want to be known as idea killers:

Why Software Product Delivey is not Identical to a Car Delivery?
A well written SoW (Statement of Work) clearly lists down the acceptance criteria, which when met would constitute acceptance of the delivery by the client. For a given requirements, no two vendors would build an identical solution. That's due to the tools, technologies out there for use and the varying intellectual abilities of those involved in building the software.

Azul Systems release Zing Platform Edition for WebSphere Application Server
InfoQ interviewed Azul CEO Scott Sellers about the launch and about Azul Systems. "The Zing PE announcement is special in that we have introduced specific optimizations for WebSphere Application Server (WAS) that make it really easy to deploy Zing in the context of WAS deployments, which are traditionally complex, especially when deployed to multiple instances"

The Postdigital CIO: Transforming Business Through Innovation
Recognizing that businesses can harness these postdigital forces to produce breakthrough innovations that transform the competitive landscape, C-suite executives throughout industry sectors are turning to CIOs to play an increasingly strategic role. What are the possibilities for the CIO’s role in the postdigital era? Two examples illustrate the potential that some organizations have already captured.

JavaScript Design Patterns - The Revealing Module Pattern
Addy Osmani describes the Revealing Module pattern as: "The Revealing Module pattern came about as [Christian] Heilmann was frustrated with the fact that he had to repeat the name of the main object when he wanted to call one public method from another or access public variables. He also disliked the Module pattern's requirement of having to switch to object literal notation for the things he wished to make public"

ESB Persists As Application Integration Tool
ESB has entered yet another transitional phase. Jason Bloomberg, president of ZapThink, a Dovel Technologies company, says there's a lot of noise in the market for and against ESBs. "It's a little hard to cut through and find out what's really going on," Bloomberg says. "Customers are generally confused about the whole thing."

Quote for the day:

"Have no fear of perfection--you'll never reach it." -- Salvador Dali

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